How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1393 Commercial City

"Since we don't have any objections, let's just settle it."

The familiar conference room in the courtyard still contains those "shareholders".

Lu Ping'an announced the matters related to "Ascension to God", which made other people stunned.

"What's going on? Everyone has barely reached the rules level, and you are considering becoming a god?"

"What the hell is going on with the gods?"

"Meow? The meeting is over, meow. Is it time to eat, meow?"

Except for a certain guy who was out of shape from beginning to end, at least most people were frightened by the news about Guan Xinxian.

And Mr. Lu did not hide anything. He had clearly stated the ins and outs and various gains and losses.

"Generally speaking, we need to increase investment and bind our interests to a deeper level in this world."

After finalizing the strategic goal of ascending to the gods, we need to do all kinds of work and make additional investments. Lu Ping An is no longer alone, and a team cannot just play around based on personal will.

As a holder of "fair trade" rules, Lu Pingan has always felt that if he wants to go all the way, in addition to normal personal relationships such as friendship and alliance, "common interests" are the foundation and "common ideals" are the pursuit.

If Guan Xinxian's idea of ​​becoming a god is to be realized, the matter itself must bring sufficient benefits to the team and members.

"After increasing investment, we may need to operate in this world for a long time. Unlike the previous hosting of Green Planet, the amount of benefits we can obtain depends entirely on our own operations, which also means the expansion of our organization."

This time, two "newcomers" were invited to the internal shareholders' meeting.

"Hello everyone, long time no see. In short, there will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future. Please look at those who are in the same boat and be more friendly and tolerant towards this troubled world and the Changshou Clan."

Lu Ping'an's disciple, the general marshal of the Salvation Army, Lu Lu sat here generously.

"It seems that I have become a triple agent. Forget it. No matter. Soon there will be a large number of phosphorus spreaders and phosphorus spreaders in this world. I will try to contact them. Considering my reputation and bloodline, I should be able to mix. Not bad.”

Wang Xi'er sighed. She didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to get on this ship. As an "ordinary person" who did not pursue power or advancement, she actually had no interest in the courtyard, but when faced with Lu Ping'an's invitation , she seemed to have no way back.

Seeing the two "newcomers" making introductions, Lu Ping'an nodded before speaking.

"The 'shares' of these two are divided by me personally. They will not be with us most of the time, but they still have their own forces and will be our firm allies."

Since he planned to run this place, Lu Pingan naturally began to win over his natural ally Lu Lu, who is the general marshal and powerful force of the Salvation Army. She will occupy an important position in the new native country.

And Wang Xi'er, the "princess", will inevitably become a high-ranking member of the arriving Phosphorus Spreaders (kingdom).

"Our territory is centered around commerce, industry, and agriculture. We don't have too many military forces. On the contrary, the arms business will be our main business."

Two days ago, when Lu Ping'an first arrived, the locals called him "Governor Lu". This was actually not a coincidence.

I don't know who dug this old-era title "Governor" out of the trash can of history. However, because it is too suitable for this era of interstellar navigation, it has gradually become a general term for this kind of "local warlord leader".

As for Lu Ping'an's current situation, he has seven large islands, three-digit small islands, and more than 30 cities (including small towns with a population of several thousand). It is difficult to count the actual territory under his control (there are undersea areas and residents ), but the resident population in Canada is at least one million.

He is the highest authority in this area. Let alone morality and law, his will is the local law and his expectations will be the local morality.

"Reducing the conventional force does not mean that there is no combat capability. On the contrary, the soldiers we train can go to the front line as mercenaries. The Salvation Army and the Phosphorus Spreaders will provide convenience when the time comes."

In a sense, this is also the reason why Lu Ping An chose Lu Lu and Wang Xi'er for deep interest bundling.

The development trend of this world is becoming more and more obvious. The three major local forces are the "Eastern People", the "Phosphorus Spreaders" and the "Aborigines". Under the pressure of external wars, the three parties are destined to cooperate with each other for a long time.

Rather than having problems and getting headaches again, Lu Ping'an hoped to make preparations in advance. Wang Xi'er and Lu Lu had a good relationship with him, and he would spend resources and connections at all costs to help them climb higher in their respective powers.

This is a long-term investment, but Lu Ping An feels it is quite necessary.

"We are always a chamber of commerce. Regular troops may only be maintained up to public security standards, but the quality of war mercenaries cannot be low."

Reducing the armed threat to its neighbors is obviously a good thing for a small, neutral commercial state.

As for whether the local area really has no self-protection force. On this battlefield with gods, "nuclear warheads" will really be thrown out. The existence of Lu Ping'an's high-level combat force group is the greatest security guarantee.

"I told His Excellency Shuichi and Admiral Su Nan that our territory will use products and resources as war taxes."

While Lu Pingping was busy, the world did not stop. On the contrary, with the arrival of reinforcements, many things began to change completely.

The forces of the Linnv Church have finally received the long-awaited reinforcements, but those who spread phosphorus will not fill in the lines as soon as they arrive. They will give priority to occupying land for development.

The rotten situation on the front line has improved significantly, but it is because of the intervention of the East Country officials.

There is a general who came, and there is a strategic staff. They add up to less than 30 people, but they are actually improving the war situation.

The reason is simple. They represent the East Country officials. Since your Linnv Church forces asked the East Country to intervene, the commanders came here, and it is basic to listen to the deployment.

It is also their joining that has greatly alleviated the current situation of each front line sweeping the snow in front of its own door.

Another part, that is, the "Finance/Civil Affairs" department in the rear of the East Country, began to integrate the various spheres of influence of the East Country.

The first thing is to collect "war taxes" from the governor of the safe zone in the rear. While you enjoy security and development space, at least give support to your colleagues on the front line.

In most cases, this "tax" will be sent in the form of mercenaries, slaves, militias and other fill-in babies. After all, human life is the least valuable in this world, and the front line is always short of cannon fodder.

Of course, in name, they are all "famous mercenary groups fighting for their own world". When Lu Pingan heard about it, he almost laughed directly.

But let alone, being able to receive "war taxes" is already a face given to the East Country Command by various separatist forces. If you really want to be serious, it is meaningless. God knows what reasons they will find to refuse taxes at that time. At least the current headquarters has no objection on the surface.

Probably what can be done is to give them basic training and weapons so that they are not really meaningless.

"For the headquarters, it is also hellish to unify this group of scattered sands. Especially when each of them has a nuclear warhead."

The existence of high-level professionals is always a reality. The "loyalty" of these lords is linked to the income they can get from the territory. Now they don't think it's worth fighting for.

While other forces are busy with the explosion of troops or frantically scraping the land, Lu Pingan is adjusting the long-term development plan.

He was not in a hurry to discuss the gods. These things require the support of big forces. At least when the reinforcements arrive and the country of the Salvation Army is established, it can really start.

"We are a commercial city, and our first task is to do logistics. Since there are always people who want to make money from the war, why not us? We are not in a hurry to enrich the country and strengthen the army. Let's enrich the country first."

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