How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1692: Remnant Soldiers

"Tell me, how many of you are there and what are you planning to do?"

Lu Ping'an himself didn't expect that he would meet people from his hometown here.

If it was really purely a local survivor armed force, Lu Ping'an might have just missed it in order to avoid causing trouble, or he might have been kinder and brought him directly into the courtyard to avoid the possibility of leaking the secret.

But he was still a little attracted to the Dongguo woman who was an ordinary girl three years ago, but now had a clear qualitative change, and was turned into steel.

He has met several children of the plane, but the only one who is qualified enough is actually his little Lu'er. Marshal Lu Lu is still active on the front lines of Mercury 42 and has become the de facto leader of the plane. Her Existence not only brought many benefits to Lu Ping'an, but even gave great help to the entire human race.

Mercury 42 has always been on the front line of resistance against Ba Zhao, and it is also a testing ground and training center for the Eastern Kingdom's navy and naval warfare technology. The Mercury 99 world based on it is constantly bleeding Ba Zhao.

With the identity and authority of Lu Ping'an, he can see many secrets. That world is not just the "army". Various targeted spells, viruses, biological natural enemy species and other messy things are being developed and tested. In other people's In the territory, races fighting for survival do not need to be particular about means.

When you are about to be beaten to death, will you still consider the polite and moral way to fight back? These three years of bloody war have allowed humans to activate countless technologies and methods that they originally thought would be sealed forever. But even so, the gap in absolute strength still makes these "small methods" quite ineffective.

The strong cosmic ethnic group comes with a lot of resistance, and the fighting methods of the weak ethnic group are often very ineffective.

But in this series of processes, the group of Children of Destiny, including Lulu, those staunch plane resisters and defenders, have indeed grown into the foundation and pillars of the world.

The world is facing an absolute crisis, and it only lasts for three years. If we calculate the time, it is time for the first batch of children of destiny to come forward.

In fact, destiny does not take a fancy to you and then train you, but if you are in the most suitable place, identity, and compete, the world will give you more resources and luck, allowing you to throw away more destiny. waves.

To put it simply, when there is a task, pick a tool man from a group of candidates to take over.

At this moment, Lu Pingan looked at the girl with some sympathy. He probably guessed what kind of script fate had arranged for her.

"Girl, every gift from fate has a price secretly marked on it. Your love is so strong, you already owe a lot, unless you escape from this world."

Lu Ping'an shook his head. He couldn't say these words.

"We used to have one hundred and sixty people, but now we have no more than thirty people including the logistics. Well, now there are only eleven people who can become a combat force, and all of them are extraordinary people." It's a pretty cruel number, but if you compare it to the guerrillas The average survival rate of the team and the resistance seems to be quite good.

The reporter did not play any tricks. He told the simple history of his party quite honestly, and even introduced the specialties and abilities of his companions.

Strength is always the most effective pass. After Lu Ping'an showed that he could kill everyone present within five seconds, communication became very smooth.

What's more, Lu Ping'an's rank of lieutenant general (retired) is also real.

And these unlucky guys lack everything, including all kinds of airdrops and war news. They also know which force and country is fighting back this time. At this time, a foreign lieutenant general with top-level combat power, Naturally, it’s the golden thigh that needs to be hugged tightly.

Originally one of their desperate goals was to get a boat ticket, but now that the boat is here, they naturally ask questions and say whatever they want.

It's just that this golden thigh seemed a little dissatisfied after reading the information.

". Let me be frank, you are actually of no use to me. On the contrary, you may cause me trouble and prevent me from completing my mission."

Lu Ping'an asked about their intelligence and learned that they planned to attack the villages here. Part of it was to rescue the local "meatmen" and enrich the guerrillas' almost exhausted human resources. The other was that they hoped to name a few names and gain access to More support from outsiders.

From their mouths, Lu Ping'an learned that some people had been doing some work. The local well-known and relatively reliable patrol teams had received a large amount of airdrops and plane teleportation materials, and even the delivery rate was less than 1%. , but as long as it can play some internal destructive role and bring inside information, it is beneficial.

The small guerrilla group in front of me not only has different skin colors (the locals don't look very pure), but also has a low reputation.

Of course, their desire to make a name for themselves is also because some guerrillas have been "picked up" a safe boat ticket, which may be what these survivors desire most.

Lu Ping'an easily obtained the command of this team and could even order them to perform high-risk tasks to prove their worth in exchange for a ship ticket.

But their luck was indeed good. After Lu Ping'an really evaluated the combat power of the team in front of him, he found that this was indeed an elite team, with an average combat power of up to five or six levels. Several of the talents and abilities had considerable potential, and might even appear. Three or four regular level players.

"It's a bit like the protagonist's elite team. It's a pity to lose it like this. Well, in that case, wouldn't I become the kind of senior expert who lives up to the plot and guides them in desperate situations?"

Although his mentality was delicate, Lu Ping'an did not reject this choice. They were of no help to what he was going to do. He could fight and run by himself. If he really couldn't do it, he could blow himself up to show the other side. Bringing a burden would increase the possibility of exposure, and it would be more likely that the thing above would say "the baby is hungry" and die together.

Just throw it into the courtyard and go to the nearest contact point, or just take it back.

NPCs in the cutscenes are NPCs. They are better than the predecessors and big brothers of the protagonist. They basically died more miserably than the predecessors and big brothers, and they often hang fireworks and stars to play memory killing.

"They can do it, but I can't. My sister."

Well, it's really the fate of the protagonist, and it might be the most demanding one.

Some time ago, this woman's sister Zhu Yuyue was captured, but judging from the life feedback, she is still alive. This attack is also to rescue the captured person.

"Your current strength, uh, level 7 and a half? Subtle." Above level 7, but obviously unevenly developed and unstable. Lu Ping'an estimated that she would be in trouble if she came to a real level 7, but some parts of her body had the possibility of surpassing level 8 and level 9. In short, it was very strange and protagonist-like.

Such strength, although unstable, is enough to attack ordinary fish lords, most of whom are not even rule-level.

However, the target this time seems to be a relatively large tribe with multiple creatures above level 8.

With the configuration of this team, it is indeed worth a try. I am afraid this is her trial. Lu Ping'an seems to be able to ignore everything.

"Beep!" The sudden sound interrupted the calm, as if trouble had come again.


The drone that suddenly floated over brought new news and orders. It seemed that the upper level also knew the situation of this temporary team.

At this moment, Lu Ping'an had already vaguely felt that something was wrong. The moment before, he remembered the sudden ring of the phone notifying him of overtime.

".This order is a bit too much. Let these people dig holes and altars all over the world to summon evil gods?! They are sending themselves to die, but they should also be given some pensions. What, will the pensions be full? If they can't receive it, give them to their families?"

The price of this gift from fate came too fast. This world really wants the girl in front of it to die.

Lu Ping'an looked at the confused team and Ms. Zhu in front of him, sighed, and still spoke.

"I have an emergency order from the East Country here. As long as you complete it, everyone will directly get a full set of East Country identity and war hero badges, a house and a lifetime pension"

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