How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1417 Altar

When you feel that your opponent is gold, no matter how bad it is, it is still silver. Even if you don’t have three or five layers of calculations, you still have medium and long-term planning and calculations. You can take one step and think three steps. The result is that you think too much. Fight wits and courage with the air.

"The result is a primary school student. Well, it seems that this metaphor is not very appropriate. Nowadays, primary school students are too powerful. Don't be too frustrated by the adults who were defeated by primary school students. Then let's go to Glory Bronze."

A man who has been in the Bronze Level 5 for a long time has a deep understanding of the Bronze Rank. He feels that this metaphor is quite appropriate.

The most direct thing is that you will never be able to understand their extremely chaotic thoughts and operations. But if you really try to understand it, you might be integrated into this segment.

".How should I respond?"

For the first time, Lu Pingan was a little confused because his opponent was too bad.

The other party tried to suppress them, probably because they heard that the "mentor" was coming and were worried that the mentor would jump out at this time and give Lu Lu a platform.

What they were most worried about was probably Lulu's forcible fight for the position in the military headquarters.

"How can we possibly play the mentor card? Even excluding my personal preferences, this card cannot be played at all. To be precise, it is most effective when it is not played."

At this moment, Lu Ping'an was amused. Even if the Changshou clan in this world reaches the top, they still look like "eight years old".

Mentorism has spread throughout the world. In a sense, even the entire Salvation Army is a product of this spirit of "changing the world."

It can be said that the mentor is the true spiritual leader of the entire Salvation Army. If anyone can really unify this chaotic world, if the deified mentor really stands up, he will be the most convincing.

In a sense, this is probably what those people are most afraid of right now. They are really afraid that their mentor will step forward. Whether it is raising the flag themselves or supporting their disciple Lu Lu to rise to power, they will not be able to stop him in the short term.

"Gods. I mean sociological gods. This kind of thing is best kept high and enshrined on the altar forever. Never try to come to the mortal world."

Mentor, although Lu doesn’t want to admit it, this card has become more and more important. Lu Lu’s identity as the interpreter of mentor theory has become her sacred halo, and the better she and her “classmates” perform, The sacred aura around the mentor also shines brighter.

If we take it out now, I'm afraid it can really force the integration of The Salvation Army.

"When God really comes into the mortal world and is recognized by mortals, no matter how holy and perfect He is, he will be deconstructed, reinterpreted, trivialized, explained away, slandered, and ultimately worthless."

This card will remain effective only if it is not played.

Lu Pingan even communicated with Lu Lu. If anyone put this identity on Lu Pingan, Lu Lu would deny it with all his strength.

It is best for spiritual totems to always remain spiritual beings.

If you really want to use it, you must be prepared for it to be deconstructed to the point where it is worthless. Then, there must be sufficient benefits in exchange.

Now, it is impossible for Lu Pingan to play his trump card for something like this "military leader" that is full of traps.

"If Minister Hua is really the one who made this judgment, he is really not qualified to play cards with us."

Lu Pingan sighed, this was probably a real "surprise". The other party was too bad, so he made an unexpected choice without any preparation.

"Forget it, let's adjust it."

But the weird plots in novels and comics that pursue surprise, the kind of development that the conspirators don’t know how to calculate due to incompetence or misunderstanding, are difficult to repeat in reality.

You are really a noob. You are naturally an easier opponent for the planner. Who doesn’t like prey who digs a hole and jumps directly?

"Lulu, please write a letter of commitment, saying that for the sake of the unity of the ethnic group, you will give up your candidacy and support Minister Hua to become the new military leader. However, if you question his professional ability, I hope he will not be too radical. , it is best to stabilize the front before considering counterattack.”

This public acknowledgment may be like the barking of a defeated dog in the eyes of the other party.

And since Lulu said "no grabbing", they naturally wouldn't force her too hard.

"When it comes to his defeat, will it become a foreshadowing? Will they remember me who raised questions publicly and let me take over?"

"That's true, but even if you do nothing, we can help you rise to the top. The more important thing is to force him to prove himself."

Lu Ping'an touched his chin, not hiding his viciousness.

Since he is a trustworthy "partner", the Riddler is causing trouble for himself. He hopes that Lulu can understand him. Regarding this world, Mr. Lu does not have any malicious intentions, so he is very confident that his calmness will eventually gain Lulu's favor. trust.

"The Minister Hua whom I questioned must make some achievements. Originally, public opinion will not allow him to hide behind the defense line for too long. Once he is destined to jump out of the front line and launch a counterattack."

"Someone has to give it a try. Maybe we can achieve certain results. At least, we can test the reality of the opponent and see where it will become the core of the new round of battlefield."

A plan is a plan, but there are always variables in reality.

Although the chance is very low, the possibility of Minister Hua pushing hard and completely securing this position is not zero.

"If he really has this ability, then the position should be given to him."

Lu Pingping shrugged. If it is really a good dog, then feed it more bones.

The difference between a chess player and a chess piece is that no matter how a chess player loses, it will not really affect his position, while a chess piece needs to win continuously and win incredibly before it can jump out of the chessboard.

".I know, I will execute it."

In Lu Lu's strategic vision, what her master said was not wrong. A big counterattack must happen, and most of them will fail, but this counterattack is necessary only at the military level.

In order to plan the war and dispatch troops later, first-hand intelligence on the other side's front is needed. A counterattack is the best action to test the strength.

Since someone must fail and take the blame, it is naturally the most worthless idiot. Just the stupidity and impatience shown by Minister Hua now have made the senior officials of the Long Hand Clan, including Lu Lu, extremely disappointed.

The first time he got power, he actually attacked his own people. When he needed stability, he started to move the spiritual totem?

There are some things that Lu Lu did not tell her mentor. She was worried that the mentor had lost confidence in the Long Hand Clan and the New Country.

In fact, her people have found out that Minister Hua's faction has bought negative articles in major newspapers and magazines, and is ready to attack and slander directly if the "mentor" really jumps out.

This short-sightedness and stupidity have completely disappointed many followers. The country is being established, and you, as a military minister, are directly shaking the spiritual foundation of the country? For which little benefit of your own?

Weakness is not terrible, stupidity can also hide one's shortcomings, greed is the original desire of people, but stupidity does not know it, selfishness to the point of disregarding the interests of the ethnic group, then there is no hope.

"He is always just a pure warrior. I don't have any prejudice against warriors. I am a warrior myself, but such a guy must not be allowed to control this country."

And the seemingly calm "young man" in front of him seems to be the exact opposite.

If he wants benefits, just let the "mentor" appear. Reason and recklessness, restraint and loss of control, at this moment Lu Lu nodded silently, she already knew what she should choose.

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