How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 711 Gathering Sands into a Tower

"...I'm still alive, there are only two people left in our team"

There are not many teams that can survive.

But since it is able to speak on the public frequency, it is already a lucky one.

The last struggle of many teams is to take away one or two more Ossians, but it is much better than the meaningless annihilation of the entire army.

This is not just as simple as a large number of survivors, but the reality that the Ossians have also suffered a lot of losses.

The fighting will of the hunters in Oss is actually not high, so what is the use of money to do things?

When people are constantly being killed and injured in the contact, they will naturally think more about it.

Most of the hunting outside are also peripheral mercenaries who take money to do things.

Originally, active hunting is to watch the prey easy to handle and rush to it.

After suffering a loss, it is natural to hesitate whether to continue.

Many Dongguo people who were being chased lost their pursuers inexplicably.

And when the reality of the direct destruction of a "squad" spread on its internal network, it also caused a lot of shocks.

When they realized that what they were chasing was no longer a wild dog that fled, but a fierce tiger that was cornered, many teams stopped naturally.

They are just a group of carrion vultures. They are bounty hunters who bully the weak and fear the strong. When a hurricane or a strong dragon passed by by chance before, they naturally pretended not to see it.

Since they are wild dogs chasing profit, no matter how high the bounty is, they will not let them die for nothing.

And when the prey becomes difficult, they will naturally adjust, or give up or join forces, instead of continuing to take high risks.

The most common is to merge teams.

Two teams become one team, and four teams become two groups. After "teaming", the strength is stronger. Even if the bounty is halved, at least it is much safer.

But judging from the results, this also means that the efficiency is halved

"A lot of survivors have gathered. Some of them need our support, and some don't plan to come back. They want to fight the Ossians desperately."

Hearing this, Lu Ping'an touched his chin, which was expected.

Scattered and orderly hunting in small groups is the most efficient method for the Ossians, but the premise is that each small group can eat the prey without injury or low loss.

And once they shrink back or unite, it will not only be as simple as halving the efficiency.

"Inform them that they will be relatively safe in the future, and let them gather faster. Talk to Major Qian and let them use air cavalry to drop weapons and supplies at fixed points and transport the wounded back."

Lu Pingan thought for a moment, then said.

"Broadcast on the public screen. During the adjustment period of the Ossians, let them gather as soon as possible. Even if it is a counterattack hunting team, the more people the better."

When the hunter stopped, those who were being chased would be less pressured to be caught up at any time, so they could naturally focus on finding their way and gather with other companion teams.

In Lu Pingan's view, it is definitely a stupid decision-making for the hunter team to give up and continue to hunt down. The superimposed strength of professionals cannot be solved by doubling the spin stone.

Lu Pingan asked the military to use a small number of empty riders to continuously provide guidance and support to those scattered personnel, especially to deliver the food and medicine they needed most, so as to relieve their worries.

Those who are willing to join the large forces can leave a map, guide the direction, and even try to escort them. Those who are not willing can also provide a certain degree of logistical support.

And their revenge can also disrupt the deployment of the Ossians and reduce the pressure on the main camp.

"They are all energetic, very good. If we have free time here, we can also go to help."

Lu Pingan checked the information for a while, and even though many teams refused to join, they did not intend to force it.

Since mandatory orders will only arouse resentment, there is no need to persist. You just need to follow the "people's will" and then guide the results to your own side.

"Air riders are not enough. Haven't heard from Major Qian yet? Haven't you found their air rider training base?"


Now, when "Road Ping An's Broadcasting" is becoming more and more effective, the mining camp that annexed the original official main camp has also become Dongguo's base camp here.

More and more Dongguo people took the initiative to join them, and their strength was increasing every moment.

This is one of Lu Ping'an's "plans".

Under the current general trend, relying solely on the power of one individual or one or two teams to turn the world upside down is completely a daydream.

First arrange all human resources so that they don't die in a daze and helplessness. The strength on their side will naturally increase.

How to form a consensus and make a group of scattered sand come together? All you need is a super public enemy who does all kinds of evil and threatens everyone at hand.

Not long ago, many teams, including him, were just thinking about going on and waiting for reinforcements to arrive and everything would improve. But this is obviously not realistic.

The journey of about a month is too long, and the most terrible thing is that even if there is a "ship" from the East next time, if there is no main force like the Four Cities Alliance, the number of people may not be large, and the strength will not be stronger.

The most deadly thing is that they may become the prey of the Ossians as soon as they get off the ship, and they will suffer heavy losses.

When the local people find out that something is wrong, maybe it will be two or three months later. At that time, everyone will be dead, and it’s not just what the Ossians say.

Even if there are a few dead ones that are planted back, and then go through legal proceedings? Uh, as the emissary said before, Huo De Company has a group of very good lawyers.

Count on the country to send an expeditionary force? That's even more unrealistic. Most of the forces in the old era were sporadic explorations by the people. They just sent regular troops for "a few people" and went on an ultra-expedition that took several months to fight a group of local snakes in a foreign land?

It's not impossible, it's just too unlikely.

The most likely thing is to just issue a warning of "danger here" to make latecomers be careful, and then condemn Huo De Company through official channels. In this era, there are actually too many such things. If they come one by one, the regular legion I'm too busy.

At this moment, even Lu Pingan himself didn't know whether the East Congress in the new era would send reinforcements if the news came back to the mainland.

What he looks forward to the most is actually the private army. For example, a certain survivor formed a large army and hired powerful rule-level troops to come and cause trouble.

"Heh. It's better not to look forward to things that are uncertain."

Even if everything goes well, it will be two or three months before the reinforcements arrive. Then there is no expectation at all.

"Worse still to consider."

If reinforcements are really coming, it's hard to say who will come first. The Huo De Company pays more attention to this land. If they are unlucky, they will have regular-level high-end combat power to patrol.

The only good news is that they have only recently sent a group of local company executives, and the next contact should take some time.

The associated bad news is that those high-level people must also have expert guards, which may cause unknown troubles.

Lu Pingan was not in a hurry, nor was he in a hurry.

He just tried to stir up the chess game on the entire battlefield, and get as many pieces as possible on his side.

Now all he has in his hand is a pile of loose sand. If it is not gathered together, it is meaningless, and it will only be eaten by the opponent one by one.

He erected the flag and erected the lighthouse, and naturally became the enemy in the eyes of the Ossians.

In just two days, the headquarters of the mining area suffered two attacks. Although it was not as strong as the previous turtles, the number of people was quite considerable.

It's just that this time, our own side fought the battle more easily, and the battle damage was very little.

Of course, it may also be that the more combat power one's own side has, the stronger the patrolling squad will be.

"Uh, this can also increase experience points."

To Lu Ping'an's surprise, his soldier path (war chess player) has skyrocketed recently.

The professional skill called "War is Like Chess" (formerly War Memories) has recently grown like a triple jump, and somehow reached lv9, which is just one step away from lv10.

If the people of Dongguo in the whole world are regarded as the "war pawns" that Lu Pingan is commanding, then such an outrageous growth rate may be able to explain it.

"...It seems that you can directly advance to the third-tier soldier."

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