How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1413 Trust

"My entry application was rejected?"

When the news came back, it was not Lu Pingan who was shocked. He was just amused. Instead, Lu Lu's face turned very ugly.

This was not a spanking of Lu Pingan's buttocks. This was clearly a spanking of the Salvation Army's Grand Marshal Lu Lu's face!

The cold breath spread from her surroundings, and the entire beach suddenly fell into silence. Inexplicable panic erupted in every intelligent creature.

Killing, destruction and conquest, the bloody battle flag suddenly rose from the ground, and the sound of killing by the golden swords and iron horses rang in everyone's ears.


At this moment, the clear sky turned into a low-pressing dark cloud.

At that moment, the hearts of all creatures felt the pressure.

Although she has always been a cute girl in front of Lu, it is also because of her special identity in her mind. How could a warrior who has reached the top of the world in just ten years be a pure soft girl?

"Uh, don't be angry, don't be angry, your face is so stinky, what if you scare the children?"

Beside her, the boy who looked younger and younger stood on tiptoe and rubbed his frosty cheek.


Lu Lu looked down at him, with some resentment and unwillingness in her tone.

This time, it was really a pure humiliation to her. Lu and her identity were not a secret at all among the high-level officials.

The current ceremony is imminent, and any high-level official of the East Country can enter the main island, but he refused to enter alone.

Especially when the news was delivered when I was with my master, what else could this be if not a face-to-face humiliation!

If it was me alone, for the benefit of the tribe, I would just endure it, but now, in front of my master

In my clenched fist, a bloody and worn-out military flag seemed to be turning from virtual to real. At this moment, Lu Lu was really angry, ready to not endure it, ready to bleed into a river.

"Don't worry, don't worry, what's yours will be yours sooner or later. Haha, such a rude obstruction shows that they are anxious. Sit down."

It was obviously that his "visa" was rejected, but Lu sat back on the recliner and pulled the "little girl" down.

He still had time to let the frightened waiter go to notify and help with the aftermath.

The extraordinary people above the eighth level can distort the weather with just their will.

What's more, this obviously extraordinary Salvation Army commander really intended to kill someone just now.

The beach was silent, and many people ran away directly. After such a commotion, Lu Ping'an and his party couldn't stay any longer.

After chatting for a few words, they went back to the hotel directly. Some things are indeed not suitable to be discussed in public.

"Don't worry, girl, what's yours will be yours sooner or later."

Pushing the still angry girl back to the chair, Lu Ping'an decided to teach her a lesson.

"Me? Impossible. Several core members of the new military are all against me."

"Heh, doesn't this mean they are wary of you?"

Lu Lu's strengths and weaknesses are the same thing. She was a "slave" saved by humans, a new era nurtured by humans, and the most unsuspecting and closest high-ranking member of the Salvation Army.

She is indeed the most suitable high-ranking member of the Salvation Army to be sent to Earth, but because of this, she is always guarded by those "localists".

Especially, her mission exceeded the expected return. The Earth side not only fully supported the establishment of the local nation, but also attracted the third race, the Salvation People. Within the Salvation Army, her reputation naturally soared. Various videos and documents about the signing of the two races were spread everywhere. Just by showing her face, this "Salvation Army" representative would be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

If it were a normal government agency, it would be natural to help her take the position at this time. But the Salvation Army government that is being formed is not only a war government, but also a collection of countless Salvation Army. Each of their leaders has his own interests and is a warlord in the real sense.

They are willing to integrate, but they are determined that under the current environment, they are unable to resist the pressure from the front line. If they really have to hand over the military power, it is only a matter of time before they rebel.

In the eyes of outsiders like Lu Ping'an, Lu Lu is the most suitable "comprehensive interest representative (comprador)", but in the eyes of other competitors, she is too strong and too "comprador".

"I, I am obviously for the survival of this world and the people"

At this moment, Lu Lu is really wronged.

She has always been loyal to her world and her ethnic group. After so many years of hard battles and life and death encounters, she has only shed blood but not tears. But the frustration at this moment really made her eyes red.

Lu Ping'an also laughed. This world is so ironic. Loyal people are suspected, but in fact, several "Marshals" have already voted for the Lord of the East Country, but have already reserved positions in the new military department.

Lu Lu's "loyalty" and "selflessness" seem too alternative and eye-catching.

It's not a good thing to work hard. The more achievements you make, the more people will miss you. Maybe there are countless rumors now, questioning whether she has reached a private traitorous relationship with humans.

"I, I, I'd better be an ordinary soldier."

At this moment, the girl also sighed, and many resentments disappeared. At this time, even Lu Ping'an had to admire her openness and purity.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is not a suitable "comprador" because she is too loyal.

In the eyes of the local faction, she is too close to outsiders. Even if someone can understand her "loyalty", they will ignore this loyalty for their own interests.

No matter how you look at it, she will naturally be idle when she is suspected by both sides.

Then, there is a reason for her recent treatment.

Next, maybe we should give up some goals and fulfill the duties of a guardian.

"No, your stage has just begun."

Everyone has their own position, but there will always be internal disagreements before the team's position can be determined.

Before the plans for "dual nationality" and "tax-free" were launched, even Lin, the senior management, had a very fierce dispute. Even though there was no shortage of big names in the final joint, the disputes that happened before were hard to get into. .

And during this process, Lu Ping'an was not idle either.

"Lin Nu Church, and the Dongguo official, will fully support you and only support you."

Lu Lu was stunned when she heard Lu Ping'an's decisive words.

It seems that Lu Lu has no temper at all. The price for his full support of the two plans is to determine that Lu Lu must be in charge.

"Why." From certain angles, Lulu knew that she was not a good choice. She always stood on her own planet and on this suffering ethnic group.

Her path has been determined, and what she is holding up is the "flag of salvation." It is impossible for her to betray this path and have a safe journey. She definitely knows all this.

"If you could still play around in this world, you would probably have been eliminated. But with the current situation in this world, we on the Earth side have increased investment in this war and cannot lose. We don't have that much wealth and time, so let's They lost."

Lu Ping An persuaded other big guys for this reason.

I know that each of you has your own interests, and you even have your own agents in the new government, but if this plane war collapses and everyone's investment is lost, is it acceptable?

I will guarantee that she will be the most suitable leader for my disciple.

Can your candidate win? Yes, I can. If you really lose, I will take the blame!

At this moment, Lu Ping'an calmly said some extraordinary words. He seemed to have decided the fate of the entire world with one person.

"Me, my teacher."

At this moment, Lu Lu showed a weak look in front of this master for the first time. She really didn't expect that she was worth everything he risked.

She wiped her face, and then showed a bright smile.

".I will win and I won't let you down."

The girl smiled and promised, but the next moment, she seemed to realize something.

It seems that starting from a certain point in time, the exclusion she suffered increased tenfold, and she even lost the chance to participate in the meeting.

"Wait, so I'm being ostracized."

"Uh, didn't I tell you? They must all know about such a big thing, and they will naturally treat you as a thorn in their side. Well, it seems that I should have informed you earlier so that you could be prepared."


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