How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1415 Chaos

"It's such a joyful celebration that makes people completely forget about the war on the front line."

"I always feel like you're being ambiguous, and I don't need evidence."

Looking at the girl's ambiguous face, Lu Ping'an, as a master, was very calm.

He was actually a little surprised, surprised at the prosperity of this city. The various facilities of the East Country are all available, and there are even special materials from the Octopus and Lava Clan. Lu even saw the cultural products and flesh and blood products of the "Zerg".

The Mingxi Islands have been confirmed to be the capital of the new country, but the prosperity to this extent still exceeded Lu Ping'an's expectations. When he was at the dock on the outer ring island before, he even saw the warships of the Lava Clan and the biochemical vehicles of the big bugs.

Obviously, fighting and talking at the same time, and even secretly making deals with some of the opposite existence, is a common practice in national wars.

Of course, the nominal controllers will not be alien enemies. It seems that some are mixed-race, and some are defectors from other races. The way of survival of these defectors may be to become a bridge for transactions and communication between the two sides.

Intelligence, resources, specialties, and even the lives of some people may become the subject of the transaction. They are suspected by both sides, but they are given important tasks by both sides.

"Isn't the abyss swarm a collective consciousness? There are also defectors?"

In this regard, Lu Ping'an really doesn't know much. He has no interest in insects. To be precise, he lacks interest in that kind of collective consciousness, which violates his "transaction" rules from the beginning.

And such creatures, at his current level, it is difficult to separate them from the consciousness of the cluster. Simply put, he cannot effectively use these materials. The result of many trainers training swarms is that they feed the worms themselves.

Especially the local swarms are basically the result of the abyss bloodline. Cruelty and bloodthirstiness are basic characteristics, and it is too difficult to feed them.

"This has something to do with the "dark history" of the past ten years."

It turned out that the whole world was isolated and accelerated at that time, and naturally, the "cluster consciousness" left in the local area was disconnected from the network.

Under normal circumstances, this is not a big deal. When it is connected again, it will naturally be merged by the powerful party.

"When the world was isolated, the Abyss Zerg that remained on this planet split, some chose to resist the collective consciousness, and some were eventually destroyed."

The Abyss plus the Zerg, no matter how you look at it, are candidates for natural disasters, and are the devourers that transform the world into their own image. But this also means that the "ingredients" are quite mottled.

"The LAN is separated from the Internet. Is it that simple to prepare to set up a server by yourself?"

"Well, I can probably understand what you mean, but it's a little different. Those Abyss Zerg got help from some ancient heroes, and they became a new tribe."

At this point, Lu Ping'an suddenly understood.

He remembered an ancient "hero" he had seen before, that was a former civilization hero stored by the will of this world, and their external structure clearly had the structure of the Zerg.

"By the way, now that you mention it, I seem to remember that those Abyss Zerg were originally ancient tribes that escaped from here. So, they and those ancient Zerg heroes are actually from the same tribe"

With this hint, Lu Ping'an knew how to fill in the blanks for the rest.

Those ancient heroes were resurrected and found that their former tribes had become slaves of the abyss and the will of the group. Naturally, they were very sad. It seemed natural for them to rescue those "departures".

"It is also possible that those heroes were dragged down by the group consciousness."

Lu Ping'an's thoughts were somewhat malicious.

But those insects are destined to be a minority, and they may be the ones who want to fight against their own group the most.

Once they have a free soul, they will naturally not be willing to be bound and enslaved again.

And their special form of existence and source, it is destined that they cannot be trusted by the tribes of this world. No one can guarantee whether they are acting, so it seems that not trusting them from the beginning is the most rational way to deal with it.

Looking at the big insects that seem to be bound in some shops, Lu Ping'an was thoughtful.

The three major enemy tribes, the Octopus and the Abyss Zerg, all have their own traitors. Only the Lava Dwarves, who are still in a complete kingdom, seem to have none.

"No, there must be. Those unlucky guys who stayed in the native land for ten years must have betrayed their own tribe. If the high-level combat forces who stayed on this planet at that time were not stupid, they could have taken in some gray dwarves, even if they provided some intelligence and acted as traitors. At the most basic, they could also provide some technical support."

At this moment, even Lu Ping'an was a little helpless.

From the alien scenery in front of him, he thought of the alien traitors, and the modern war situation where you are in me and I am in you. At the same time, he inevitably doubted.

". I guess many of those guys didn't tell the truth."

The Linnv faction is actually the most powerful faction in the native land, but it is actually a gathering of more than 20 big men above the eighth level.

Everyone has his own goals and power, and no one is really selfless. There is no reason for them to tell others about the things, resources and even aliens they control.

Dongguo was able to push forward the new military leader as the vanguard, and Lu, who took the initiative to stand up now, was also the vanguard pushed forward by the Lin women bosses.

If you do well, everything will be good. If you don’t do well

“.Really, it seems that I need more allies.”

There were five quasi-gods and a dozen eighth-level ones. They originally had their own small circles, but Lu Ping'an just managed to squeeze into their larger circle.

It seems that he needs to go further and have more reliable allies.

Small circle is a derogatory term in most cases, but a small circle within a large circle means more specific common interests. At the same time, it is also convenient to compete with other small circles for resources.

Big bosses like them must have many lurking chess pieces. If Lu Pingan really wants to do something, he must at least get the sincere support of one or two small circles.

"Let's talk to some quasi-gods." Next, I'm afraid I have to take the initiative to talk to them.

Lupingan actually has its own advantages here.

He was recruited by King Kui, so he was naturally an ally, and Mr. Liu had a good relationship with him. As for Daqun, Lu Ping'an estimated that the other party would remain neutral to the end.

Since she can become the ultimate winner as long as she remains neutral, there is no need for her to favor one side at all.

Among Lin Nu's three quasi-gods, Lu Ping'an had at least two choices. The two foreign quasi-gods Lu Ping'an was not familiar with and did not need to think too much.

Lu Pingan sighed, this is really troublesome. The situation is already like this, and there are still a lot of calculations.

He lowered his head and looked at his disciple with more sympathy.

No matter what, I am still a chess player. Even if I lose everything because of stud, I will have to start over again. I am still young and can afford to lose.

And this disciple of his, who jumped down to act as a chess piece, is still the "main character", and I'm afraid it will be quite uncomfortable next.

"Come on." He touched the girl's head, feeling safe at this moment and showing rare tenderness.

"I will." The girl was full of energy. In fact, she was only worried about the matters in the military department and did not realize what she would face next.

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