How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 902: A Wonderful World

".It's really an enviable era, and the world. Especially when I found out that they have been so 'unprogressive' for at least three thousand years."

It is a pleasure to communicate with the Yu clan and the whole world.

When a young man stepped into this world as a spy, he was prepared to kill and silence from the very beginning. Having experienced struggles between planes, ethnic groups, religions, and crimes, he had long since crossed the line to achieve his goals. psychological preparation.

The competition for survival is always the theme of the multiverse. In order to survive, many things can be slightly ignored.

"Mr. An Nan, I have made more roasted pork at home, and I will send you some later."

"Mr. An Nan, the business idea you gave me last time is really good. My turnover has increased by 20%, and this is your share. Would you like to drink at my place today?"

"Mr. An Nan, it may be windy in two days, remember to strengthen the roof and close the doors and windows"

"Mr. An Nan, can you read the letter for me, I have two big fish as a reward"

Along the way, Lu Ping An got too much kindness.

This kind of friendliness and peace and life, let him.

".I'm a little disgusted. Especially when I found out that it was the most sincere kindness, without any utilitarianism or strategy."

In story movies, the plots of hard-hearted killers and villains being influenced by kind neighbors happen from time to time. Excluding the processing of those art departments, it is really possible to happen.

"Unlucky people who lack love can't stand sincere love, but in my humble opinion, this is a group of rich people who are ridiculously rich, showing their kindness with tolerance."

Lu Pingan is not an extremist who believes that "human nature is inherently evil". On the contrary, he is a "naive person" who "human beings are human because human nature has the possibility of overcoming animal nature".

But the more he understood these things, the more he couldn't see everything in front of him.

"The world under the command of the twelve pillars is really too happy."

Lu Pingan has experienced the normal earth and the "polluted earth", but he understands the impression of "troubled times" better than others.

On the earth in the new world, don’t go out at night, let alone express kindness to strangers from outside. It is very likely that what you get is not the return of kindness, but the disaster of killing yourself.

Everything that the special service team experiences every day has seriously tested Lu Pingan's three views and expectations for the lower limit of human beings. Those who pursue extremes often only need one unfortunate encounter and one bad day to degenerate into evil god's minions and criminals .

Temptation is everywhere, and cultists are very good at taking advantage of the weaknesses of human nature. The more they pursue happiness and ideals, the more often they will be lured into extremes.

Looking at the thick case files, Lu Pingan always had the illusion that misfortune could happen at any time.

Don't think, because mortal thinking attracts demons and ghosts.

Do not understand, because the analysis of pollution will only bring disaster.

Try to stay away, even if you can't run away, at least you can live longer than other lives

Don't hate those who leave you behind, because they just want to live, and even if they betray the bottom line of morality, they may not outlive you.

"Here, so happy."

There may be wars, killings, and crimes here, but there is no need to worry about visitors at night, evil gods attracted by extreme thoughts, outsiders, or foreign secrets that suddenly erupt.

The handicrafts of small workshops can be self-sufficient, the overly fertile land can feed beggars, and the extremely peaceful farming life has actually achieved a rich life.

Three thousand years of peaceful life, in the eyes of visitors from outside the domain, happiness is so extravagant, so happy that it makes people resentful.

"I don't know what it's like meow, I'm very upset meow."

Even the cats are inexplicably upset, which shows that some people are probably really a little sour.

If it was Earth, a stranger like Lu Ping'an would have been checked long ago.

Even elementary school students now know that if an outsider doesn’t know anything about it, and always talks about “no common sense” things, then he should immediately report to the special service team, whether he is a cult member or a black household from a foreign land, and let it go.

And those professionals, while gaining respect for their strength, also ushered in fear. Every professional is an unexploded bomb, especially those old people.

Ordinary people’s emotions towards professionals are quite subtle, envious of their high income and stimulating life, envious of their ability to protect themselves and their families. However, if possible, they would stay away from these time bombs as much as possible.

Over the years, even though the government has tried to report those out-of-control cases as little as possible, with the spread of new media and various gossip, some things still cannot be hidden. As long as one or two out-of-control incidents are witnessed, then trust will be lost no deposit.

The high divorce rate and high single rate of professionals is a helpless reality in a sense.

And here's the supernatural.

". The way of practice? There are many. There are special martial arts gyms in the city. I personally recommend that you go to a big brand, but it is not a bad thing to take a wrong path in the early stage. It is a waste of time to lay the foundation and leave it behind. Sweat will not be wasted”

Well, it is also directly sold publicly, and it has become a "martial arts sect".

And the other party's statement that "hard work will surely pay off" made Lu Pingan feel even more subtle.

In this world, extraordinary beings, or magic knights, are also a profession. Once they reach a certain level, they are more like a nobleman in a sense, and can enjoy higher treatment and social status.

Of course, they seem to need to pay the price, they need to hunt those monster materials, but compared with the risks of professionals, it is worthless.

They don't need to worry about losing control, because they won't lose control at all, and they can improve steadily just by exercising.

"Ask about their high-ranking"

The big cat opened his mouth in time, and he sorted out his thoughts safely.

Fortunately, what is gained is what is lost, and inert pollution means lower efficiency in promotion on the other hand.

The great knight in the mouth of the female knight has the characteristic of "making the impossible possible", which should be the characteristic of the law level. There are only three in the whole city, one is the city lord and the other is the chief of public security.

However, after a little calculation, Lu Pingan still felt that it was quite outrageous.

Because the proportion of their professional fighters is quite small. A city that seems to have a population of more than 100,000 people actually has only a few hundred knights.


Indeed, if there is no need to consider the various "pollution disasters" that are rampant, it is indeed enough for these people to just hunt some monsters.

However, in a fairly peaceful world, the overflowing armed forces will only be a burden on social development, dangerous elements that are not productive

"It's really a luxury trouble!"

At this moment, even Lu Pingan couldn't help but smack his lips.

On the other hand, during the in-depth communication, Lu Pingan also noticed some other problems.

"So, in their eyes, I am a nobleman?"

Lu Ping'an's attire was already extremely poor, but there was one thing that instantly made him a golden bachelor in the eyes of Yuren.

He is literate.

"Uh, are you illiterate? Sorry, that's not what I meant."

That female knight in heavy armor, who doesn't look like an ordinary person, can only write her own name.

Knowledge, monopolized by the upper class? In other words, an overly peaceful life makes knowledge a "very poison", a poison that may lead to social and ideological changes.

No one can tell the answer. The reality is that the young knights that Lu Pingan saw, except for the captain who can write a few common "killed" and "simple calculations within three digits", the others It is the illiteracy in Lu Pingan's eyes.

In order to mix into the local environment, he spent a lot of money to buy local textbooks, and then used the basic language and characters that he could learn in two days with the ability of a scholar. He is actually at the level of a master in the local area?

"If you can read and write, you can make a living? What kind of knowledge monopoly is this?"

Naturally, judging from the results, let alone high-end jobs such as "literary creation", "counting" and "reading announcements" are all decent jobs in this society.

In their eyes, Lu Pingan can read and write. Even if he is a fourth-rate creator, he probably has a family with a mine or even a city. He doesn't have enough family background and power. literature.

Stupid? Extremely ignorant, I am afraid that every household has the so-called century-old family heirlooms, the ancestral precepts that have been passed down for thousands of years, just like this, but there have been thousands of years without disease and disaster.

I am afraid that the entire history of the earth may not have a thousand years of peace.

"It's all supported by the 'Firebird', if there is no Firebird."

Lu Pingan sighed, this assumption is impossible to hold true, even if the earth is destroyed, maybe the Firebird will still be there.

He shook his head. At least this weird social atmosphere is a good thing for him as a spy. After all, in this kind of society, even if a spy comes, he doesn't know what he can find out.

And the so-called cultivation secret book that he is studying in his hand is even cheaper, but he is afraid that the readers will not understand it, all of which are extremely simple pictures

".Okay, I've learned it. It's really a 'martial skill that monkeys can learn' that can be graduated in a day."

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