How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 1720 Resolution

When it comes to destroying the world, the God-on-God of the Octopus is a professional.

After all, it's nothing but practice.

The Golden Crow is melting the glaciers in the Arctic, which will completely change the ecology of the entire planet.

Not only is it a "gentle" method to raise the sea level and completely turn it into Mercury, but the more fatal thing is that the temperature of the firebird is always rising.

The heat that seems to be a rootless fire is constantly integrated into the atmosphere. The sky is always baked by two suns, and one of them is too close to the surface.

Obviously, the God-on-God has no intention of taking this world, it plans to destroy it directly.

And that greedy and voracious beast, invulnerable to swords and guns and unparalleled combat power, is used to hunt high-level combat forces including gods and destroy these powerful existences on the surface.

Judging from the feedback from the front line, even with the blessing of the gods, that thing is still too strong, and there is no hope of victory in the short term.

And if the final result is that it cannot be killed, it will sooner or later eat all the gods and high-level combat forces.

The multi-headed dragon that is dissolving in the ocean looks the most harmless, but it is more vicious.

".Those infinitely multiplying disaster dragons can completely exterminate the surface and marine biological populations,"

Lu Ping'an already has countless specimens and blood and flesh samples, and other high-level biologists have also produced various research reports, and the final conclusion is quite helpless.

Its combat power is not strong, but its reproduction power makes people despair, and its lowest level of combat power of level seven is actually a level of despair for most human populations.

Level seven is nothing to Lu Ping'an now, especially level seven monsters, whose strength is far lower than that of level seven professionals.

But when it climbs up to a coastal city and the combat power rescue is too late, the entire city may be finished.

No matter how strong that "Xing Tian" is, even if everyone can't beat it in the end, there is only one individual, and the killing efficiency is limited.

Even if it is stronger and faster, humans can still survive. It is very likely that it kills faster than it gives birth.

Humans can just go around it. They can afford to delay, but the god-on-god obviously can't.

The dragon snake looks weak, but it is actually the most terrible biological weapon. After it reproduces infinitely, no tribe can stop the nearly infinite seventh-level. The final result is that only these dragon snakes will be left in this world, and the world will be completely finished.

Unfortunately, due to its overly powerful reproduction and immortality, as well as the so-called minimum combat power that is too outrageous for mortals, there is basically no good solution.

"For biological invasion, the best way to deal with it is still to create biological natural enemies if there are no natural enemies in nature."

Lu Ping'an's face was full of fatigue. He didn't know how long he had been working overtime, and how many dragon snakes he had killed.

The strength of that thing is really not low. It has some divinity and its defense, resistance, and regeneration ability are so strong that it is disgusting. Even if it is finally killed, it will take a lot of time to completely destroy the body, otherwise it may help it reproduce.

Hunting with top combat power seems like some cannons hitting mosquitoes, but from the results, these cannons are almost scrapped, and there are endless mosquitoes.

Lu Ping An took on the most hunter tasks simply because although he was very hard at fighting, others were fighting to the death, and it was even less cost-effective to pile up results with human lives.

"Do you feel that the abilities of those dragons and snakes are a bit familiar?"

"Well, it is because of the familiarity that I cannot understand how they can do it."

Those immortal bodies that continue to multiply, in the final analysis, are "the division of life", and this is also part of the "all spirits" that Lu Ping An saw, and is the lower concept of his reason "the flow of life". Obviously, the God of Gods is much stronger than Lu Ping An, and he has never been able to analyze how this existence was born.

"Why no matter how they split, they will not fall below the rule level."

This is something Lu Ping An cannot understand at all, and it is also what he wants to know. In his concept, "the total amount of energy/pollution" is conserved, and continuous division will naturally divide indefinitely. Why is the weakest version still above the seventh level?

This ability to directly break the conservation of energy and create something out of nothing, is it the rule of the God of Gods?

Lu Ping An vaguely realized that if he could "obtain" this module, his reason would be greatly enhanced.

However, now is obviously not the time to do research and get papers slowly.

". The seventh 'Snake Hunting' seminar has begun. If you have any new ideas or achievements, please speak widely."

Her Excellency Xiuyi, who presided over the remote meeting, also showed a rare sign of fatigue.

No one would give this important task to Lu Pingan, a newcomer, first. The pressure on the old quasi-gods is much heavier than him. In recent days, they have tried countless methods, but still have no effect.

The point is not that this test question is too difficult, but that the "question" itself is "incomprehensible". If you can't understand and analyze the source of this infinite reproduction, you naturally can't stop it.

It's not that various biological weapons and toxins have not been used. They are more or less useful, but more or less useless.

Just like using rat poison and traps to treat rat infestation, you can always harvest a few rat corpses, but what's the point for the rats in the entire community or even the whole world.

Lu Pingan sighed as he looked at the screen where no one spoke for a long time.

This was not the case in the previous meetings. Many people spoke out even if they had immature and impossible proposals.

Once it is recognized by a few big guys, it is equivalent to the establishment of a project. The resources of several big guys are put together, and various acceleration capabilities and personal resources are used, which is more efficient than any research institute.

Whether it works or not, whether it can be effective, a little deduction, a little acceleration, and the expected results will come out.

There is no need to cheat money. Considering the strength of the opponent, "unsatisfactory" and "promising results in the future" can be directly denied. If you cannot produce results in the short term, it is meaningless. The world is gone and you are still doing it. Research and development? !

This time, none of the big bosses had any secrets to hide. Many projects were just approved, which left Lu Ping An with a sense of surprise: "Can this be done?"

The accumulation of all the big guys is much better than that of Lu Pingan. Just by observing the ideas and progress of these projects, Lu Pingan has gained a lot.

However, with the early termination of projects that once seemed promising, some of the projects that were supported by hard work fell into unsolvable bottlenecks. Naturally, everyone was helpless.

In the short term, there seems to be no hope, but everyone knows that every day that is delayed, the problem will become twice as difficult.

The sixth meeting was already a helpless "project failure report meeting".

The seventh time, it seemed that he was following in the same footsteps.

But at this time, Lu Ping'an touched his chin, maybe, as a junior, he must come out.

"I have a plan here, maybe you can try it. In fact, we don't need to understand the meaning of the question, we just need the answer. We don't need to understand how it is done, we just need to reverse the process, and in my hand , there happens to be an established world principle.”

Seeing everyone's attention, after thinking about it for a while, Lu Ping'an also knew that there seemed to be nothing to hide.

After all, this project is too difficult, and he also needs other help and resources. At this time, perhaps the name is a more convincing bargaining chip.

"You may have guessed it right, it is the Mother Goddess. Perhaps, we can create another scale beast."

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