How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1394 New World


When the fireworks bloom in the sky, it also means the completion of this new commercial street.

Oriental Food Street has a very uncreative name, but it is destined to become the most famous food destination in the world.

"Thank you for your support. The shops here are all about the local taste from Dongguo. The shop opens today and offers half price. If you fill out a questionnaire after eating, you can get another discount."

"Hometown Cuisine. Kaifeng Cuisine", "Hometown Cuisine. Wanjing Roast Duck" and other subtle names and signboards appear on the streets here.

Official promises to Lu Pingan began to be fulfilled, and the first batch of stores of these chain stores affiliated to the National Grain Group were opened in Lu Pingan's territory.

"Hurry up and make statistics."

Lu Ping'an himself also participated in the ribbon-cutting, not because he was really free, but because he wanted to advertise himself to promote these stores.

He ate all the way "with great interest" and chatted with the store managers to take photos. Soon, these photos would appear in chain stores in other areas.

Advertising is one aspect. Proclaiming "this is the industry I protect" is the key. In this world, the threat from the powerful is real. They may really refuse to give me face because of "You dare to eat the king's meal!" He has traveled thousands of miles to hunt him down.

"Sure enough, the effect is quite average."

This time, Lu Pingan ate quite happily. It was the first time for him to eat many delicacies.

But the fish people and the long-hand tribe don't like this taste prepared for the people of the East. Even those who spread phosphorus have quite subtle expressions.

This is to be expected. After all, differences among various races already exist. Forcing "uniformity" and "everyone is the same" is really uncomfortable.

"Fish people like cooked food and generally hate seafood. Well, they generally can't eat salty food. Is it because they are used to sea water? But they like to eat sweet and spicy food, such as spicy chicken. They like it very much. Too Not even spicy ones, their digestion seems to be poor.”

This is the advantage of the food street. There are many flavors of Dongguo cuisine. If you go out on this street, you might find something that suits your taste.

Contrary to most expectations, fishmen not only dislike raw food, but also hate eating fish. Perhaps it is because the image of fishmen catching fish naked in the sea and then eating them raw is too deeply rooted in people's hearts, giving everyone a stereotype. From the survey According to the results of the questionnaire, their favorite food is fruit dishes, followed by well-cooked meat.

"On a ten-point scale, our store probably scores between 1 and 6. Overall, it's quite pessimistic."

This was completely an expected development, but it still made the master chefs a little frustrated. The customers really didn't understand and didn't like to eat the delicacies they carefully prepared.

"Come on, everyone, I believe that with your abilities, you can abandon your past experience and quickly come up with products that meet the needs of the new market."

Mr. Lu is very optimistic. The level of these chefs is all up to par. All of them are senior chefs with Chinese characters. Their mission is to constantly study the appetites of local people and come up with new signature dishes suitable for promotion by various chain stores.

In this process, it is not only the dishes and the diners that need to be reconciled, but also the food materials and the dishes. It is impossible for the world to constantly airlift materials from hometowns, localization is inevitable, and local species must also be alienated here. Various tastes, nutrients, and safety require constant preparation.

But Lu Ping'an is confident because he has confidence in these high-quality talents (many of whom are professional chefs). The master chefs who can be dispatched with high salaries by Dongguo's large companies are all those that Lu himself cannot recruit on weekdays. Talent.

In terms of taste, ingredients, safety and nutrition, some of them may return to their hometown, but before leaving, they will try their best to standardize the regular dishes of each chain store.

"The tastes of various ethnic groups are very different, and the food intake is also very different. The taste of the Changshou tribe is very light, but they attach great importance to the appearance of food, especially the color. I suspect that their olfactory perception ability is really good in their eyes. Tasted by ‘seeing’.”

"Now it seems that a standard process cannot solve the problem at all. We must tailor the packages according to race."

"The fishman barbecue set meal? The long-hand tribe's steamed rice set meal? Isn't this a bit racially charged?"

"No, we are not the Citi Federation. Besides, the differences between humans on earth are really not big, but we are indeed different species in front of us. The difference lies here, and they are two different things."

After listening to the meeting between the master master and the manager in charge, Lu Ping'an left.

Leave professional matters to professionals. Now that the other party's level has been determined, Lu Ping'an will naturally not interfere. He just sent the chef from his hometown restaurant and the chef class from the Redemption to let him learn on the way. Also improve your own food and business.

"Next stop, garment factory."

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are basic necessities and are indispensable resources for most living things. The first batch of investments in Dongguo are mostly based on this aspect.

When Lu Ping'an first arrived at the "Fashion Street", he knew there was no need to go in.

All kinds of ready-made clothes, the way the women of the Changshou tribe happily wear their cotton-padded jackets as vests is too funny, and the way the fishmen wear a pair of trousers as a skirt is too eye-catching.

Obviously, the first batch of ready-to-wear products are just for fun and require professional adjustments by the masters.

But judging from the overjoyed expressions of the locals who came out here, the market in this area is much better than the food.

Lu Ping'an thought about it and almost guessed the reason.

The locals in front of them were wearing strange clothes, but they were basically dressed correctly. There was no stupid behavior of putting socks on their hands and underwear on their heads. They saw these clothes at the "human master".

Aesthetics is actually a relative concept. It must be admitted that the higher status of humans in this world has indeed distorted the local aesthetics, making these ordinary and ill-fitting clothes sell quite well.

"Next stop"

Lu Ping'an shook his head. These things can only be left to nature.


It was expected that the first batch of local machinery industries was also the shipbuilding industry, but it has not yet opened here. Various machines brought from the local area are still smoking, and they still need to adapt to the local environment and deployment.

The shipbuilding masters from the ancient city are here to instruct the work, and the local engineers are also involved. With their first-mover advantage, they can save the new shipyard many years of technical accumulation.

Looking at the busy factory area, Lu Ping'an did not make trouble.

He just walked along silently, watching the various "investments" land and watching his new home slowly rise.

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