How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1416 Conspiracy

"This is our world. You outsiders have nothing to be proud of."

"Even if you are invited by someone, you are still just a guest, an outsider who has no foundation and is destined to leave."

"Why are you looking at me like this? You are looking down on me, Huangpi."


The last sound was the sound of the head cracking like a watermelon.

The group of people in front of them were stunned for a moment. They really didn't expect that this young man who was always smiling would dare to kill someone, even in the street!

"Kill people, these outsiders are killing people in the street."


Each and every head was shattered, but Lu Ping'an still just smiled, as if he had just killed a mosquito after completing the killing.

In fact, for him, this level of killing is easier than swatting mosquitoes.

He ignored the fallen headless corpses of the Long-Handed Clan. Even if they were indeed killed in the street, there was no accusation or anger. The passers-by just watched all this happening calmly and numbly.

There is no need to consider right or wrong, no need to consider cause and effect, the killing happened, that's all.

Lu Ping'an did not speed away. He was a little curious if the other party dared to go too far and sent the "security party" to arrest him.

This is already the fourth day that Lu Ping'an has been banned from entering the island, and it is also the third day since the new generation of military team list was released. Lu Ping'an suddenly received a notice that there was a mistake before, and his application to go to the island was approved.

He thought that some people were planning to adjust the policy, but as soon as he landed on the island, before he could see the scenery of the island clearly, he was approached by a group of strange things wearing military uniforms.

It looks like they are a group of low-level officers from the Salvation Army? Are they young officer radicals?

"It's exactly what Lulu said. All the cats and dogs came to visit."

But in Lu Ping'an's eyes, these are really a bunch of clowns.

Lu Ping'an's "take a step back to open up the world" and sit back and watch some guys get the position of the military headquarters, which is equivalent to gaining nominal military control of the new country (the real power is now in the hands of the Eastern Kingdom dispatch team).

Apparently, this is seen as a weakness by some guys.

What should you do if you see a soft persimmon? Cat and Dog want to step on Shuangshuang, but the owner behind Cat and Dog also wants to test it more.

Perhaps, seeing Lu Ping'an take action to kill, they would feel more at ease. The barking mad dog is often not the most dangerous, and the silent wolf always seems to be planning something.

"Tsk, you look forward and backward, you don't have the courage to think about it, you are a waste that can't achieve anything."

It doesn't matter if someone is on the road, his disdain is completely genuine.

Lu himself didn’t even know which level he had calculated. Many big guys were counting a few more levels later. What were the invaders from the outside world thinking about? These guys were still quarreling and even killing over the bones in front of them. It was too embarrassing for Lu Ping An. Too lazy to care.

Hua Mansheng, the interim minister of the military department who was finalized first, has already taken office.

Not surprisingly, the core members are all from his faction. He cannot mobilize personnel from other factions.

The expected thing was happening. After he sat in this position, he seemed to vaguely sense that something was wrong.

"He is quite powerful. He has at least received the support of several armies. He has formed a temporary military committee and can dispatch some exciting armies, but"

"Not enough, far from enough." Lu Lu, who had just been "drove the tiger away from the mountain", came back at this time.

She glanced at the headless body on the ground and sighed, saying nothing.

If possible, she expected to go to the battlefield immediately to fight her opponents, but the more she understood the current situation in the rear, the more certain she became that it would be a serious irresponsibility for the frontline soldiers if she left the center right here.

The front line may be short of a top combat force, but those idiots must not be allowed to mess around in the rear.

"Don't sigh, you'll get old quickly. Don't feel guilty. If you go up now, you won't be much better than him. And if you suffer the consequences, it will be impossible to turn the tide. This is what we have calculated repeatedly. Finally, the best option is also the one with the least loss to the front line.”

The situation is now chaotic. There are too many chess players making plans. Lu Ping'an can't even count how many factions and cliques there are on his side.

Under the calculations of all parties, whoever takes charge of the army will be a loser. You can only dispatch your own people, and a lot of allies are calculating their own interests. Why should we win this battle that involves plane ownership? war.

And as long as you lose, as long as after the founding of the new country, everyone's eyes are looking forward to it, and you don't win a big victory, you will be questioned and insulted!

The difference in expectations leads to completely different tolerance for results.

In the next development, it is basically inevitable that the military department will take the blame and step down. This has little to do with who it is. Even if the female Lin forces fully support someone, it will not have much practical significance.

After all, Lu Pingan has seen through it. No matter how loudly the slogans of those old fritters are, their hearts are full of business.

When you calculate the ratio of gains and losses to profits, how can this war be won?

"Lulu, you should think more about how to end this, and take the opportunity to contact other branches of the Salvation Army."

Lu Ping'an could only give this order.

If the first term is defeated, as long as the second term stabilizes the war situation, she will gain the support and honor of the people, and this trust will give her more time to operate.

Wasn't the first term a big defeat? How is that possible.

"Now in the military department, there are already petitions. I'm afraid Minister Hua has noticed something is wrong. This may be his test."

Lu Lu looked at Lu Pingan with some resentment.

"Well, you don't think I arranged it, do you? It's not the case this time. I don't have to arrange it. This is the real public opinion."

Public opinion, or the general trend, is the reason why this defeat is destined to happen.

When the new country is established and those miscellaneous armies are nominally under the jurisdiction of your military headquarters, can you still hide under the existing defense lines and tremble?

"The glorious counterattack is right around the corner. Let us join the army and serve our country."

"At the dawn of victory, our warriors will reclaim our lost territories."

When another group of marchers passed by Lu Ping'an and his party, even Lu Lu was silenced.

A new country has been established and a new "army" has been established. There must be some changes. The tribesmen and citizens are watching. They look forward to the new atmosphere of the new country and are willing to pay a lot for it.

This is public opinion, this is the general trend. When you are in this position, you cannot go against this trend.

Minister Hua must make a big counterattack and achieve results, otherwise he will become a scum of the nation.

And as long as he dares to counterattack, if the operation is correct, it will be a small defeat; if the operation is not good, it will be a big defeat.

This is something that will definitely happen. No matter who goes up, it will be the same, unless he can really unify all the forces. It is impossible for Lin Nu's force as the core.

"...If you take the field, it will be possible with my support."

Safe road, that's all I can say.

Only when the frontline is frustrated can the rear be truly united. At that time, the newly appointed military minister can, with the support of Lin Nu's forces, take advantage of the general trend to complete the integration.

"Did they see through it?"

Looking at the headless body on the ground, Lu Lu didn't hesitate anymore.

"Maybe." Lu Ping'an wasn't sure either. His understanding of the locals was that they were really bad at planning, and being "too young" was a flaw.

Being able to vent your hatred to yourself is indeed a bit beyond expectations.

"I understand." Lulu's man hurried over and gave an unexpected answer.

"They seem to know that you are the 'mentor'. They are worried that you will publicly support me and force me to take the position, so they came to test you."

This seems to be an unexpected direction.

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