How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 710 Give up fantasy

On the high mountain, a small team of Orsians was observing the prey below.

There are traces everywhere you walk, and for the Orsian hunters who are familiar with the local area, the skills of the Dongguo people to cover up the traces are full of flaws.

In addition to the fact that most of them do not have professional "counter-reconnaissance personnel", it is mainly because the newcomers do not understand the local environment at all.

Some stones will leave marks when you walk by them, some insects will be scared to death by the passing of "giants", and some soils are actually impossible to set foot on.

".It's just below. It seems like five people. Another one died. It's almost time to collect the net."

The hunter looked at the "flash footprints" on the ground and nodded, and the blindfolded birds and beasts on his shoulders were also the reason why they were easily tracked here.

Lu Ping'an's guess all along is correct. The Ossians have been operating here for more than ten years, and their development and familiarity with the environment far exceeds the scope of outsiders' short-term understanding.

escape? You can't escape, you never know what betrayed you, it is the smell on your body, it is the eyes in the sky, it is a passing plant.

They have reconnaissance equipment adapted to the local environment and exquisite topographic maps in their hands. If you have nothing, then run away.

The only reason they didn't rush forward immediately was because they felt that they could play slowly, and there was no need to take the risk of battle damage to surround and kill a group of trapped beasts.

Let you go, let you escape, there is not even a safe camp, constant invasion, constant harassment, you are hungry and injured, how long can you last?

They just need to be patient and wait patiently for the moment when the net is collected.

"Ha. Indeed, they have already escaped six times. They can take as many as they can, just a few. Let them escape to the west, where there is a swamp."

This captain is only a second-tier professional, and it would be impossible to get rid of this well-equipped twelve-member team on Earth, but now, he has easily hunted down at least three professionals who are stronger than himself.

For many countries, the exploration of foreign lands has not been a matter of the past two years. They have been doing it semi-openly for more than ten years. Even within the Eastern Kingdom, there are so-called "traveling dogs" factions.

Many countries, in fact, repeated their past history and regarded many regions and territories as their property.

Once an outsider steps into this unlucky creature labeled as the "primitive low-risk world" and shows a posture of intending to develop it for a long time, touching the bottom line of Huo De Company, they will be hunted by the Ossians with a bounty.

During this process, God knows how many unlucky people were buried here for no reason.

Anyway, dead people can't speak, people die every day in foreign lands, even if someone comes to make trouble, what can individuals and small teams do against Huo De Company?

In the eyes of these hunters, the Dongguo people are the best prey to deal with. This does not mean that they are weak. In fact, the average strength of the explorers in the new era is much higher than in the past. Many mortal soldiers in the old era were cheap and easy to use. cannon fodder.

"They are just a group of idiots living in a peaceful world. At this time, they are still thinking about negotiating and spending money to redeem their lives. Hehe, I killed you. Isn't your stuff all mine, and there is no follow-up trouble."

What they look down on is the "naivety" of the Dongguo people.

The foreign land is too far away, so far away that "the ticket is expensive" and basically starts in a month.

In a sense, this is an isolated island, where there are two sides that have become mortal enemies to each other, and some people actually want to talk about it. What to talk about, kill you and eat your meat, won't everything be over when the next ship arrives.

let you go? Will you take revenge? You said I would believe you if you didn't retaliate?

The old model of "each country and company are free to explore, and each bears its own profit and loss" made these "predecessors" become space pirates who discovered treasures, repeating the "brilliant" colonial model.

This is mine, you can travel here, want to enclose land? to die.

Of course, there are not a few missing people even while traveling, and there is no possibility for the personal team to resist these hungry money wolves.

Now, in the eyes of this group of hunters, this is just another routine.

These Dongguo people have become frightened birds, they only need to continue chasing and forcing them, and they can wait for the harvest.


But this time, before they could start attacking, the moment they saw them, it was the Dongguo people who attacked first!

It was completely different from running away when they met before. At this moment, they were red-eyed and killed without hesitation.

Is it fear? Is it hatred? No, empathy is not that easy, they just


The bursts of gunfire beat a soldier who rushed up into a hornet's nest, and behind him, others rushed up.

The standard pairing of the Orthians is three or four professionals paired with a few or a dozen ordinary mercenaries. They are nothing if there is no spinning stone weapon, and most of them are single-shot spinning stone weapons.

"Die, all of you, since you won't give me a way out, let's die together!"

The screaming warrior hugged the gunman, he already understood.

From the very beginning, these bastards never gave him a chance to survive! Rather than being drained of blood, it's better to gamble while you can.

Even if you lose the bet, there is

"Brother, brother!"

His younger brother, holding his dead body, wept.

They get more than anger from the public screen. It's a bit too difficult to get hatred just from words.

But the experience of each victim, the experience of the survivors of the teams that were slowly drained of blood, told everyone that once they encountered the Ossians, there was no way out.

Can't escape, can't avoid, can't talk about, then...

"...Let's fight, there is still a little chance now."

Yes, there is still a chance, the battlefield is in a mess, the Ossians are all wiped out, facing the six crazy and desperate professionals, the Oss team who has not made up their minds has been wiped out.

But as a price, only two of the last team of six survived.

The elder brother who was the worst, rushed up to be a meat target, was caught in the fire, and was beaten to pieces on the spot.

But at least there are people alive

All of this didn't end there.

The surviving "brother" picked up the Spinning Stone weapon, carefully checked its integrity, and then turned on the radio.

"We won the battle. Whichever team we killed, we still have two people. If we fight once, we still have the possibility of surviving. Instead of dying like a coward, we have to bite off two pieces of meat from these beasts before we die!"

A similar scene plays out in this world.

The sufferings of the tragic victims made these unlucky people from the peaceful world cancel all their luck.

After they saw the Ottomans, no one would be so stupid as to put down their weapons and make peace. Heh, it's ridiculous to say that several masters above Tier 3 died extremely aggrieved just like that.

As for the stupid words of the Ostians who said "let's talk" and "just pay the ransom", no one believed it anymore.

All the helpless fugitives, like this pair of brothers, would bet everything without hesitation as soon as they saw the Orthians.

"Shusha. Our side has also won. Is there another person we can meet? I found a map and signal equipment on the Ossians, but I don't know how to use them. You don't seem to be very far away from me."

And the people who won the bet merged together one by one, like water droplets converging into a stream, becoming a new revenge team.

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