How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 465 Opening the Bow (Third Watch)

When Lu Ping'an and his party were still camping outside the forest to fight monsters, the real owner of the tomb was also dealing with his own work.

"...Those damned outsiders! Blasphemy, dare to die in this temple, and blaspheme the ritual of the resurrection of our Lord."

A fanatical believer, outraged at the defilement of his master's sanctuary.

Catherine's guess is not wrong, no matter what the truth is, the beast god believers who have come this far can't stop.

The ground was already covered with blood, and a group of unlucky wild bandits met the real owner here, and each of them had already hung on the agricultural tools such as dung forks and hoes, if the hoe with its own "death god floating spirit" was also an agricultural tool.

Among a group of believers, the woman dressed as a peasant woman has an appearance and temperament that obviously does not match her identity. She is obviously the core of the team under the heavy protection of her companions.

And if Catherine is here, she will find that although this is her mother, she is much younger than the "middle-aged peasant woman" in her impression.

The battle just experienced was nothing to these high-ranking priests, but Marian, the leader of the team, looked at the corpse of the thief in front of him and fell into deep thought.


No one is stupid, as the leader of the team, and as the leader of the Beast God Church who has been struggling for so many years after its collapse, she has mastered a lot of religious knowledge and magic mysteries at the level of "archbishop" and "pope Pope".

What is the situation outside, she looked all the way, and the seven or eight or seven disasters that she grasped were engraved on them. They have studied the history of that thing for at least seven or eighty years.

But here, there is a little problem. Believers interpret the prophecies for their own interests, that is, all interpretations are interpreted in their favor.

The resurrection of the dead is interpreted as the resurrection of the god of death. They painted the appearance of their own gods in the murals, which is their expectation, and it is also a kind of private goods in a sense.

But now, they have also experienced the real "resurrection of the dead". As the leader, Marianne naturally knows that it is not a real recovery, but a "corpse mutation".

She has already noticed the truth, and realized that due to the misunderstanding of her predecessors and ancestors, the traceability of her own party is doomed to be impossible.

But this couldn't stop.

"The blasphemer, the blasphemer."

"Sure enough, they are the apostles of doom who prevented our Lord from recovering. High priest, please order, let us clean them up completely!"

"This is a test, this is an opportunity for our Lord to witness our piety!"

Looking at the fanatical high-ranking believers in front of her, Marianne in the past only had the joy of the heart, but now, her scalp feels numb.

Do you reason with fanatics? Do you reason with fanatics who have waited for this day for decades, two or three generations? It is said that the predecessor and the former high priest made mistakes in interpreting the prophecy, the tomb was built in vain, and so many years of waiting and layout were in vain. This is more harmful than denying the other party's life.

The high priest knew that her authority came from her faith. If she dared to say these "blasphemous words", all believers would regard her death as the first priority in their lives in the next moment.

"As the helm and controller of the church, you must not become a fanatic. On the contrary, you must understand the gods, read the gods, and use the gods. You may not even be a true believer, but you must not get too close to God."

That's what the high priest who took office at the time told Marianne.

Eleven years ago, Marianne also said the same words when teaching her daughter, the future high priest.

This is not accidental. On the contrary, larger churches have similar teachings and unspoken rules. Those who are too pious and fanatic are suitable to be the leader of the flock, but they are not suitable to be the shepherd who guides the direction.

In many worlds, various churches may tell you that faith can solve all problems, but the boss who said this knows that this is a lie. If he also believes and dares to do anything for his faith, then that church It is only one step away from complete madness and death.

Whether it is Marianne or Catherine, let alone fanatics, it is difficult to count even devout true believers in the belief in beast gods.

Like her daughter, she immediately realized that something was wrong, and the recovery of the "beast god" would only cause disaster.

So, do the believers in front of you know nothing about it? No, in their eyes, there is probably nothing else. They have sacrificed their lives to revive the gods, and they have no possibility of stopping.

Perhaps there are a few outliers among them, and there are rational people, but at this time, it is impossible for him to be stupid enough to speak up and come up with an ideal analysis.

Marianne hesitated, but she knew what to do in the face of the fanatical high-level believers. She could only do so.

"Then, let us turn these heretics and blasphemers into sacrifices before our Lord revives. Go, hounds of the bloodthirsty, hunt those blasphemers!"

The high priest's order immediately excited these believers.

They immediately acted, taking advantage of the local geography, and began to look for the intruders of the tomb.

Beast cultists, evil bone thieves, unlucky silver shepherds, red sand thieves, and hungry mutant monsters, before Lu Pingan and his party arrived, this small group of catacombs had gathered five forces.

They killed each other underground, fought each other, and fought each other to the death.

In the extra day and a half, countless life-and-death struggles took place in the catacombs between the various forces.

But in general, Beast God believers who have mastered geographical and organizational advantages have a certain advantage. In most cases, they who have the initiative are hunters rather than prey.

They first took advantage of the agency to divide the intruders who had taken the "road of bandits", and focused on attacking the most numerous vicious bone bandits.

Their strength even forced the evil bone bandits and the red sand bandits who were originally fighting to the death to carry out limited cooperation.

At this moment, it was another two high-ranking animal god priests who blocked the Red Sand Pirates and bandits.

Two people are against seven people, but the side with more people is completely at the bottom. Not only are the crazy beast god believers not bad in strength, they have experienced many battles, and they will not hesitate to die.

Seeing that a massacre was about to happen again, the party with more people was forced to a desperate situation.

Suddenly, the ceiling opens


The heavy object fell directly on the Beast God Cultist, knocking him into the air.

And how could his opponent miss this opportunity.

In an instant, throwing knives, gunshots and sorcery sounded simultaneously, turning the unlucky guy who was smashed down into a hornet's nest.

"Damn it!"

The remaining Beastmen ran away, but before leaving, a "hate mark" was thrown on the attacker as a "reinforcement".

This is a common ability that many churches have. When you kill or completely offend a high-level or important person in a certain church, you must be careful of being attached to this curse. At that time, there will be endless troubles! The hunt will be from beginning to end!

At this moment, the attacker, Xue En, who had just fallen, was looking at the surrounding environment with a dazed expression.

Just a moment ago, he was still knocking and tapping in that room, but in the blink of an eye, he arrived at this strange place.

Uh, it's a little wet under the buttocks, so I didn't sit on something bad.

"Where is this? Who are you? Wait, what are you doing with your guns?!"

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