How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1719 Hatching

If you look down at this planet with a high-dimensional vision, you can see that the entire planet is shining.

And around the planet, one "God's Ship" after another slowly rotates around it, just like a jewel on a crown, and like a satellite around the sun.

The world is upgrading.

A huge black shadow lies on the planet, and its volume is even much larger than the planet itself.

However, part of it has been trapped in it, and part of it has been sucked into the planet.

It tried to struggle, but it was meaningless, just like the giant beast's feet were caught in a bear trap. It may be much larger than the bear trap, but it can't tear the trap itself with bare hands.

Perhaps, it should give itself a knife

"The oxygen content of seawater has increased significantly, and the nutrient-rich marine plants have increased dramatically. Our magic plant ships have generally exceeded the standard size."

The world is using it as a nutrient to "upgrade" itself.

The most direct change, reflected in the current ocean, is that the life environment has begun to change significantly.

The original toxins disintegrated and merged on their own. The new generation of oceans has been verified by experts to be very good for both humans and animals.

"Maybe we can see fish as small as boats, and big whales. Uh, will we see dinosaurs?"

"Let's get through this first. Maybe all the marine life will be eaten by dragons and snakes."

Lu Ping'an was very calm. His hand went deep into the sea water, trying to sense the changes in the ocean.

As those experts said, this is an ocean that is very suitable for hatching life, but at the same time, it is also suitable for producing giant beasts.

"But it is also suitable for the growth of demonized creatures."

Lu Ping'an took his hand and wiped it. He did not feel the obvious tingling sensation in the past. The change was quite obvious.

And Chris over there showed a rare joy. Just after she recovered, she spent all her time studying the changes in the whole world.

For her, the result of the world is actually not important. She has experienced many high-magic worlds and has collected enough specimens.

And the process of this world's dimensional upgrade, especially the rapid dimensional upgrade under the massive "energy" supply, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

What she wants to observe is not only the various data of the world, but she doesn't care much about it. The basic information that can be obtained by exchanging data from time to time is not very meaningful to her.

What she observes is the changes in the bodies and souls of various animals and monsters in the process of world evolution. This intermediate state of evolution is the most important for her, who focuses on "biological evolution".

Knowing the "process" and getting the "result", you can naturally get some evolutionary paths. This "natural evolution" is extremely precious to her.

"Let's go."

". Wait, okay, okay, you, help me record it."

Chris felt a little regretful and had to follow.

Lu Ping'an's "point reserve" is not much, and it is difficult to replenish it at this time. Chris must follow to ensure safety.

At the same time, she is also helping Lu Ping'an

"Are the materials almost enough?"


At this moment, in the courtyard, in the boiling pot, the flesh and blood are boiling.

During this period, Lu Ping'an has collected a lot of materials.

He is going to make a new magic pet in order to deal with the next war.

At the same time, there are too many hybrid magic plants in the garden in the courtyard. These days, the life system has also been collecting materials everywhere.

The flesh and blood of gods, the fragments of new gods, this kind of material that was rarely seen in the past, here you only need to dive and pick up corpses, there is no reason to miss it.

".Huh, it's a bit uncomfortable, but it's acceptable."

Lu Ping'an can still feel the toxins in the water, probably still at the level of ordinary people dying suddenly, but for Lu Ping'an now, it is already a comfortable environment.

"How far is it."

"In half an hour."

In front of the rope that Lu Ping'an dragged, there was a small "underwater drone".

It is about two meters long, long and strip-shaped, and its shape is a bit like an elongated submarine.

This is a product sent from the rear not long ago. It is a self-propelled extraordinary AI reconnaissance aircraft.

It will form a network with other automatic reconnaissance aircraft, transmit the reconnaissance information underwater, and then guide the soldiers to hunt.

And now, Lu Ping'an underwater can also take the opportunity to take a nap.

".How are the wounds?"

"Not bad."

Lu Ping'an has accumulated a lot of wounds on his body. Even if the treatment is powerful, he will definitely be injured in this level of battle.

And now, Lu Ping'an really doesn't dare to use the deferred payment casually.

Lu Ping'an looked at his chest and right shoulder, which had almost recovered, and nodded. The other side of his innate ability of "life transformation" is that many conventional treatments are basically ineffective against him.

And now, this self-healing method that goes beyond common sense can probably be regarded as the favor of fate.

Now, on the way to the next battlefield, Lu Ping'an also hopes to recover a little more.

"Do you think the 'little guy' can hatch?"

"The possibility is quite high. We should be favored by fate this time."

In the courtyard, newborns are still hatching, and most of the materials are Lu Ping'an's prey these days, those dragon snakes that have been split everywhere.

It is worth mentioning that these dragon snakes are too difficult to kill. If there is no ability to completely destroy it, killing it will only make the disaster spread more.

Now, those hunters with special abilities are more actively participating in the battlefield.

Naturally, Lu, who has the fire of life and is extremely powerful, has become one of the main forces.

However, the more he hunts, the more tired he becomes.

The number is already unpredictable. Even if he works overtime, he can never kill them all. As long as a few escape and meet the new god, a large number of them will be born.

"Six. After four generations, it's okay."

Arriving at the destination under the deep sea, Lu Pingan looked at the dragons and snakes and breathed a sigh of relief.

The opponent this time is not troublesome, but once the six dragons and snakes above the rule level come ashore, the loss will be quite heavy.

"Come on."

A group of weapons specially used for multi-headed dragons were revealed. There were many bloodstains and wear on them, but the effect was enough.

Half an hour later, Lu Pingan began to return. The opponent's immortality was very good, and it took Lu Pingan more than ten minutes to burn them. As a price, Lu Pingan had a bone fracture wound on his right knee.

"About three hours. I hope you can give me some information."

But Lu Ping'an hasn't returned yet. Another drone comes and guides him to the next battlefield.

"I hope the 'Dragon Snake Enemy' will hatch as soon as possible."

While working overtime, he threw the "materials" he had just collected into the cauldron.

Lu Ping'an was still thinking about the magic pet in the cauldron, hoping that the magic pet made of dragon and snake flesh and blood could become a real dragon and snake hunter.

". I hope it can work overtime for me, and I hope it can put an end to this dragon and snake disaster."

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