How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 462 Little Accident


The first eruption was the familiar voice of Lu Pingan and even all the people on Earth.

The sparks of the grenade, which erupted in a different world, are so familiar and reassuring. Then came the sweep of the machine gun.

"It's the alchemy equipment of Red Sand Pirates!"

This exclamation made a group of outsiders feel even more subtle.

But this time is naturally not the time to hesitate.

Those who should look for cover should find cover, and those who should counterattack should counterattack. This batch of firearms did not play much role.

The knights who got the warning easily blocked it with their turtle spirit shields.

And when the attacker showed his face, everyone became even less calm.

Seven people, five local bandits, and two red sand bandits from outland stood together, attacking with swords and hot weapons.

"Wait, we are."

Some people tried to communicate, but the next moment, they were interrupted by more violent gunshots.

For professionals with an average level of two or more, these small weapons are nothing, but in this world full of ordinary people, they are the notorious trump card of the Red Sand Pirates.

"Dongguo people? Fuck, F%%, get out, this is our territory!"

On the other side, they have already started scolding directly.

I noticed that it was a fellow villager, but the gunfire was more intense.

Listening to the familiar cursing at the beginning of the letter F and the familiar gunshots, Lu Pingan seemed to have returned to his hometown on Earth.

Xia Qin, who reacted more directly, had subconsciously drawn her gun to fight back.


As soon as the gunshot rang out, the head of a Red Sand Bandit was blown into the sky.

Xia Qin not only has a part-time job as a gunman (Level 1), but the magic gun in her hand is a taboo item, which is not of the same grade as ordinary standard firearms.

"Seven steps away, the gun is still fast."

The two sides fought briefly, but the result was that the attacker was injured.

But finding that something was wrong, after noticing the two-digit knights, the remaining Red Sand Bandit left without hesitation, turned around and ran away, leaving all his temporary companions behind.

Next, it was even simpler. A few ordinary robbers who were not even supernatural holders lost their gun support and were captured alive in two or three hits.

This time, Lu Ping'an and his party were not willing to kill, and they urgently needed local information.

A short-term victory is naturally a good thing, but the knights looked at Xia Qin holding the gun, and the few men who were excitedly picking up the spoils and trying to play with the gun, with subtle expressions.

"Hey, in our world, this is a very common alchemy mechanical weapon, but it's not very deterrent to high-level combat power, so most of us don't carry it."

Lu Pingan casually perfunctory without sincerity, but at this time, it is enough.

It is a good thing to have a living, and after three or five clicks, the knights asked for information.

The two groups of people here are actually the outposts of the two groups of bandits.

"We were forced." The vicious robber, after confirming that he was unable to resist, sold out his companions in three or two strokes.

In fact, they were the ones who came first, chasing the shepherds all the way into the ruins.

They were indeed employed by the shepherds before, but it was unthinkable to make a deal with robbers. Most of the shepherds were killed on the spot, and the vicious boss had no intention of keeping alive.

The few of them are sentinels left by the Evil Bones Gang outside, so naturally, they are not strong players with team status.

As a result, when a group of Red Sand Bandits came from behind, they were attacked and two of them died on the spot, and they hid in the ruins without hesitation. Borrowing the bifurcation of the ruins, they avoided the large army of Red Sand Bandits.

But soon, a new visitor came behind the Red Sand Pirates, and this time, the left behind of the Red Sand Pirates couldn't stay anymore.

In desperation, he also entered the ruins to hide, and caught these wild bandits at once.

The side with fewer people had weapons or professionals, and easily subdued them, using them as cannon fodder.

The ins and outs of the matter are very simple, but some things have attracted Lu Ping'an's attention.

"What drove them in as well."

"I don't know, those black monsters didn't say anything."

".Is it a beast?"

"Probably not, they have knife wounds on their hands."

Well, another batch has come, and there are probably people who will stand and watch this game of mahjong.

Mutated monsters, red sand robbers, evil bone bandits, silver shepherds, unknown forces, and really lively enough.

Lu Pingan asked some more questions. They first came in about two days. There were about a hundred people when they came, but only forty or fifty people entered the ruins, and only a dozen of them had supernatural abilities. the strong.

The strongest among them is of course Evil Bone. Lu Pingan asked Knight Benn about one-on-one, and he was not confident that he would survive to the end.

As for the Red Sand Pirates, they only saw the two who were forced in.

The others all entered the deep layer of the ruins, there should be no more than twenty people, but none of them showed signs of returning.

Judging from the results, the two groups of people became one group, and they could only wait outside silently.

" live." Then, Lu Pingan gave the order.

"Meow." Maomao set off immediately.

The hellish terrain here may be difficult for most searchers, but for Maomao, it is not difficult.

Judging from the feeling just now, the other party doesn't look like a high-level professional. Maomao should be able to handle it easily.

But while waiting, more information was fed back.

These two groups of people are not weak at all. They have entered the deeper depths for two days, but they have not responded at all.

"Either they are all dead, or they are trapped below, which is not good news."

The leader of the team must also consider whether to continue on. Most of the time to go on will have to fight with those groups of people, which seems not worthwhile.

At this time, Catherine suddenly came out.

She padded her feet and touched the murals on the wall. She felt that something seemed to be attracting herself.

The sun shot out a corrugated spear, piercing the pattern of "Beast God", which made her familiar and even somewhat inexplicably nostalgic.

She touched and pulled subconsciously. The spear directly deviated from the original track and pulled out from the beast god.

"I, I didn't mean to."

When everyone looked at her in a hurry, she seemed to think of something subconsciously again, and inserted the corrugated spear casually, but this time, it was inserted on the sun god.


Suddenly, the whole hall vibrated, and the murals became active again. This time, it was indeed the animal god who revived, and then pulled out his spear and threw it at the "imagination" of the sun god.

But then, the wall cracked open, and a huge hole appeared between the paintings of the two gods.

".I heard that many catacombs follow the road. They are all traps and dead ends, specially for thieves. Only those who know the real road know how to go."

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