How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 841 Breaking the Defense

Mantras are rather special "supernatural powers".

It is not the user's own power, but a kind of borrowing, a special power that uses itself as the carrier to "control" the superior.

But the power of the superior cannot be unlimited, and it is even more impossible to borrow one's own power infinitely for no reason.

Using the mantra is a kind of ability, but also a kind of "qualification", perhaps, it is also a kind of "trade".

Gods often only open "qualifications" to their devout believers, and most of them have many troublesome and cumbersome restrictions, and there are additional costs for continuous use.

Even the freest mantra of the abyss, when Lu Pingan and Zhixi learned it, sacrifices and many prerequisites were required.

Zhixi relies on the abyss, and Lu Pingan relies on the knowledge of the abyss (universal taboo knowledge). In a sense, they are all members of the abyss, but what does the current snake king have?

At this moment, she is human flesh and bones, only the soul of an abyssal monster inside.

She has undergone rebirth, biologically, she is no longer Didirona, but a newborn.

Not only did she lose her past "qualifications", but as a "human being", her breath of the abyss was only restrained in her soul, and her body also lost the prerequisites for using the mantra of the abyss.


Realizing that his own power was flowing in the body of the "mortal", he was instantly enraged by the great existence that forcibly borrowed his power.

Blasphemy and theft of the divine right, this is what they hate the most!

In fact, there is a "blasphemy priest" profession, which is particularly good at stealing the power of the gods. Power itself is not a problem, but this behavior itself is a mockery and humiliation of the gods.


The gods are furious.

Borrowing the power channel that Didirona "applied" just now, the blasphemous mantras of the same module were smashed down one by one. At this moment, the boss at the source was extremely generous.

Mantras that represent corruption and depravity do little harm to abyssal creatures, but are extremely dangerous and deadly to ordinary creatures.

Precisely at this time, Didirona is "mortal" in a sense.


The power of chaos is scattered in the body, and the unlucky Didirona can enjoy the taste of abyss again.

But unlike the relatively beneficial evolution before, this time the changes are quite "disorderly".

Her left hand has its own thoughts and plans to become a tentacle, and her right hand also has its own attention, thinking of turning into long legs to go out and have a look.

The "Mantra of Depravity" did not allow her to complete the evolution in the form of an individual, but completely gave her the "gift" of evolution to her brand new body.

When the internal organs and limbs began to fall apart to find their own way out, the mantra of "evolution" turned into a curse of "blasphemy and depravity".

Pain, discomfort, dizziness, implosion, at that moment Didirona was covered with negative curses.

She probably never thought that she, who has completely turned into an abyss, would be cursed by the depths of the abyss one day!

The "fragile human body" originally configured for her has become the biggest weakness. The high resistance built into her spirit body is meaningless, and the body that has not had time to re-evolve is directly torn apart.

All the parts are going to run away and she will die of blasphemy.

".I.I am the king! Lord of the Abyss Didirona"

But at this moment, the Snake King erupted again, and a violent breath blew across her whole body, and she forcibly integrated her body...or in other words, forcibly pieced it together.

"Why didn't she just give up? She should still have snake sloughs."

"Oh, she does still have the snake slough, but the snake slough is not her. She has been polluted by human flesh and has completed rebirth as a 'human'. How could she be accepted by the past body. She may not be able to leave her soul, Even if Lihun succeeds, it's just a gift for Snake Slough."

This is some uncommon knowledge of the other world. The soul can corrode the body, but the body can also corrode the soul.

Therefore, each of her snake sloughs can only be a pity of her past body, but now they can no longer recognize her as the main body.

Snake King Didirona's soul has been eroded by the "human body". She is still Didirona, but she is no longer the Snake King.

"Mortal, Mortal"

Didirona fell into a manic rage. At this moment, she was like a shapeshifter, forcing her body together, with cracks and patches everywhere.

She looks like a living zombie, forcibly controlling the body that already has its own ideas; trying to widen her almost blind eyes, staring at her mortal enemy.

But at this moment, Lu Pingan laughed

"Finally, broke the rule-level Zhixi."

Needless to say, when the knight's armor that had been dyed gray and black appeared in front of the former lord, the two sides were doomed to fight to the death.


For the creatures of the abyss, the first collision when fighting is a kind of "etiquette".


This time, what was knocked into the air was still the seemingly huge heavy armor.

But in fact, with many blessings, the current brute force of "Lu Pingan" is probably no lower than that of ordinary regular-level combat jobs!

But this is still not enough.


But Didirona's shattered right arm showed that all this was not without cost.

Perhaps, she can rely on her "source" to forcibly exert force, but how much can her fragile body carry?

She gritted her teeth and stood up again.

She, in Lu Pingan's real eyes, began to burn her own soul

".I am Didirona! The Queen of the Snake of the Abyss, the direct descendant of the One-eyed Grand Duke"

Didirona is declaring loudly in the language of the abyss, she is trying to borrow the power of this abyss, trying to

"She is demonizing herself, stop her!"

Big cat's reminder is just right.

Although the body is already fragile, Didirona did not give up. Now that she has degenerated into a mortal, as long as she releases her source, she can be transformed into an abyss individual again.

Using a thorough abyss to integrate one's new body may not be as good as before, but at least there will be many abilities that can be used.

"How to stop it?"

Lu Pingan was a little dazed, he just bumped into it, but was bounced away by the strange black mist.

This seems to be the shelter of the Throne of the Abyss? At this moment, she still seems to be the king of the seven layers of abyss.

She used her "Abyss Kingship" to protect herself when declaring it. Maybe this kind of protection is meaningless to the rule level, but it is still enough for Lu Pingan's strongest weapon.

"She firmly believes that she is Didirona, the holder of the royal power, and the daughter of the abyss, so she can call all this, you."

"Oh, Zuidun? I understand."

After thinking for only a second, Lu Pingan thought of his lines.

".I am the noble daughter of the abyss."

"You are a noble lady of the abyss, aren't you an ornamental snake that escaped from the Changping City Zoo?"

In an instant, the announcement was interrupted, and the pair of animalized snake pupils stared fiercely over, the dim pupils were full of resentment and hatred.

Ha, on the contrary, Lu Ping'an became happy. With this thing of mouth escape, I'm not afraid that you will hate you for breaking the defense, but I'm afraid that you don't care.

"You still want to deny it? Isn't it the most obvious fact that you can understand human speech? To be honest, being able to understand human speech in the glass room of the Snake Pavilion, as a grass snake, you are indeed very wise."

"I'm not a grass snake! I'm a boa constrictor, a stupid mortal! I didn't learn the human language from somewhere"

"I don't deny that you are a resident of the Snake Pavilion?!"

The relatively "humble" birth in the abyss has always been the biggest "inferiority" in her heart, and perhaps it is also the source of her motivation to try to become the real king of the abyss.

"I am the golden descendant of the great One-eyed Grand Duke, the most honorable."

"Uh, isn't it the will of the one-eyed prince who cursed you just now and treated you like trash? Could it be that your 'daughter' is also a fake bastard?"


In the end, Didirona, who was already mentally traumatized, suffered from complete insufficiency and fell into madness.

But in the process, she also subconsciously recalled her "python" memory, and thought of the reality that she was spurned by the one-eyed prince just now

She doubted herself.


A chain sound like a broken mirror occurred, the original privilege protection was unlocked directly, Didirona's semi-demonization was suspended, and the oncoming one was the beheading Abyss Blade.

"You don't even have a beheading blade, how dare you call yourself the lord of the abyss? The king of the snake hall, right? The cute ornamental species of the snake hall number 273, your son and grandson of the snake, I'm afraid it is still being watched by people in the snake hall."

At this moment, Lu Pingan, who had checked the information long ago but pretended to admit his mistake, read out the most humiliating past of Didirona's life, the "code" that had been hanging on her body.


This time, it was not only her body that was broken, but also her self-awareness and fragile self-esteem.

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