How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1693 Smoke Bomb

"Sometimes, I just can't say something like I'm very free and the work has already been done. The work comes before I finish talking."

Looking at the information in his hand, Lu Ping'an also felt a little numb.

He originally thought that his work was completed. He had already obtained quite a lot of information about "Claw", various taboo knowledge and rituals, and most of them were passed back.

Next, it should be time to go back and wait for the next deployment of the staff department.

Even if it were to directly summon the evil god to descend to the earth, it should be something that other people would do together.

"Logistics department, you are doing a good job, well done"

Lu Ping'an's praise contained some personal emotions.

At this moment, all plans have been disrupted.

I had finished my work and was ready to pack up and go home. You called me and said that we were ready for the next preparations and you could go directly to the next job. You just worked overtime on the front line. There was no on-the-spot Expressing negative emotions means that Lu Ping'an has enough knowledge of the general situation.

"This is a task that normal people can do, and it will lead to death. You'd better think more about it. It's okay to refuse."

Lu Ping'an turned off the communication, thought about it, but said something too tolerant.

It stands to reason that in matters concerning the survival of humankind, one should send people to sacrifice without hesitation. But Lu Ping'an knows that human nature is not like this. It is noble for others to take the initiative to sacrifice. If you are really righteous and force others to die, it might not be possible. Someone just broke up with you.

Rationality is one thing, and emotion is another. If someone really surrenders to the enemy and leaks information during the execution of the plan, maybe everyone will die here, and the plan will directly fail.

But after Lu Ping'an privately said, "You don't have to do it if it's not relevant, I can take you out." In the movie, the "I must risk my life to complete the heroic deeds" thing did not happen, but most people Choose to go back.

"Is it okay for six people?"

In the end, the team gave way to safety and was still a little surprised that these people were actively seeking death.

"Okay, your task is quite simple. Find those altars and adjust the sacrificial ritual according to this pattern,"

The staff department at the rear was too powerful. As soon as Lu Pingan's intelligence information was transmitted back, they worked overtime to come up with a battle plan. In fact, they were always racing against time. Even though Lu Pingan was a little unhappy, he actually had no personal grudges.

The new execution plan is quite simple and straightforward, and it also competes with the enemy for time.

"After the plan begins, strong people like us, probably loners at least at the rule level or above, will take the initiative to cause trouble everywhere."

The strong men lurking into Australia will not only have a safe journey, but there will also be a large number of top combat forces lurking in them later.

These top combat forces will take the initiative to "make trouble" and attack to cause damage, especially attacking various plane altars and evil god altars, pretending to be to "cut off" the connection between the planes.

At the same time, various interference objects will be planted to offset the alienated reality with the power of the earth's gods.

This is a common method in plane wars. It is a basic tactic to prevent alienation. The opponent will definitely snipe. It has been experienced countless times over the years, and both sides have a relatively stable set of tactics.

But this time, the truth and strategic goals are exactly the opposite.

"Your goal is actually to sacrifice to the evil god and bring in the thing above. Therefore, if you see an evil god offering sacrifices, just leave them alone and leave quickly."

"Well, if you say it directly like this, aren't you afraid that the secret will be leaked?"

Captain Zhu was a little shocked. She couldn't guarantee the loyalty of her subordinates. In fact, she had experienced too many betrayals over the years, and she had long been accustomed to having multiple evil intentions.

As time goes by, there are fewer and fewer betrayers, not only because those who are not firm have been eliminated, but also because those betrayers do not have a good ending. It is too funny to talk about surrender with those murlocs. They may be able to play with you temporarily. game, but sooner or later a greedy murloc will overpower his appetite.

"It's okay. All kinds of information are flying around every time. This kind of obviously abnormal information can confuse them. In fact, we can accept it whether it is cutting off or connecting to foreign lands."

Lu Pingan did not explain the seemingly contradictory words. Only people at his level know that seemingly conflicting goals are actually the same thing.

Lu Ping'an handed over the new sacrificial ritual program to the person in front of him. This is the technical crystallization of the logistics department and an improvement on the existing sacrificial ritual. It is no longer a sacrificial offering to the empty eight-claw forces, but a designated The sacrifice target is the monster above his head.

But this alone is still not enough. Lu Ping'an's information also provides the best "sacrifice materials."

"You sacrifice these beasts as soon as possible. Although they look a little strange, they taste good. Don't feel pressured. They don't live long to begin with."

Lu Ping'an casually took out a bunch of "precious beasts". There were three-legged flying birds, a silver snake that could not get off the ground due to its electric discharge, and a giant human-shaped tiger that pounced, grabbed, swept, and drew its sword at every turn.

In a sense, the logistics department's decision was not wrong. Others can withdraw. Lu Ping'an's ability is quite useful at this time.

His courtyard has long been a well-known biological research institute, and there are countless monsters and wild beasts in the beast taming place.

And this time, since the greedy "diner" above ordered something he has "never eaten before", it naturally needs to be customized for him.

Regardless of long-term considerations, by borrowing "investment", Lu Ping An can now mass-produce countless new species in the shortest possible time.

"Take it"

Lu Ping'an also kindly gave them "business cards", so if they were close enough, they could spend their life points to escape.

At the same time, it is also convenient for them to make up for the "sacrifice".

Strategies are often simple and straightforward, just completing the tasks on the plan, but at the tactical execution level, the ability of the soldiers is most important.

Even though he is quite resentful, Lu Ping'an does agree with the decision-making of the rear. When time is on the opponent's side, one cannot hesitate. Since it becomes more difficult the further back one goes, one should unfold the information as soon as it is obtained and not give it to the opponent. Preparation time.

In war, intelligence leakage is inevitable. Even if there are no spies and traitors among each other, various extraordinary reconnaissance and divination methods will make overly sophisticated calculations become stupid fish in the net.

And all responses take time. Using a mixed-viewing style of play to make the opponent unable to deal with it in the short term may be much better than preparing carefully for war. Just imagine that those murloc lords faced the reality of human beings cutting off the alienation, and Human beings are taking the initiative to deepen the intelligence of alienation, and no one knows how to deal with it.

Hesitation will bring confusion and confusion, which will give the infiltrators time to complete the task. It would be better if the other party is stupid enough to actively deepen the foreignization.

The division of labor has been quite clear. High-level combat forces like Lu Ping'an have become a smoke bomb in this surprise war, while those middle and low-level warriors are more suitable for such a battlefield.

The "miscellaneous soldiers" will spread out and constantly explore and transform various eight-claw altars to intensify the exoticization of this world.

"The plan is to start in six hours. At that time, the East China Sea will carry out an unprecedented wave of drone operations, and there will be a large number of login systems. Several beaches will be quite chaotic by then. You should avoid those focuses and find and carry out the tasks yourself. location."

Looking at Zhu Xinran who was about to speak, Lu Pingan also knew what she was thinking.

She wanted to save her sister, but there was obviously an opponent in that position that she couldn't deal with. Even if she had a narrow escape, she probably wouldn't be able to complete the mission.

She was also very torn between righteousness on one side and her relatives on the other.

But in the end, she didn't say anything, and it seemed that justice came first.

The road is safe, but I don’t like it.

"Tell me the location of your sister. Anyway, I'm going to make trouble, so I'll just cause trouble for that lord."

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