How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 840: The Favor of Fate

Lu Ping'an's "Life Illustrated Book" is a gift after his fateful death.

In all aspects, it makes up for Lu Pingan's inability to design the "animal" level of life system shortcomings. In the words of big cats, this is Lu Pingan's "foundation for ascending to the gods".

Afterwards, due to his excessive dominance, Lu Pingan even slacked off on his job as a gardener, which required time and resource accumulation.

After all, compared to the "botanical garden" that slowly farms and even needs to collect materials, templates, and try luck, etc., the "magic pets" start with silver-level combat power, and they can grow on their own if they don't move.

"Baby, work harder. In a few years, Dad will have regular-level combat power."

Lu Pingan once said this when he was too complacent before, and was then hammered to the ground by Zhixi.

But the fact is that Lu Ping'an's "combat platform" is the superposition of several silver-level combat powers, and finally reached a combat power far exceeding ordinary silver-level combat power.

And with the "self-improvement" of the magic pet, his power will naturally stack up.

It's just that things didn't go smoothly, and this book itself was Lu Ping'an's upper limit.

It is the existence of the silver class. Although it has the potential of a higher level, the "sophist" as the material is the leader of the silver class. No matter how many "pages of life" he collected at the beginning, it is impossible to achieve a qualitative change. .

Because of this, Lu Ping'an's life illustration book is in the upper rank of silver, and no matter how much resources he invests, it will be difficult to make further progress without the help of "outsiders".

". Ordinary people are always mortal, and new 'rules' are needed to go further." This is the "consensus" reached by Big Cat, Fang Wen and even Lu Pingan.

Just assembling, has reached the upper limit of Ping An's life illustration book.

But now, in Lu Ping'an's eyes, "Abyss Evolution" may be the foundation of the "Illustrated Book of Life"!

And the most direct and quick way to "go to the gods" is to "kill the gods". At this moment, Lu Ping'an thought about it, he knew that there was only one chance, this was the opportunity in the illustrated book of life, and it was also his own opportunity.

Only when the Snake King dies at his own hands can he get that "favor".


Finally, when the snake slough began to change, Lu Pingan picked up his book.

The snake slough began to tremble, as if something was resonating with it, and Lu Pingan's "eyes" told him that it was flickering, jumping, resonating, and was becoming "someone".

"But in this moment, you're still 'something.'"


Lu Pingan snapped his fingers, and the reddish light covered the snake slough, turning it into a "material".

At the same time, the other two materials are also directly activated, "human bone" and "human blood" are literally "bone base" and "blood essence". Obviously, it is the opposite of other magic pets, These two materials are not only not strengthening, but obviously weakening.

Human blood, human bones, they make do together, it is precisely the extremely vicious curse of "changing human beings".

Two "purely human" mortal materials, can you still be extraordinary?

After confirming the foundation of flesh and blood and the essence of blood, this snake slough naturally became the remaining piece of "Core of Wisdom".

It is responsible for providing intelligence, soul, thinking, and also providing the upper limit of spells and super skills


The three materials were blended together, but compared with the snake slough, the other two were too fragile and were directly absorbed by it, and no obvious changes could be seen. However, the vicious curse of "transformation" has begun to take effect.

The tail of the snake's slough began to shrink, vaguely showing human legs.


The snake slough was still intact, and the spirit body that had just awakened even felt vaguely relaxed, as if his pain had been healed at this moment.

Thinking that she was being hunted down, she instantly woke up and opened her eyes.


At this moment, she raised her head, but was a little surprised.

Where did the giants come from? When did you come here? Such a giant is also an abyss lord?

"...No, the surrounding environment has also changed, I have become smaller!?"

When did I become so short! There is no tree height!

The Snake King who reacted was taken aback for a moment, and then fell directly to the ground.

She lowered her head and found a pair of beautiful legs. Well, at least from a human perspective, they were indeed a pair of slender and beautiful legs.

At this moment, she is not so much a snake-man, but a subspecies of human with a little bit of snake-like characteristics. Apart from her height of just over two meters and the scales on her body, she has no obvious snake-like characteristics.

"You guys, what did you do to me!!"

In an instant, Didirona was furious.

The earth was dried up, and the furious abyss lord summoned a terrible breath, and Lu Pingan and his party opposite her were directly blown away by it.

"To die, to die!"

Feeling the strength of coercion, Lu Ping'an felt quite bad.

"Why is it still at the rule level?"

It was already close to the lower edge of the regular level before, but this time it died, and it still didn't fall below the regular level?

But at this time, Lu Pingan knew that he could no longer retreat.

"bring it on."

At that moment, Lu Ping'an's album was opened again, and the pages in it flipped at a high speed until it reached the last page.

There is a "human being" taking shape on it.


Lu Pingan gritted his teeth, and the page ignited spontaneously without fire.

The Life Illustrated Book does not have the ability to enforce control, and the only deterrent is the "life obliteration" of the last resort.

But is it that simple?


The "Snake King" who was about to kill fell down suddenly. She vomited blood, her breath was obviously weak, and she started off with a serious injury.

Killing didn't work? No, it worked, but still not lethal.

Is it because she is still a creature above the rule level, surpassing the "limit" of the life illustration, or because she is not a complete creation of the life illustration, her soul is still relatively independent, and has not been shaped, cultivated, and controlled by the life illustration at the root?

At that moment, Lu Ping'an felt that there might be a reason for both.

If "going to the gods" is so simple, it can't be called the choice of fate and the world.

Didirona rolled into a ball on the ground in pain, her breath was obviously weak to the point of death, but she was still alive

At this moment, she seems powerless, but she is still a rule-level coercion, once she recovers.


Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins, Lu Pingan gritted his teeth, and took out the abyss beheading sword in his hand, planning to make a clean break.

He's fast, but someone, faster.


The moment the Snake King fell, a figure jumped out of the shadows.

The assassin holding the ice sword has been waiting for this moment for a long time, how could he miss this opportunity.


The righteous assassin was silent, just after jumping out of Rorodina's shadow, he stabbed righteously in the back.

That rule-level magical soldier, the "Wing of Water" that brought destruction to countless lives, shone with a strange gray light under the blessings of "Path of Vengeance" and "Cthulhu God of Justice".

Even the Snake King, if he gets stabbed, it might be over.

However, she is the King of Snakes, even if she is in trouble like a chicken, she was still a phoenix.


Strange silent words came out of her small mouth, and the whole world echoed the mantra of death that represented "fallen".

At that moment, with her as the core, everything around her was covered and swallowed by black light.

"Brother meow!!"

Maomao was in a hurry, but Lu Pingan stopped him directly.

Lu Pingan saw that at the last moment swallowed by the gray light, he, who was agile and full of reflexes, actually jumped back into the "mirror".

Although half of his body was stained by light, he should not be unharmed, but the feedback from the Eye of Reality indicated that he was still alive.

"...It's impossible to fight."

At this moment, Lu Pingan felt more and more helpless.

Although she was still seriously injured, even though her breath was so weak that she was almost dead, she was still a regular-level demon king.

As for her who can use the mantra of the abyss, I'm afraid she still can't handle it by herself.

"Run away?" At this time, Lu Pingan felt a little regretful.

"Hehe, this guy actually dares to use blasphemy. It's interesting."

But at this time, the big cat on the sidelines laughed out loud.

"What's the meaning?"

No need to answer, the one eye opened in the sky answered everything.


Borrowing the source of power, he found that his power was being used by an "unqualified mortal", and was instantly furious.

The same Mantra of Depravity was directly smashed down, this time, the target was the Snake King himself!

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