How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1392 Solution

When people live in different regions and time periods, their perspectives and attitudes towards things will naturally be different.

"Ten years?"

Standing on the Ark of Redemption, Lu Ping'an reached out his hand and touched the faint "spark", feeling the joy of the Tree of Redemption, but he had many thoughts in his heart.

For Lu, it has been less than a year since he came to this world. Even if he has seen more suffering, he still has the mentality of passing by and going on a business trip.

And Guan Xinxian and others have been here for almost eleven years. This is probably half of their lives after they have clear three views and self-awareness.

It is not wrong to say that it is a second hometown. Living with the long-handed people day and night, and the other party is highly "Eastern people" in culture, customs and even three views except for appearance. Dongguo has always been a country of cultural identity. For such a completely "naturalized" existence, it is no problem to regard it as half a compatriot.

Guan Xinxian and them, watching the life and death here, watching the extinction of these ethnic groups, watching the life and death, death and even sacrifice of friends over the years, it is difficult to just be a bystander.

".It's a bit of a headache."

Lu Ping'an has asked Mr. Xiuyi, the consciousness of this world has no signs of awakening. To be precise, those quasi-gods and eighth-level gods have been bleeding for the fragments. How can they allow Him to wake up again, not to mention letting go of the fragments of the world that fell into the mortal world.

In fact, we can rest assured for the time being. Even if there are remnants of "personality", it is necessary to connect with the world (extremely difficult) before it is possible to return to heaven.

It can be said that this world really found Brother Guan. His behavior, his compassion, and his determination are the rules needed by this world.

In this world, in the corners that Lu Ping'an did not see, there are too many desperate people who need to be saved, and Guan Xinxian saw it. He cannot refuse the hands extended by those hopeless people. If he gave up, he would not be that Guan Xinxian.

".Is there a way?"

At this time, Lu Ping'an made a decision.

He is the leader of the team and also Guan Xinxian's brother. Since he has agreed to help him ascend to the godhood, he will try his best to get the best result.

The laziness of the past disappeared without a trace, and the eyes that had been squinting all the time also opened completely.

"It's very difficult, very difficult."

This time, it was the big cat who showed difficulty. This was the first time that it was completely beyond her ability and knowledge.

". At his current level, it is impossible to ascend to the godhood. Let alone becoming the god of salvation, even if he is a third-rate concept god, he does not have this accumulation. This is the world forcing the growth of seedlings."

Gods, or the "order kingdom of gods" called gods, are often centered on an intelligent creature and condensed into a "rule package".

Professionals progress layer by layer, starting from a curse, a decree, and a rule, and use multiple rules to build their own "domain". When the rules they control reach a certain level and can be regarded as the truth, they are the supreme who controls the "kingdom of gods".

Gods often float in the universe because they are rejected by the world. In their kingdom of God, the rules they have have the first sovereignty, and this privilege even transcends the natural laws of the world.

Rules fight against chaos, and naturally fight against disordered pollution. To be precise, the so-called "rules" are "supernatural pollution" that is orderly and controlled by will.

When the gods gather enough orderly pollution, they can naturally fight against the rules of the mortal world, and even against the infinite pollution that gradually drags the world into the abyss.

"If he is supported by the world to ascend to God, he will be infused with a lot of rules such as "salvation" and "saving the world" to force him to stay up."

This is the "false fat" that is supported by cramming, and even the muscles are directly injected meat. Not only do you have no ability to control it, but you will even be eroded by it in turn.

"What would happen if this world had a God of Redemption?"

"There would be a bunch of professionals with redemption paths, and a professional rescue church like the Earth's Redemption Hand, but how far he could go would depend on how strong he was as a god. If the 'redemption' priesthood was strong enough, he could even bless anyone who asked for rescue."

The strength of a god also determines the scope of its ability, but for Lu Ping'an and his party, if Guan Xinxian really became the God of Redemption, it should be stretched to its upper limit and become as useful a tool god as possible.

"This is not a good thing."

"Yes, it will definitely be out of control, and it is almost inevitable that it will become a tool god completely."

A seventh-order "control power". To be precise, a seventh-order "existence scale", put into a body of the Kingdom of God above the tenth order, just waiting to become the "CPU" for the normal operation of the body.

"This road is not good."

In Lu Ping'an's view, this road is not only pathetic, but also has no investment value. Yes, when Lu Ping'an included "helping Guan Xinxian ascend to god" in the team's primary project, he also had to get enough profit returns for the team in this matter.

A personal god, a brother becoming a god, just by existing, can give enough investment response, but if the final heaven is just a redemption machine, Lu Pingan cannot convince the team to invest such huge resources and efforts, just to send Guan Xinxian to complete his long-cherished wish to die. In Lu's opinion, losing oneself is equal to death, isn't it?

"Tell me about the knowledge of gods"

This time, Lu Pingan needs to find the best solution, and he needs Big Cat to provide more information.

But in the end, the big cat did not provide enough information and knowledge. So Lu Pingan found Xiuyi and Akul.

He did not intend to hide it. When it comes to ascending to the throne, Lu Pingan does not think it is a private matter.

The ascension of a new god will inevitably involve most of the existence of this world. Even if they do not need their intelligence support, Lu Pingan must get their approval.

The old ginger is spicy. After asking several quasi-gods who seemed to know nothing, Mr. Xiuyi secretly gave Lu Pingan a seemingly feasible "suggestion".

"Compound priesthood? Interesting."

Although most gods succeed in ascending to the throne, they often have a single "world principle", but the more powerful gods are, they often have compound priesthood.

The suggestion given by Mr. Xiuyi is to let them have other "priesthoods" and "world principles", becoming less pure, and even letting multiple rules offset each other. This is similar to the young prince and the strong courtiers. The young king introduces another prime minister to let them fight and check each other, so as to have more initiative.

On the other hand, Guan Xinxian was chosen because of his strong obsession and actions. If he has other obsessions and actions, he may become a pure god of salvation. Gods who are too "purely good" often die the fastest, because they are destined to consume their own power and existence without bottom line, and lack weapons to shock the wolves.

If he is not only the god of salvation, Lu Pingan and his team can also get more strategic rewards. Lu Pingan made a decision quickly.

"The god of revenge, and the guardian god of the long-handed tribe country, maybe, I have to talk to the Savior Army."

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