House Witch

Chapter 892 891 Lucifer’s shock

Dorothy had a blast in one breath. After her hands became slightly sore, she wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead and thought about taking a rest before continuing to bang her buttocks.

However, during this break, she noticed the eyes on her. The otaku witch raised her head stiffly and saw that everyone was looking at her. Even her father, who had been protecting her, had complicated eyes. .

Well, why is this kid so brave? Since when is educating children not education? Are you educating them in front of the devil?

Mr. Brave feels that the arrogant Demon God may not be as arrogant as his own daughter. Otherwise, how could she have the courage not to take Lucifer's pressure seriously?

In response to this, Dorothy scratched her head. She couldn't say that all her courage was given by her good sister.

She just thought that since she was about to overturn the table, it would be useless if she didn't beat him. When she went back and faced the real devil, she wouldn't have the chance to bang her butt to vent her anger, so she might as well just have fun at the end.

This is the devil's butt. How can anyone refuse such temptation?

Dorothy lowered her head and glanced at Artie. She saw that her eyes were full of tears, but her face was very rosy. Her moist eyes were like a pool of spring water. The devil girl's buttocks, which were already straight, were now erect again. Several degrees.

It's slightly swollen.

In response to this, the house witch was slightly stunned. After all, when the two met and fought for the first time, she already knew Adi's terrifying defense. She had to use a lot of effort to break through the defense. Why now? But is it so easy?

Well, it's quite magical that a terminator with steel and iron bones suddenly turned into a little sister in the water.

"Teacher, are your hands tired? How about I help you replenish your energy?"

In order to better feel the teacher's love, and for fear that the teacher's spanking would hurt her hand, the Demon King girl who had secretly "stripped off" her armor asked so thoughtfully.

As she spoke, she was actually preparing to throw a pink magic ball. This is the succubus's unique magic - energy replenishment. As for the effect, you all know how to nourish yin and strengthen yang.

Dorothy: "."

The otaku witch was also shocked by this guy's shamelessness, so I worked hard here for a long time to massage you, right?

Dorothy then remembered that this guy was a succubus, and she immediately screamed inwardly that she was unlucky. Having fought against Madeleine several times, she naturally knew that succubi have the talent to turn pain into pleasure. .


He is shameless and invincible, and the house witch has nothing to do with this naughty kid who refuses to eat anything. She can only kick this guy to the side angrily, then look to the side and still hasn't taken it back yet, she can't help but open her mouth. Chin of Lucifer.

"Lord Lucifer, I just made you laugh. Thank you for forgiving this guy once."

Although she had decided to raise the table, Dorothy was not the kind of unreasonable person. She still expressed her gratitude to the arrogant devil first. After all, he had just punished Artie just because of her words. The sacrifice that had been taken over was returned.

Seeing this, the King of Fallen Angels came back to his senses.

He really wanted to say that you're welcome, after all, he said it as if he was really capable of accepting the Demon King's sacrifice.

The future Demon King is much stronger than him. It is the great being closest to omniscience, and for such a being, the timeline is meaningless.

Even if the Demon King's control of the timeline is not as sophisticated as that of the Demon God with the power of [time and space], it is still enough.

He did hold the Demon King girl at this point in his hand just now, but once he really wants to do anything to the Demon King at this point in time, then what he will face at the next moment is the peak of more than 30,000 years later. The Queen of Witches.

Otherwise, why do you think the threshold requirement for the Witch Sage level is the power of time and space? Only by controlling the power of time and space can one achieve "one permanent certification" and truly have almost no weaknesses.

The strong ones above the sages basically have no "weak period", so don't think about using any means of traveling back to the past to beat you as a baby against these beings. The mouth is a wise blow for time visitors like you.

Well, almost no one can change their growth history unless the strong ones are willing to do so.

This is especially true for this strange world with only one world line starting from "the day the meteorite fell".

Therefore, although it seemed that He had obtained the "sacrifice" just now, in fact, the Demon King girl in his hand was a hot potato. You could only look at it but not eat it, otherwise it would be so hot that your mouth would be soaked.

Therefore, He let go so generously, which is not something worthy of gratitude.

Of course, it is definitely impossible for Lucifer to explain this kind of thing. After all, what he, the arrogant devil, cares about most is his face. Well, it is really detrimental to his majesty to say such things that he throws out because he can't eat them.

The King of Fallen Angels just looked at the witch in front of him with some surprise. Speaking of which, he helped reincarnate this child. Her birth was a combination of his power and the bones and blood of Adam and Eve. All three were indispensable.

Therefore, this is actually his daughter. She is the daughter of time and space. This can be seen from the blessing of the powerful power of time and space in this child.

That is the power that comes from the same source as His [time and space] power.

Well, let’s not put gold on ourselves. In fact, that favor is not what He wants to give. He is not so generous and is willing to sacrifice his essence to bless a child.

Simply because He presided over the reincarnation of your child, so a trace of your own power inevitably followed her into the mother's womb. Normally, this ray of power is only enough to give this child good time and space talents. .

But unfortunately, this unique soul taken out from the meteorite of that year is too difficult to guess using common sense.

The trace of power he left behind was directly cracked by the other party in his mother's womb, and then directly pirated and imitated. This is why he has such a strong blessing of time and space.

Lucifer himself feels very uncomfortable about this. How should I describe this feeling? It's like you are the only one who can open the door of your house, but suddenly someone takes a look at your key and then returns I made a spare key out of thin air, and it really looks like it can open your door.

The power of [Time and Space] no longer belongs to Him alone, just like Gabriel's [Destiny] now has three keys (God King and Sophilia).

In short, whether Lucifer is willing or not, he can only hold his nose and recognize this "goddaughter".

After all, for beings like them, the inheritance of power is more important than the inheritance of blood. You can give birth to countless children, but it is not easy to find an heir who can truly pass on your mantle.

This is also the reason why the relationship between master and disciple in the extraordinary world is even closer than that between father and son.

Of course, in fact, his better choice is to kill the thief directly and then recover the spare key, so that he can regain exclusive control of [time and space].

But, take a look at the luxurious guardian group behind them.

The King of Fallen Angels could only express that he was more than willing but not strong enough.

Well, if given another chance, He.

Well, He will still reincarnate this child. There is no way. His pride does not allow Him to break his promise. Who made Adam win the bet with his true ability?

He, Lucifer, can lose, but he can never afford to lose.

It can only be said that Adam is worthy of being a destined perfect man, the savior of destiny. Even though his vitality was severely damaged by that meteorite, all his strength could not be saved. He could directly return to his original shape and start all over again, but it was still not that good. Provoked. (Because it was created all the way from the future to the past, it is true that even the permanent certificate has been destroyed and can only be rebuilt.)

He shouldn't have arrogantly opened the champagne at half-time and made that bad bet. It would have been better to run away with the meteorite in his arms early.

Unfortunately, facing the ability of the strange meteorite to directly anchor the nodes of time and space, even as the controller of [time and space] authority, I did not regret taking the medicine.

Just as there was nothing he could do against the Demon King at this point in time, there was even more nothing he could do against the falling star soul that he couldn't even understand.

Since the "day the meteor fell", when that weird single world line began to grow, everything that has grown has become an established fact that even he, the devil of time and space, cannot change.

If there is anyone in this world who can take the medicine of regret and change history, then it is probably the pillar of this weird world line itself.

Well, that is the born saint in front of me.

Lucifer has been observing endless time and space for so long. Naturally, he did not waste his time in vain. He finally researched something.

He discovered that the "old days" that originally had infinite time and space were not actually the real world.

To be more precise, it is actually more like an egg or soil, just the nutrients and hotbed needed for the birth of a real new world.

At the beginning of creation, this "egg" was born. At the end of the world, this "egg" was hatched. The Ark of Salvation controlled by the Giant of Light was what was conceived in the egg. They are about to The new world created is the real world.

The real world should not have endless time and space, it should have such eternal stability and immovable stability.

And just as the foundation stones and pillars must be laid if a house is to be stable, the foundation stones and pillars of a truly new world must exist.

But that's something only gods can do.

Therefore, the existence of the "old days" is only to support the birth of the god, and then the true god will step on the ruins of the old days to create a real world with an infinite future.

The destiny line of the true god will turn into an extremely thick trunk, on which the fate of all living beings depends, and turn into endless branches and leaves, which will form the crown of the tree.

If the true God exists forever, then the tree trunk will always firmly support and support all living beings, lifting the crown of all living beings towards the infinite and unobservable future.

Therefore, the giant of light who drove the ark should have become the true god who broke out of his shell.

But it is a pity that this poor local true god was just about to break out of his shell when he was knocked back into the egg by this extraterrestrial meteorite and was conceived again.

Normally, such an egg that is broken from the outside will definitely become a dead egg, but the amazing thing is that although the power of the meteorite mixed the egg white and yolk into a mess, it somehow managed to survive. The activity of this egg.

Since "the day the meteorite fell", the world in the egg has been broken, but it has also become complete at the same time.

It is no longer just "eggs" or "soil", but has become a real world.

Although for now, the main trunk of this world tree is not stable at all, it doesn't matter if it is not stable. He can also patch it up and provide support.

The many destructive elements that should have become the sacrifices and nourishment for the birth of the new god in the egg world were fished out of the tragic fate one by one by this alien soul, and the destructive elements that broke the fate became this alien soul. The support of the soul of the world.

Thus, there was a strange scene of the twelve-winged angels guarding the roots of the tree, and the dark dragon supporting the trunk.

Although this "dove occupying the magpie's nest" World Tree has grown in some strange shapes and crooked ways, it has always stood firm due to these strong supports.

Well, have you ever seen a strange tree with branches that grow downward and support the trunk?

Canopy upside down? Can it still be called a tree crown? That's obviously the root of the tree.

For other big trees, the thicker the trunk, the taller it grows. This is better for Him. The trunk grows according to the circumstances. Anyway, the branches will lift Him to the sky.

Although it grows slowly, it is better to grow steadily.

Other big trees may be crushed by an overly dense crown, but the denser the "canopy" that grows in the opposite direction, the more stable its lonely trunk will be.

There is no tree here. This is clearly a mountain that is rising.

Lucifer thought it was quite interesting anyway.

Although he is actually more optimistic about the giant of light who was supposed to become the real god, and looks forward to his recovery, but looking at it now, it seems that this crooked tree also has a certain possibility.

No wonder the Demon King is so shameless that he wants to graft himself onto it.

Well, if she is unwilling to change the growth history of the Demon King, no one else can forcefully change it.

But what if she is willing to cooperate with the change?

Coupled with the soul of the saint, the only regret medicine, the grafting plan can indeed be successful in theory.

What is grafting? It is nothing more than manually inserting foreign branches into the trunk and maintaining their activity.

So in other words, people who had no causal relationship with this saint went back to the past and were recognized by the saint, "shaked hands" with each other, and established a "bond", and then the grafting was naturally successful.

However, Lucifer understands all the principles. The only thing the fallen angels don’t understand is the way the Demon King gets recognition. Are you thinking of getting recognition by being blackmailed?

Lucifer really wanted to complain.

But what made him unable to complain the most was that this thing actually succeeded. In his observation, the black shadow that had always been lingering on the weird world line had begun to really merge into the canopy.

This is outrageous.

The devil was surprised.

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