How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1412 New Country

It is an isolated island in the vast ocean. It was once a prison in history, but now it is recognized as a pearl on the sea.

The City of Light was its earliest name, but with the settlement of more and more ethnic groups and people, and the establishment of artificial islands on the edge, it is now called the Mingxi Islands.

This is not a transliteration, but the text and name of the East Country. This world has been deeply influenced by the culture of the East Country.

Although there are probably 17 ethnic languages ​​​​circulated among the people, the first official language is always the East Country language.

"It's really a beautiful city."

Lu Ping'an stepped on an outer artificial island. His ship had to complete supplies and corrections here, and most of the crew would also spend this period here.

The main island of the Mingxi Islands has long been overcrowded. During the ceremony, entry also requires review and customs inspection. Lu Ping'an plans to go again in two days.

".Isn't this really a holiday beach?"

The large hotel is not far behind, and the beach in front of him is endless. Bikini beauties are playing in the sea, and young waiters are serving beside the crowd.

Children chasing each other on the beach, young people playing volleyball, and old people napping under parasols, each has their own way of playing, but their smiles remain unchanged.

Not far away, there are vendors who are barbecuing. Next to the host, the noisy lights and sound seem to be holding a music festival.

This scene makes Lu Ping'an feel like he is back to his hometown resort.

"This is originally a resort for many wealthy businessmen and lords."

On the beach nearby, Lu Lu, who was also wearing cool clothes, said unhappily while applying sunscreen to herself.

Her appearance here originally had many problems. As a generalissimo and a candidate for the title of supreme military commander, being able to receive foreign guests at this critical time undoubtedly explains everything.

"Tsk, you know how to play."

Lu Ping'an took the watermelon juice from the waiter, took a sip, and then lay back in the lounge chair under the parasol.

He felt that the death fight some time ago was just like a dream. This fight on the front line and vacation in the back was too real, which made him feel really subtle.

What's more subtle is that most of the consumers here are local residents such as the Long-Handed Tribe and the Fishmen. Of course, judging from their dress, they are basically not ordinary people.

"Sorry, private area."

Some people did try to chat up, but they were all blocked by the waiter.

Humans like Lu Moumou have become one of the few Dongguo people who can vacation here so leisurely, and naturally become the object of local wealthy businessmen, officials, and military leaders who want to make friends.

"How is the main island?"

"Do you think I know?"

It is not a good habit to answer a question with a rhetorical question, but Lu Ping'an also determined from the tone that Marshal Lu Lu's situation is indeed not good, and she should have been squeezed out of the core circle.

He smiled and said nothing. If Lu Lu did not pursue the control of the military leaders, she would naturally be fine, but obviously, she did not want to be idle.

"Then, those people from Ms. Lin's church seem to have gone to the main island"

"I know this, it should be said that no one will forget, they are a little"

When answering this, Lu Lu was helpless.

She was in an awkward position of being semi-excluded, but someone took the initiative to tell her that the Dongguo people were "excessive", so there must be a reason.


"Yes, although the etiquette is very comprehensive, can you convince me of that condition, teacher?"

Obviously, what she said should be "dual nationality" and "100 years of tax exemption".

"Five quasi-gods, seventeen eighth-level joint requests, are you sure that I, a seventh-level person, can stop it?"

Lu Pingan smiled and was happy to see that Lu Lu was indeed frustrated. Lu had something to say, he was also a member of the joint, and the name listed was still in the eighth level.

"Teacher!!" Lu Lu was a little anxious, with some pleading in her voice.

"Even Daddy can't do it."


".Be good."

Another round of tug-of-war began again. No matter how Lu Lu asked, Lu Pingan would not agree to help intercede.

At this time, personal likes and dislikes are not important. When the group is fighting for the interests of everyone, if you don't advance and retreat together, you are probably cutting yourself off from your interest group.

This is a bit like the industrial strike organized by trade unions in some countries. Even if you have no opinion on the current position and treatment, you can't jump out to stop the strike unless you plan to change the industry or are ready to enjoy the exclusion and malice of the whole.

And Lu Lu can't give up. She came over and shook hard, trying to shake Lu Ping'an's will.

Others may not know, but Lu Lu knows that her "mentor" is probably one of the very few big bosses who really have "sympathy" for this world.

"By the way, how is the matter of the guardian god?" In the end, Lu Ping'an found an opportunity and changed the subject abruptly.

"It's impossible to negotiate. There are too many gods now. It's impossible to let a quasi-god. Uncle Guan is only at the seventh level now. This matter can't even be put on the table."

"That's right."

Lu Ping'an hopes to add more "rules" to Guan Xinxian's priesthood.

And now the most suitable "anchor" is the identity of the guardian god of the new country or the long-handed tribe.

Since Guan Xinxian will be bound to this world in the short and medium term, Lu Ping'an will naturally strive for the best treatment.

But now, with the competing interests of all parties, many gods are interested in the new country. Under their joint struggle, people like Guan Xinxian can't even get on the table.

"Probably, only by becoming a god first or at least showing a miracle can you have a chance to compete."

The patron saint of the new country is what Lu Ping'an wants to win most. If it is the patron saint of a certain ethnic group, it is also very difficult for Guan Xinxian, who was born in the Dongguo people, to win.

"The fish-man god, maybe you can give it a try."

His "theologians" came up with a very surprising option, but after verification, the success rate is quite high.

The local murloc tribe is actually originated from the defectors of the Octopus tribe. What they fear most is their own family and becoming the slaves of the Octopus again.

And the factors in their bloodline also need to constantly resist the call of the "master". If there is a god who can help them in this regard and resist the temptation of the eight claws, they will naturally gain their faith.

"And if it's disgusting Ba Zhao, Senior Brother Guan probably won't refuse."

Of course, if there is a choice, the patron saint of the Long Hand Clan and the god of the new country's national religion are obviously much better than the fish-men's god of betrayal.

Lu Pingan did not go to the island, but he was actually communicating, understanding, and intervening in this country in his own way. He tried to stay away from the whirlpool, at least not to get too close to the gambling table before placing a bet.

But as he tried to stay away from trouble, trouble found him first.

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