How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 464 Lucky

For Lu Pingan's small team, it only took ten minutes to step into the secret passage, and it went smoothly.

No one would have thought that the female knight who led the team would be completely different after walking the stairs.

This "memory sealing technique" is actually quite mature, and it is often used to ambush long-term lurkers. Those "eternal sleepers" can't find anything if they accept any questioning, magic test, or lie detection.

And when necessary, awaken the memory of the other party, and you can get a perfect lurker.

The education of the cultist intellectual family before the age of twelve, the precocious and precocious personality who was enlightened by secret arts since childhood.

As the daughter of the high priest of the beast god, she was born in charge and enjoyed a top-level education since she was a child. She is not a simple silly girl.

After the age of twelve, he was born in a "farm family". When he was young, he was blank, and then he received a pious and simple knight education, a traditional education of being loyal to the country and the lord, and after being favored by God, a devout personality was shaped by massive piety.

What will be the product of the fusion of the two, I am afraid that even the high priest who designed all this back then cannot predict.

". Is it a dead end again?"

This time, after walking down the passage for a full 20 minutes, the group was not in a hurry.

The calmness along the way explains everything, and the torches on the wall and the footprints on the road all show that this is a safe road that is often visited by people.

Compared with the "big road" where you can't come out after going down, it is obviously much safer here.

With the experience of the last two times, seeing Catherine showing a thoughtful expression, the others are also busy, either searching for special objects around them, or looking for hidden clues.

Lu Pingan also opened the notes and recorded the patterns here. He found that copying this thing can be used as an "explorer's log" and can also steadily increase the professional skills of scholars.

These seemingly ordinary patterns and construction methods are actually a very advanced "supernatural technology". The background of this world is very deep, and it is far more than just the simple sealing technique.

"The sealing technique is not easy enough. What we can get now is probably some low-end goods. I don't know if this business is over. Can we buy some high-end goods from the boss?"

While working, Lu Pingan was distracted, but was suddenly awakened by a voice.

"Lu Ping'an, come and have a look."

The reason for being called over was a footprint. A very clear footprint on the fine sand.

"It's the size of an ordinary local. From the looks of it, it's a large cloth shoe. Is it a farmer?"

Perhaps, this is the trace left by another group of unknown invaders. The more obvious evidence is the torch with grease, which seems to be the result of just adding oil.

This moment put pressure on everyone, at least someone has already stepped forward.

The group speeded up the progress of the search, but at this moment, someone found Lu Pingan again.

"Let's chat." The female knight's smile was more confident and free than before.

Lu Pingan was a little strange, but since others were willing to talk to him, of course they would not refuse.

Seeing that the other party seemed to be looking for a private chat with him, he walked back to the previous passage and spoke in a low voice.

"I know who the last batch of intruders are, and they are very troublesome," Lu Pingan became interested.

He waited for the other party to continue talking, but only saw a smiling face, a smiling face waiting for Lu Pingan to make an offer.

That lively and confident smile is completely different from the simple and innocent look of the past, making one wonder if she is possessed by someone.

Lu Pingan rubbed his chin, looked at this girl, and became interested.

He was going to raise, so let's talk somewhere else.

"...don't resist." With that said, an invitation was handed over.

In the next moment, in Catherine's eyes, the whole world turned around, and she was completely in a foreign land.

The void is behind, it is not a wide space, but there are houses and people, as well as the roaring sound of machinery, full of the breath of life.

Lu Pingan smiled, everyone's time is short, so stop playing those fake things, and just use "money" to hit people.

"I know you probably don't understand what this means, but since I can smuggle these people in, I can naturally smuggle you out. My previous promise is valid. The ticket I took out is the same as other foreign visitors. Incomparable."

At this time, Catherine's eyes lit up first, and then she shook her head quickly.

"No, I understand."

Lu Pingan smiled, you know? Those real professionals don't understand, what do you understand? Probably thought it was a demiplane?

"The only independent plane that can move across planes is the Kingdom of God. No, the childish form of the Kingdom of God, I didn't expect that you would be a Highness!"

This time, it was Lu Pingan's turn to be surprised.

He smiled playfully, and there was some malice in that smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill people to silence you? Now that you know what the kingdom of God means, you also know what it means to a god."

Now, it was the girl's turn to be silent. She took a step back subconsciously, shrinking back, showing a look of fear.

She is twelve years old, and she is still twenty-three years old, so there are naturally some sequelae after the fusion.

For example, the twelve-year-old is outspoken, or the twenty-three-year-old is hesitant and timid. But the next moment, she raised her head and had already made up her mind.

"Your Highness."

"Call me Lu Ping An."

"Master Lu Ping'an, I want to make a deal with you. Originally, I only wanted three tickets, but now I need more."

"Oh oh, interesting."

Lu Pingan didn't despise the other party's greed. He saw that she was much smarter than before.

Although I don't know where she learned the top-secret knowledge of the gods, since you dare to ask for a higher price, there are naturally more valuable "goods".

"I am the daughter of Marian T. Dora, the high priest of the beast god, the future high priest of the beast god. The secrets about the gods all come from my family. In a sense, this tomb is me and my The belongings of the family, if I guessed correctly, the unknown party who followed in should be my parents and the backbone of the Beast God Church."

This makes sense, the High Priest is obviously the top of the church, and considering that the deity has fallen, and the cultists are trying to resurrect it, they obviously know some god-level secrets.

".I know what they want to do, but I must not let them succeed"

Listening to these extremely "filial piety" words, Lu Pingan nodded in satisfaction.

He likes girls who know the current affairs, especially when the other party is lucky.

"Perhaps, we need a new agreement."

After completing the communication and signing an agreement that both parties are satisfied with, it will take more than ten minutes. When Lu Pingan and Catherine returned to the secret room where everyone was, they realized that something was wrong.

"Missing someone?"

Lu Ping'an noticed that everyone was beating around a wooden board.

"Xue En. As he was walking, he suddenly fell into a pit. The plank flipped over and slid him down."

Lu Pingan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Perhaps, this is the practice of Lipai archaeology, take a bad guy and use luck to open the way?

But Lu Ping'an's eyes turned to Catherine. The female knight who said "I know all the mechanisms here" just now looked bewildered and surprised.

"Well, I really don't know the correct way is on the wall. There should be no mechanism here."

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