Kid flipped his hand, and a police walkie-talkie appeared in his hand.

Conan and Sonoko stared at Kid, not knowing what he was going to do.

Conan guessed a little, but he couldn't believe Kid would do this.

As for Kazama Tsuru, the plug-in player already knew what he was going to do, but he didn't have any intention of stopping him, anyway, he was just here to watch the show.

He closed his eyes quietly.

Kid's young and elegant voice instantly turned into a loud middle-aged man, and one could even hear a little fatigue from the excited voice.

""Hello, hello, can you hear me? I'm Officer Nakamori. I saw Kidd on the top floor of the Haido Hotel! The helicopter will be there soon!" After saying that, another voice came out, also a man's voice, and the excited voice was much calmer than before.

"Ahem, this is Chamu, I found Kidd! Immediately mobilize all the vehicles on duty near Beihu to arrest Kaito Kidd!"

The rooftop fell silent for a moment.

Fengjian He could still hear the subsequent voice coming from the intercom.

"That's not me! It's Kaito Kidd! The helicopter and the car come back immediately!!"

"Reporting to Officer Chaki, Helicopter No. 7 spotted several people on the top floor of the Haido Hotel, one of whom seemed to be Kaito Kid!"

"What? Go again……"

Feng Jianhe could no longer hear the subsequent voices. The sound of the helicopter became louder and louder, drowning out the faint sound in the intercom.

"You...why do you want……"

It was Conan's voice. He seemed to be stunned. He didn't know what Kid was doing.

"You took the initiative to contact the police? Then aren't you in danger now!! Just hold me hostage, I'm the second daughter of the Suzuki family, the police won't arrest you if you hold me hostage!!"

It was Sonoko... emmm, I guess Sonoko has fallen in love with someone else, and she actually said such things to Kaito Kid in front of her?

Good, good.

Kazama Tsuru silently breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought of the"elegant young lady Sonoko" before, and his whole body shuddered.

He must not let Sonoko turn her attention to him again!!

Kaito Kid, or Kuroba Kaito, please sacrifice yourself~

Kaito looked at Sonoko like this, and he was also shocked in his heart. Is his charm really that great?

But he still maintained a poker face on the surface.

Now he is not the high school student Kuroba Kaito, but the world-famous Phantom Thief No. 1412

"Miss, thank you for your concern, but I think they can't do anything to me, after all, I am……"


The door to the rooftop was smashed open, and a group of chaotic footsteps appeared.

"Kidd! It's Kidd!!"

"Kidd, you can't run away!!"

""Team one on the left, team two on the right! Surround him!!"

Countless police officers came.

But amid the sound of helicopters, the chaotic footsteps, and the noisy shouts, Kidd's elegant and calm voice was still so obvious.

"Kaito Kidd"

""Ah!! My eyes!!"

Fengjianzhe, who had his eyes closed, also felt a burst of strong light and knew that Kidd had used a flash bomb.

He silently raised his hand to block the strongest light, and opened his eyes when the light gradually weakened.

Everyone raised their hands to cover their eyes, and the police officers were in a mess, shouting and walking around.

Some shouted to catch Kidd, some shouted that someone's foot was stepped on, and some shouted that they were hit.

In this chaos, there were only a few places that were safe.

Conan and Sonoko stood near him, lowered their heads and raised their hands to block the strong light.

Another place was the periphery of the police officers. A man in a police uniform had been standing there quietly, watching the chaotic scene.

He seemed to notice Fengjianzhe's gaze, turned his head, and the two looked at each other.



Fengjianzhe's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say.

If he said that he didn't mean it and wouldn't expose him, would Kidd believe it?

Kidd was stunned for only a moment, and then he moved Soon, something else was dropped quickly.

With a hissing sound, bursts of smoke floated out, and everyone swayed and fell down.

It can be seen that Kidd's anesthetic bullet should be specially made, and it can be effective even in a windy place like the rooftop.

However, for Fengjianzhe, who has been suffering from insomnia for a long time, has taken a lot of drugs, and has already developed drug resistance... he was just a little sleepy.

So among Conan and Sonoko who were lying down and hugging each other, and a group of police officers who fell down, a figure in white stood there stupidly, like the only survivor after the massacre.

Fengjianzhe thought about it, and felt that it seemed a bit insulting to Kidd's IQ to suddenly fall down with a"thump".

So... go over and take a look?

Would Kidd be embarrassed in this case...

Fengjianzhe thought blankly for a while, but couldn't figure out what to do.

Finally, he finally made up his mind, stared at the place where Kidd fell, and walked straight over step by step.


Kidd felt that he was really unlucky. He finally sent out a notice, but only three people solved it.

Fortunately, these three people did not inform the police, otherwise he would be in trouble.

But this is not a big problem. Anyway, he did not plan to steal the dark star tonight. April 1st was just an April Fool's joke. He could get away directly by calling the police with the walkie-talkie he prepared in advance.

The trouble level of a large number of prepared police waiting in place is completely different from the police who were called in by the police, or the police who were dispersed and guarded in different places.

As a result... there was still one person who was not affected by the flash bomb?!

This is not a big problem. In order to prevent someone from wearing sunglasses in advance, he was prepared for this.

Just add another tranquilizer bullet.

Then he pretended to be a police officer who was also stunned and fell to the ground waiting to be carried away, and took the opportunity to get away.

But... what's the matter with the footsteps coming in a straight line!!

Kidd said that he was about to lose his poker face.

Now that the man was obviously coming towards him, there was no need to pretend anymore.

He opened his eyes decisively, dodged, and with his white clothes flying, he reached the edge of the rooftop.

Feng Jianhe and Kazama stopped at the same time.

The two figures in white stood among the people lying down, under the light of the helicopter and the moonlight.

The bright eyes under the lenses, and the gentle and lazy eyes, once again looked into each other's eyes.

"Famous writer Kazama Tsuru, Mr. Kazama's sharpness really surprised me."

Kid still maintained his elegant and confident appearance, but his words were a little solemn.

Kazama Tsuru looked at him like this and sighed silently.

Although the detective character was a character he wanted to establish, it was still a bit strange that he was recognized so quickly, and it was recognized by accident.……

"So, is Mr. Thief leaving?"

"Oh? Did you guess it?"

"No, today is April 1st. You didn't come here to steal anything, so it's normal for you to leave now."

Then just be firm in your detective persona.

Kidd seemed to smile when he heard this, and threw out a card.

The white special card fluttered in the wind, revealing a cute thief head on it.

"Yes, you are right. Then, Mr. Kazama, thank the sharp little detective and the lovely lady for coming to watch my performance."

"We will see you next time."

Feng Jianhe looked at the white figure flying out of the rooftop and stood quietly in the night sky, wondering what he was thinking.

PS: I have signed the contract, and I will continue to update unless something major happens, and I guarantee that it will be completed.

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