How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1679: Unknown Weapons

The fighting went on day and night, and high-level combat forces continued to fall. In the death battle between the world and the race, there was no luck, and no one could really stay out of it.

". Another one fell?"

A black meteorite fell from the sky, and Lu Ping'an felt the end of the gods.

The level of war is no longer limited to mortals on the ground.

Quasi-gods have their own death battles, and gods also have their own death places in the sky and foreign lands.

The gods of the earth are also interfering in the battlefield. If you only look at the news reports, they seem to have done nothing, but for an existence like Lu Ping'an, it can be seen that this kind of "interference" is the more important battlefield.

Without them, I'm afraid it would have been defeated.

The enemy's gods are unusually active.

From time to time, "divine creatures" come from the plane gate over there.

They are either incarnations, the Son of God, or clones or the original bodies. They basically can't live long and fall again.

But such existence itself is a kind of "world principle". The disintegration of their existence is also the beginning of their essence to erode this unfriendly world.

They are rewriting the "rules" of this battlefield. Those floating areas, those areas with high humidity that are like the ocean on the ground, and those floating water columns have become the home courts and fortresses of the sea people.

At the same time, the battles of many high-level professionals in foreign lands have obviously increased significantly.

Those foreign gods should not have given divine grace like the gods on earth. That is too luxurious for them. This is just the suppression of the human side and the improvement of their own combat power after the local area is completely foreign.

And the human gods also suppress and control it with the help of the world will.

On the one hand, it is to oppress the foreignized area to avoid the unlimited expansion of this unfavorable battlefield. On the other hand, it is to grant various targeted divine graces to allow their own warriors to adapt to the foreignized area.

When the racial gods of both sides began to leave, the performance of their victory and defeat was the constantly changing battlefield environment of the local area.

The "divine duties" and "divine power fragments" that were rare in the past can be obtained this time as long as you are brave enough. This week, people have been ascending to the gods, which is a clear example.

"Delayed payment."

Lu Ping'an repaired Longyue Island again. The super crack that was enough to tear the island apart disappeared in an instant, and the quasi-god who made a life-threatening attack was completely turned into a bubble in the beating.

The consumption continued, and the human side gradually gained the upper hand.

The replenishment and reinforcement of high-level combat power are one aspect, and the "secret weapons" brought out by various countries are the foundation.

The unmanned combat skills and unmanned ground machines displayed by the East Country have become more and more confident as the first industrial power.

However, these machines are becoming more and more weird.

The artificial souls that are just activated by the machine, the high mobility, strategic capabilities and a certain degree of anti-magic are not the limit of the East Country's technology.

Those "metal creations" are extremely lethal to ordinary fishmen, but have limited effects on high-level professionals, so the infamous "corpse drone" appeared.

Those drones made of "professional" materials are pure "life" in themselves, and they often have some professional abilities, and even some pre-existing abilities of the "raw materials".

Lu Ping'an went to inquire about it and confirmed that it was an artificial spirit that was fused on the bones of the dead, using a technology similar to "mechanical awakening".

Before the soul dissipates and the bones collapse, it can often show some of the abilities of the "raw materials". If it is equipped with other soul accessories and mechanical armed pendants, it is possible to surpass the combat power of the original owner.

Although most of them are handmade products and are very inefficient to produce, the country's largest "production base" is now on Longyue Island.

The extraordinary materials that were difficult to obtain in the past are now everywhere.

According to the information Lu Ping'an has consulted, the number of "extraordinary drones" is actually increasing, and once they succeed in hunting, they can use the flesh and blood of the prey to make new drones.

Release the prohibited channels such as "mechanical awakening master" and "necromancer", regardless of certain social impacts, the liberated productivity has indeed exploded at this moment.

At this time, no one talks about "morality". In fact, some people talk about it, but they are ignored by the people around them.

Now when both sides are consuming each other, one side has only one life, and the other side can take back the bones and fight again. Although the behavior is very bad, as long as it can effectively increase the way of racial war, no one can refuse.

". It's been a week."

War is shaped by bones.

Neither side can destroy each other in the short term, so it will naturally become a war of attrition. Whoever can't afford it first will lose everything.

One side is the reinforcement of the whole world and the last chance of resistance for the people in distress. The other side is constantly getting more reinforcements from the torn space cracks.

Low-level combat power is consuming each other, high-level combat power such as quasi-gods is consuming, and even gods have become consumables.

Those foreign gods who forced their way through instantly became the enemy of the world. Under the coercion of the "master", they were forced to sacrifice their "flesh" to interfere in the battlefield.

Perhaps they would not perish on the spot, but the loss of their "existence" in this world would definitely be lost. Severe injuries are not enough to describe their losses, and permanent decline is only the lowest level of consumption.

"Just like the previous strategic deduction, it has indeed become a consumption."

As the war continues, the situation of all parties has become more and more obvious. Information from the frontline is constantly being transmitted back. It seems that our side has a vague advantage, but there are not many local plane gates that are torn apart. Troops are being sent out all the time. The fight is very difficult.

The frontline corps also found some "resistance troops". Those guys are still alive to this day, and they really have a lot of skills.

The guerrilla regiments roaming Australia are constantly attacking Australia's foreign battlefields, mainly to destroy various "altars" and prevent the two worlds that are constantly being dragged into.

Longyue Island did not expect their victory, but expected them to preserve themselves for a little longer. The frontline intelligence they could provide was the most important.

What makes people helpless is that our own drones frequently have various malfunctions in the exotic area of ​​the alien evil god.

Obviously, this is the result of being on the home field, turning the physical laws of many drone operations into variables. It is worth mentioning that the "skeleton drone" easily overcomes the environment and becomes more ferocious.

A large number of drones are flying on the Australian islands, and swarms are constantly attacking various facilities and fishmen, especially various plane coordinates and altars. This actually shows that humans have vaguely gained the upper hand and begun to attack the homeland of visitors from outside the world. .

This may not seal the entrances to those planes, but it can prevent more visitors from foreign lands from being dragged into this world.

Regardless of whether it is the East or the West, after determining the theme of "war of attrition", they have adopted methods including corpse drones, self-exploding aircraft, and prisoner pilots to reduce the consumption of their own elite combat power.

All parties are suffering losses, and are constantly testing, suppressing, and then "exchanging pieces."

The front sometimes advances and sometimes retreats, and gods have also become "bombs." Quasi-gods can also die accidentally. No one can be completely safe, and it is even more difficult to apply for Lu Ping'an to go to the front line.

All parties are enduring and suffering constant losses. Whoever cannot bear it first will naturally fall behind.

But this time, the first to change the situation are the foreign invaders, and they will not watch everything fall.

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