How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1655: Support

How long can the Mountain Country last? Once he falls, how long can the entire South Asia and Southeast Asia last?

". They can last until they can't hold on any longer."

This quasi-god seemed to have said something nonsense.

"Probably, they can last until they shed the last drop of mountain blood."

And the other lord said quite cruel words, but vaguely hinted at something.

But Lu Ping'an vaguely realized that they were probably telling the truth. Many things have been done, but they have not been widely publicized.

Lu Ping'an himself did not expect that his courtyard would welcome so many quasi-gods and top-level eighth-level.

The library became a meeting room. Everyone in this full reading room was probably the leader of a certain force or organization.

And it was not surprising that they came here. A field that was completely unable to fight was particularly convenient when communicating with each other, especially professionals were often arrogant and arrogant, and it would be a big trouble if they started fighting without a word.

Then they were also seizing the time to integrate various aspects during this period. It was necessary to exchange various extraordinary lives and research materials. Lu Ping'an's "trading place" was a better choice at this time.

Anyway, this world is big enough, and it is acceptable to live here. After "working" here for a long time, everyone will naturally hold meetings here.

The library is the closest place for them.

The ability to buy and sell other people's "supernormal knowledge" is also a completely irresistible temptation for them, especially now that they have just traded a lot of other people's new technologies and new products. In order to master new toys, it is best to have relevant knowledge. In such an environment, exchanging/trading "knowledge" is also a good choice.

Lu Ping'an also vaguely realized that for low- and middle-level professionals, even those below the eighth level, his courtyard can provide great help, but it is mainly in "acquiring" new abilities and characteristics.

As for the top-level supernormals, they actually don't care about the advantages of "quick acquisition". They care more about "safe transactions" and "quick identification". What they envy is Lu Ping'an's ability to classify "knowledge" rather than the knowledge itself. They can also get these by spending some time.

However, now they are willing to sit in an area to talk and trade, which is also a manifestation of "gregarious" consciousness.

No one is stupid. Everyone may encounter risks in the next war. At least they need to be familiar to their comrades so that they can get reinforcements if something goes wrong.

Trading and exchanging technologies that may be used on the battlefield are necessary but not all, just like biological weapons do not need the research and development process and ideas, but at least they need to know the killing range and self-rescue methods.

The relatively shallow but broad exchange of knowledge and technology is carried out back and forth between many bigwigs, and Lu Ping'an has also learned a lot.

And these things may be just a tool warning of "be careful of XX" for the bigwigs, but for newcomers in the top field like Lu Ping'an, it greatly expands the horizons and upper limits.

"It can actually be like this"

"Oh my, it's really fun, maybe I can learn a little."

"This road can actually turn to another technology chain, I'll try it too."

The "common sense" that the high-level life system needed decades or even hundreds of years to accumulate in the past has made Lu Ping'an full. Many conjectures about "possibility" are Lu Ping'an's biggest gain.

As a research-based life system, the inspiration of "this road may work" is the source of strength. Veterans may not be more knowledgeable than novices, but when eliminating wrong options to find a way, experienced people definitely have an advantage.

If time is not too tight, Lu Pingan hopes that this meeting will not stop, so that he can get more experience and experience.

However, with the arrival of the battlefield, the topic and focus inevitably go to the mountainous country in the next war zone.

In this regard, Lu Pingan really didn't care about it before. It was actually related to the inland military region, and the coastal military region had no contact with this area.

Fortunately, the military had already found a professional, a colonel of the Xishan Group, who brought various materials.

Among them, the arms transaction of nearly astronomical amounts scared Lu Pingan.

"Uh, can they pay the bill? They don't seem to have money either." From what Lu Pingan saw, the amount of this transaction definitely exceeded the limit of the effect.

"Only those who survive first are qualified to consider post-war matters. Besides, aren't there still mines?"

"There aren't many mines over there, and the oil and gas resources are not enough."

"Nothing, and the land is also very bad, but there are still people."

"That's too much"

"Hehe, just kidding. At least there are wild resources, crops and animals, etc. If it doesn't work, just pull their gods and high-level combat forces out to work."

". Tsk, it's really a loss-making business."

Although it's a bit exaggerated, it seems that the East Country does not intend to give it away for free. Lu Ping'an estimated that when it really comes to the end, it will probably be given away for free. The current IOU is actually no different from giving it away for free.

The state of the Mountain Country is not good. Their development situation was originally very general. Now their industry has almost been destroyed, and agriculture is impossible to develop under the current environment.

Lu Ping'an checked the information and determined that it was basically impossible for them to withstand the attack of the foreign coalition alone, but in fact, they really did it. Under the premise of unlimited blood supply from the East Country behind them.

"The military districts in the west have all sent their weapons and equipment, especially various new equipment, including drones, mechanical dogs and other new gadgets."

As the price of becoming a barrier, the East Country has provided it with the highest level of support from all parties, and even many new weapons are still in the laboratory.

"Are you sure this is not a test site for weapons?" Of course, it also has some other functions.

"Don't be so blunt, our jungle mechanical dogs have been updated for seven generations."

"By the way, do you think we will take it back as we did to Sakurajima? It seems that it was also our land before."

"Ahem, no, we also need a safe zone. Don't say such words that destroy national friendship."

"Yes, yes, yes, say less, don't say it outside, this time we are reinforcements. If you have any new toys, don't miss the opportunity to test them."

Unconsciously, it seems that the East Country has also become a major arms dealer, and the data and results in actual combat have also become data support for arms updates.

Looking through the weapon information in hand, this may only be part of the reward.

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