How Am I Still Alive?

Chapter 903 Practice

Lu Pingan calmly waved the knife in his hand, harvesting the lives of monsters.

With his ability, he shouldn't be too easy on the monsters around this ordinary town.

Killing is meaningless if it is not for hunting. Every time Lu Pingan succeeds in hunting, the corpse of the monster will disappear immediately, and then turned into nutrition for the "team".

".Remember to save some for me."

It's not just Lu Pingan who can get promoted, the series of practice methods that "monkeys can learn" can be mastered by normal people, which is much easier than professional combat practice.

Its practice method is extremely simple, so simple that you can understand it by drawing a picture.

"It's a bit like Wu Qin Xi, and a bit like radio gymnastics. Why is the effect so obvious?"

"...This should be a ritual action, and completing it is a kind of sacrifice, evolving towards a high-level existence."

"Uh, if it's a sacrifice, what's the sacrifice? What's the price? You can't do it for nothing, those high-ranking beings are really good people. Well, I'm stupid, high-ranking beings don't need to be good people, But if the Firebirds think they are, they should be."

What Lu Pingan held in his hands were "Sirius Tearing Claws", "Violent Ape Boxing", "Six-Winged Beast Tail Attack" and other weird things. This kind of thing that throws martial arts novels thinks the name is too outrageous. But it really has a real effect.

And to make it work, the function is ridiculously simple.

"First take a large amount of animal blood, preferably ape, and then start to imitate the above actions"

When he got the secret book, Lu Pingan thought he had been tricked.

But when I really started to practice, the effect was ridiculously excellent.

After killing a few demon apes and eating their hearts and beast blood, slapping their chests with that stupid move

[Physical gain is slightly improved. 】

The system's prompts cannot be faked, even if a person with a normal level of promotion can't feel it, but since it exists, it can give prompts.

After thinking about it, Lu Pingan could understand.

The material for taking the magic ape is a specific material, which is roughly equivalent to "magic medicine".

And then there is a specific action, which is roughly equivalent to a sacrificial ceremony, pointing to an unknown existence. As for the sacrifice, uh, does it dare to accept it?

"It is very likely that it is a high-level model specially used for 'exercising'." When Big Cat said this, his mood was quite delicate.

The direction of these practice methods is probably the weakest above the rule level, but if it is really at the cost of "obtaining the protection of the firebird", it seems that it is not impossible to provide free services to its family members.

Judging from the results, it is equal to the unknown high-level existence, guiding the direction of the practitioner's evolution, and transforming the material into "materials". This is a complete mystical ritual. Incline to the practice of big and small Zhoutian.

"We don't need to know the principle, we just need to know whether it works and whether it has side effects"

After thinking for a while, Lu Pingan shook his head.

No matter from other people's information or from my own understanding of it, there shouldn't be any side effects.

This is a benefit that is limited to "Firebird" feathers, and she doesn't seem to reject outsiders at all.

"Are there some worlds that are all outsiders?"

"Yes, there are many. But this is the territory of the Yu Clan. The Yu Clan is a subordinate race of her family. It may be a branch of the blood. Other races need to obtain ID cards first, which is not so easy."

Firebird is great and immortal, but she also has her own blood and family, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

Within her system, the highest priority is naturally her direct bloodline, ethnic group, subordinates and friends. If these people exist, they will be the inner circle.

As for the so-called family members, in many cases, they were not recognized by the firebirds, but were born in this ethnic group. Or to take a step back, they were the subordinate races and servant races of these ethnic groups.

"It's not shabby to be a dog for the fire bird." The big cat seemed to have something in his words.

At this moment, Lu Pingan remembered the infinite boat of gods around the great existence. It seemed that this was the truth, even the gods directly licked it, let alone the mortal race.

This time, it was a civilization of the Yu tribe that initiated the dispute with humans, and the world that Lu Pingan is in now is the "resource world" of the main world, which specializes in providing high-quality resources and talent reserves.

"...Uh, those who have been selected, can't they just ascend to a certain level after practicing."

Lu Pingan casually played with a joke, but don't say it, it seems that the possibility is not low.

Of course, saying "conflict" may be putting gold on the face of human beings. If there is a full-scale war caused by conflicts, the Yuzu can end everything in about a month. This is basically a driver (Blood Crow) leading a group of fugitives on a black road He fled to someone else's house, and as the sufferer, he wanted to seek justice.

The Yu family is obviously not the direct subordinate family of Firebird, but may be the family of the family of the family. Otherwise, the "conflict" would not have happened at all, and Lu Ping'an is not sure about its specific strength, but it should not exceed the tolerance of Dongguo.

Lu Pingan did not receive direct intelligence feedback, and had a few information exchanges (with the God's Boat in the sky), nor did he receive any new missions.

"Maybe everything went well, or it might be that the front command simply forgot about us, er, it might be even worse, ignoring our (combat strength) at all."

Although it's a bit ridiculous, but considering that the first line is probably already a regular-level confrontation, Lu Ping'an feels that it is very likely that it happened for real.

As an explorer, it is a basic rule not to waste time and not to waste time. Now it is natural to seize the time and use local resources to strengthen yourself.

".I feel that the mental power has been strengthened obviously."

Lu Pingan was not the only one who benefited.

This "practice method" is simple and rude, and it only needs to continue to kill and practice to go further. Although Lu Pingan feels that he must readjust his evolutionary path after reaching a certain level, but the benefits are very obvious at present.

Especially, for the people in Lu Ping'an's courtyard, this is the chance to make up for their last and deadliest shortcoming.

Their professional experience and professional skills can grow at a high speed in the courtyard, and the trading column of "what is lacking to make up for" even specifies the direction of evolution. Even the awakening ability that needs the most luck can also be solved through trading and libraries.

As long as there are points, everything is not a problem except the basic attributes.

In this regard, the problems they encountered were the same as Lu Pingan's. The rapid growth of other abilities made the progress of basic attributes such as "body/reflection/spiritual power" too slow, which had already held back.

And here, no matter how advanced and expensive the follow-up practice method is, just "eating" and "practicing" in the early stage can improve the most difficult basic attributes, who doesn't like it.

For people in the courtyard, with professional skills and professional abilities, and making up for the basic attributes of the shortcomings, it will be no difficulty to advance. In less than a month, each person has gained more than ten catties on average. .

[Reflection has been slightly improved. 】

At this time, the person who is most reluctant to think about leaving is probably Lu Pingan himself who is frantically making up for his shortcomings.

He was specifically looking for monsters and "cheats" to improve "agility" and "reflection". The "reflection" that hadn't been seen for a long time finally began to accumulate qualitative changes.

He also spent money to find more than a dozen teachers to teach him various basic "martial arts". In a sense, he was classified as a member of the Firebird family, and he had the advantage at this time.

Under the guidance of his teachers, he discovered that the improvement of "attributes" was even the most basic part of this supernatural system.

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