How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1418: Fanaticism

"It's really leisurely."

Lu Ping'an, a little likes the life in Mingxi Islands.

On the second floor of an inn, he was sipping tea while watching the busy crowd below.

There were people of all races and identities. Lu Ping'an even saw the Salin people from foreign lands. He even saw Wang Xier's eighth-level relative. Of course, the other party also saw him.

But seeing that the other party had a bunch of followers and officials of the Long Hand Clan, it was not suitable for face-to-face talks in all aspects, so both parties nodded and went their separate ways.

Lu was really idle. In fact, if he was not idle, some people would really not be idle.

"How about coming over to have a cup of tea? Chat?"

He smiled and invited the tables on the left and right next door.

".No, no."

"Enjoy your time, enjoy your time."

The monitor and the spy quickly refused. It was embarrassing to be seen at a glance. If they were really invited to drink tea together, they would probably become legends in the industry.

"Hehe, remember to pay the bill when you leave, and order some black tea and snacks for me."

Lu Ping'an didn't care at all, and he used his monitor as a servant more than once or twice.

Time will not stop for someone, the establishment of the country is still in progress, and the progress is quite subtle.

The ideal cabinet formation process: an excellent leader leads the establishment process of the new country, announces the constitution and goals of the country during the military parade and cheers, and announces the responsibilities and heads of various departments, and runs the entire government through the cabinet.

The cabinet formation in reality: the top leader cannot be finalized, the heads of various departments are still being fought over, and the constitution has been revised for fifteen editions in the repeated tearing (the civil and criminal laws based on this are still not visible).

The most frustrating thing is that it is not only the "candidates" in charge of each party that are still being fought over, but also the rights and responsibilities of various departments and units have not been delineated.

This is not just a problem of work content, but also a problem of rule by man where people who hold positions are fighting for more power.

When a group of makeshift teams meet, when dozens of scattered soldiers try to get together to form a national organization. From all aspects, it is disastrous.

The first to be established was the military department that manages military actions, because all parties have this need.

The war on the front line has never stopped. To be precise, all parties are willing to unify for the plane war, hoping to launch a major counterattack as soon as possible.

"It's really 'people's hearts can be used', how does it taste on the hot pot, Minister Hua."

From morning to noon, Lu, who was wasting time in the teahouse, saw at least three groups of parades holding various slogans passing by.

"It's naturally a good thing that young people are full of vigor. In their eyes, the whole world is developing in a good direction. Perhaps in their expectations, as long as the new country is established, those foreign invaders will immediately collapse."

Sipping tea, Lu Ping'an smiled and waved to the parade people holding the sign "Take Back Our Home" below, and gave a thumbs up, which caused cheers.

They didn't know who Lu Ping'an was, but they were naturally overjoyed to get the "support" of an Easterner.

Lu Ping'an politely declined their invitation to "parade together". When those young people invited him, Lu Ping'an noticed that some people around him were about to explode. If Lu really agreed to go down, the spies would probably be anxious to the point of going crazy.

Given Lu's identity, if he really did anything, he would probably be accused of incitement. As a "mentor", Lu was probably "invincible" in the eyes of some people.

Such a subtle existence not only has amazing strength and is difficult to assassinate, but also has a special identity and cannot be moved at all. Therefore, we can only keep an eye on him and hope that he really just passed by by chance and came here to take a vacation.

As time went by, as some "legends" became reality, local decision-makers and senior officials, looking at the number of newly added professionals, were reluctant to let him leave.

Lu Ping'an counted the four secret sentries that were exposed again and shook his head. You are so idle. There are so many things to do during the founding of the country. Why don't you share more and come to waste time here.

"Although I have long known that this world is just a large-scale makeshift team, this 'Kingdom of Dawn' is nothing but a makeshift team."

So far, the main achievement of the founding of the country is to finalize a name. The normal founding ceremony is just a formality, but here it is really a quarrel from beginning to end, and all parties cannot reach a consensus at all.

The only thing that can be done is probably just to find a "worker" first and take up the responsibility of war.

"Even the head of state and the national system cannot be determined."

The conditions of the Lin Nu Church naturally could not be responded to. After all, no one can make a promise for this country that only has a name now.

This is also the reason why Mr. Lu is so idle. He is waiting, waiting for more pressure, waiting for the destined failure.

As long as he feels the pressure and the possibility of "failure", the almost infinite disputes and wrangling in front of him can really be accelerated.

What if he wins? If he really wins easily, it is actually a good thing, but it seems that the country will disintegrate instantly, and there is no need to continue at all. It is more realistic to directly transition to the warlord melee scenario.

In Lu Ping'an's view, it's not just the citizens and the people here. The leaders and decision-makers are too young. Their way of handling things is too simple. They lack "historical background" and only see what's in front of them.

"How is the situation?"

"There are parades everywhere. It's very enthusiastic, meow! Super enthusiastic, meow!"

Lu Ping'an's spies also fulfilled their duties and returned successfully.

Lu Ping'an nodded and stuffed some snacks into the cat.

This is expected. The mortals in this world have suffered too much and can't suppress it.

"Be at ease, I won't do anything. Tell your master not to focus on me."

Lu Ping'an said to the spies, but whether they listen or not is another matter.

"The parliamentary system is better! The East is a joint parliament of the states, which can better unite all of us."

"In the culture of the East, there is an allusion to using heavy punishments in troubled times. At this point in time, we need a higher level of integration. The empire is the best choice."

Well, due to different "concepts", the parade was arguing and fighting.

"Can't even the national system be finalized?"

If it was Lu's own country, he would send spies and secret police to interrogate the leaders and find out who is behind them.

In Lu's opinion, this is not just a simple ideological difference. Some people probably have the advantage in the struggle and began to look forward to centralization, while the losers naturally expect a more "decentralized" parliamentary representative system.

Everyone considers their own interests. Even if they barely get together, the power is still dispersed, and the war will naturally fail.

Since the "national system" cannot be finalized, it is naturally impossible to get a head of state. Without a head, the responsibilities of various departments cannot be finalized, and it is naturally impossible to start various specific tasks. On this huge stage, there is probably only grass left.

Lu Ping'an cannot act or change, not only because he is still an "outsider", but also because this is the "development of history", the result of countless individuals making choices based on their own interests.

I am afraid that only the pressure from the defeat on the front line will really make them change.

And this day, it came sooner than everyone expected.

"The Xiqiushan front collapsed, and eleven cities fell in a row. They may be massacred."

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