How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1654: The Mountain Country with No Way Out

The war in the mountain country is still going on.

In a sense, in this war, the mountain country is the luckiest and the unluckiest.

Fortunately, their mountainous and forest terrain is too disgusting. Those wet woodlands and swamps combined with the harsh and changeable weather are great killers of mortal life. Those intruders who are accustomed to ocean life did not fare well. .

Unfortunately, due to the effectiveness of their resistance, they encountered the enemy's harsh treatment.

"Hurry up and put out the fire. If we lose this forest, there will no longer be a barrier to the Red Mountain Camp."

"Those who cannot be saved are elemental beings. Retreat and go to the next area."

The burning area on the ground continued to spread, and a large amount of elemental flames turned into an unstoppable fire demon.

Intruders who are not good at playing with fire have cultivated many flame masters. They will not cherish the resources of this forest land. For them, this is a meaningless obstacle.

Flooding has proven to be of little significance. Simple and crude scorched earth tactics can advance steadily, but...


A sudden thunderstorm struck the area, followed by an apparently unnatural gathering of dark clouds.

Heavy rain followed, and among the storm and dark clouds, vaguely angry faces appeared and disappeared.

The "Monsoon God" intervenes directly, and he calls forth thunder and storm, followed by a torrential downpour.

In fact, the only five gods in the Mountain Kingdom have been highly active in this war.

And this is not an ordinary fire-extinguishing rain.

The next moment, time seemed to be reversed. Wherever the raindrops touched, a large number of trees rose from the ground, as if all the flames were just a nightmare.

This is not the power of one god, but another "god of mangosteen and violent winds" is also always watching this war.

Then came the gods' sons and guards.

The two gods and their messengers ended up in person, which also meant that the ninth-level quasi-god fishman who was originally restrained by them and constantly struck by lightning could no longer be intercepted. It rushed directly into the defenders and began to kill. Special kill.

However, it still has to face countless ambushes and attacks from strong men.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, kings against kings, gods against gods, before he was satisfied for tens of seconds, there were multiple "overlords" of equal proportions intercepting him. Unless the strategic balance was shattered, unless one party's advanced combat power After being beaten, it is difficult for top combat power to achieve a large number of killings of mortals.

That kind of massacre between the strong and the weak often only occurs on the battlefield with a huge gap between the two sides, but obviously, if this is the case, the fight will have been over long ago.

Mortals and murlocs fought, giant soldiers fought with local demonized beasts, and precious void rays were sniped to death with hidden guns.

The king was stopped by the king, the overlords were tearing each other apart in the sky, and even the king dared not touch the battlefield of a small number of quasi-gods and top overlords.

There is no restraint, no false fighting, no tacit understanding. The two races fighting for survival are doing everything they can to eliminate each other.

It stands to reason that the murlocs, who are all at the lowest level of first and second level combat power, should have an advantage in low-end battles, but in fact it is just the opposite.

As the main force of the battle, they were not even human warriors who were trees at that time and stones at other times, but real jungle killers. A large number of drones and mechanical dogs.

Black and gray drones floated slowly in the forest, and light machine guns carrying biological poison and armor-piercing warheads kept ticking from beginning to end.

They were destroyed one by one, but the cost has been reduced to less than 3,000 light-fire armed drones. God knows the forest has tens of thousands of them. In fact, the murlocs have destroyed at least hundreds of thousands of them. , but it seems that there are more and more people on the opposite side, as if they were made up by magic.


What is even more deadly is the mechanical dog that moves at high speed on the road.

The cost of each of these gadgets is 6,000. While attacking with machine guns, he pounced on the approaching murlocs, and then...


The mechanical dog has been updated for many generations, but after repeated experiments with armor-piercing, white-blade, poison-poisoned and other failed models, this simple and crude original version with explosives became the most popular.

A large amount of iron sand is scattered in all directions. This is a surface-to-surface anti-personnel weapon that is more vicious than any armor-piercing bullet.

For the murlocs, who have fragile flesh and no armor, this is no different from bullets. Anyway, they penetrate or flow into the body. And since they are also fused with biological poison, being hit is basically equivalent to death.

Death flowers spread out on the ground one after another, and this kind of mechanical dog with no biological reaction is equipped with a green paint. Even high-level combat power cannot lock these troublesome things in an instant. Jungles, shrubs, They jump out from all corners of the ground and trees, making it impossible to defend against them.


And when the ground is defeated or even dead, but the upper part cannot be captured, this war will naturally end here.


Eventually, one overlord could no longer stand the siege and chose to leave.

As for these attacking legions that were originally a "gathering of warlords", after a "deserter" appeared, the others naturally took the time to run faster.

Soon, the battlefield returned to calm again, with only the flames burning slowly and someone sobbing from time to time.

The soldiers cleaned the battlefield numbly and quickly, and the tired-looking high-level combatants returned to the rear to rest, and exchanged information with the rotating high-level combatants. Forcing top professionals to continuously use their abilities is the best way to kill them. way.

In the forest, on the trees and under the trees, there are sleeping people everywhere. They are too tired, too tired.

When the two sides cannot crush each other, this is the situation of war. They consume each other, not only in arms and force, but also in the physical strength and lives of the soldiers.

".How long can we last?"

Even the most optimistic warrior can't help but think of this.

This is already the third year of their resistance. Even though the mountain people are known among the countries for being good at fighting and willing to fight, how long will this endless war last?

Cleaning the battlefield, picking up the corpses, and dragging the active ones back for treatment. They did all this numbly and quickly, because no one knew whether the next battle would be within two hours.

The opponent is the other side of the chaotic warlords, that is, they themselves don't know what the so-called strategic planning is. It is very likely that another lord thinks they can take advantage of it and just brings a group of people on board.

"How about adding some land mines?"

There are hundreds of types of mines from certain places, and they have increasingly proven their capabilities.

Invaders are creatures that are good at swimming and naval combat. They are not used to walking on land and are vigilant. They will subconsciously forget to watch their feet, and they cannot sense the obviously disharmonious ground conditions, especially in a country like Mountain Country where human beings feel hairy when they walk. The terrain, when the mines explode, it is a matter of grasping and stabilizing.

However, the mountain people still did not lay mines on a large scale.

"The war will be disastrous"

The Mountain Kingdom, which has had war experience, is familiar with landmines, has used landmines, and hates them extremely. The experience of past wars, and the more painful post-war treatment afterwards, let them know that landmines are easy to bury, but they kill themselves after the war. People, especially civilians, are even more vicious.

"If this continues, we won't have a war."

Obviously, the war situation no longer allows them to think too far ahead.

". Let's get some more from 'over there'. Let's get a hundred thousand first. We need anti-paranormal reconnaissance." In the end, they made up their mind. They had no ability to consider the war after the war.

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