How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1680: The Degenerate

War is a game between countries.

Plane war is a game of life and death between two worlds.

Unlike the heroic legends in legendary novels, although the individual strength is obviously beyond the average, in this multiverse, war is still a game of "consumption".

It is not that individual strength is not important, but that if you are strong enough, you will always encounter stronger opponents. Unless you are strong enough to be compared with the gods of the twelve pillars, you are still just a chess piece in the war between races and planes.

Chess pieces will naturally be consumed.

The war entered the ninth day. In fact, the Western coalition had been fighting for ten days. When two waves of people were replaced, the high-level combat power of both sides had been replaced countless waves.

Quasi-gods and even gods have fallen by more than double digits.

As long as there is war damage, the human side actually has a little advantage, because there is no god-level fall, and the number of quasi-gods killed in battle is much less than that of the other side.

In addition to the numerical advantage of low-level combat power, the high-level combat power is often forced to take action in advance and bear the absolute disadvantage of intelligence and opponent selection. More importantly, they are always fighting in foreign lands, and the "world" is their biggest enemy.

Gods cannot connect to the world, so they naturally cannot rewrite the "rules" at will, and cannot grant "privileges (divine grace)" that require the support of the world.

The human side has an intelligence advantage, and low-level combat forces have a numerical advantage with unmanned equipment. With divine grace, they can still lose against opponents with restrained abilities. It is probably a bit unlucky. There are always accidents in war, and there are always errors in intelligence. Those strong people will also hide a lot of things, and there will definitely be mistakes.

However, our side has taken the initiative, and in many cases, people can be sent to rescue.

The organization of the human side has a great advantage. The feudal lords always fight for themselves. It is impossible for them to fight for colleagues who have no friendship, not to mention the rescue that requires risk.

Only under the drive of stronger lords, they behave like an organization. And individual supervisors always have limits, but the places that they cannot observe, or the middle and lower levels that cannot be directly interfered with, are still a piece of loose sand.

"Since it is a battle between two races and two civilizations, then, of course, we have to consider the organization of society."

Beyond everyone's expectations, the organization and sociology that were usually thought to be unimportant also really affect everyone in the battle of top combat power.

The other side of the feudal lords in their respective foreign wars is that they not only have to bear the consumption of weapons and logistics by themselves, but also have to pay an extremely expensive treatment fee when they are injured and seek help from other medical masters.

This also makes them really unable to afford the consumption. Others' medical system has consumption when using their abilities, so why should they offer you a low price or even free of charge.

On the human side, providing treatment for the wounded is basically common sense, and it cannot even be counted as welfare, but is one of the most basic obligations.

The party with organizational and social advantages can more effectively transform national strength into combat power, and can maximize the value of combat power while reducing losses.

"The exchange ratio is about 1.5 to 5."

The high-level combat power has reached this number, even with intelligence and logistics advantages, it is still gratifying, which means that three of our high-level combat power can replace ten of the other side!

Then, as the battle goes on, our side has more high-level combat power left, and we can naturally win this battle.

The high-level combat power slaughters the low-level combat power? That generally does not happen, because when one side's high-level combat power is really exhausted, the losing side should have surrendered.

". But their total combat power seems to have increased."

The good news is that we have achieved an advantageous exchange ratio, and the bad news is that the more we fight, the more enemies we have. Although it is a hell joke, it is a reality over there.

Unlike the new cosmic civilization on Earth, which was still closed to the outside world (most areas) ten years ago, the octopus occupies too many universes and worlds. When it is under pressure or withdraws combat power, the plane gate over there will naturally receive more reinforcements.

".It's still within the tolerance range."

As long as the consumption is a battle, who is afraid of who.

This is always the home court of the Earth. As long as the casualties of our side are far lower than those of the other side, the other side's high-level combat power will sooner or later have their own ideas.

The fighting will of the invaders' high-level combat power is really weak. They have been accustomed to a long life and a life like a king.

Desperate? Desperate in a foreign land that has little to do with me? Am I a little stupid?

In fact, the opponents with stronger fighting will are all the lords who have occupied the land as kings. But such guys have been leaked because the intelligence has long been leaked. The human side has basically prepared several sets of tactics and often die very quickly.


There are explosions and roars everywhere, the ripples of the seismograph go up and down, and the explosions of divine energy come and go.

Lu Ping'an himself was a little confused by the explosion. He has also made several shots these days, but he is lucky and has not suffered any serious injuries. His resurrection ability seems to be the strongest among high-level professionals, and many followers are relieved of him.

Deaths continued, and a deserter finally appeared in the ranks of the foreign visitors. When a quasi-god took the initiative to disappear on the battlefield, it meant that the blood collapse seemed to be imminent.

In fact, there have always been scattered deserters, and on both sides, but the previous deserters were often executed on the spot. This time the deserter was quite heavyweight, and no one could stop him from leaving.

This was undoubtedly a very bad scene for the foreign visitors.

During the daytime battle on the second day, the human side found that the other side had lost 30%. Apparently, someone ran away overnight, and the organizers of the other side did not stop them.

When the human side was overjoyed and ready to take back the lost territory in one go, the decision makers of the other side could not sit still.

"Ugh, it's uncomfortable."

An inexplicable pressure suddenly swept across the battlefield. Even Longyue Island, which was still dozens of kilometers away, was under inexplicable pressure.

The island dropped more than one meter, and some areas were flooded. The most outrageous thing was that all this was not done by the main force of the other side, but just a leakage of power.

". Is this the god above the gods?"

At that moment, Lu Ping'an seemed to understand something.

His "eye of truth" saw a "sun", a big sun that was far more powerful than the gods in the sky.

This is the hidden danger of the human side.

Facing the existence of the rule-level gods, the human side can show equal combat power, but for the transcendent civilization like Bazhu, those legendary existences that surpass the gods, those so-called "eleventh level", how should they deal with it?

"He is interfering with the world. The sea level has risen by one meter. There are floods all over the world! The icebergs are beginning to disintegrate. He is powerful enough to destroy the world by himself!"

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