After a while, Feng Jianhe came to his senses and picked up the falling white card.


On April 19, I will go to the Queen Celestia White, which departs from Yokohama, to get the real Dark Star.


April 19th, I don't know if I can go.

Feng Jianhe blinked slowly, and the scenery in front of him became more and more blurred.

A strand of hair was lifted up in the breeze and floated in front of his eyes. Black passed by, and his eyes were also black.


I don't know how much time has passed.

When Feng Jianhe opened his eyes again, he saw the white ceiling again, but he couldn't smell the familiar smell of disinfectant.

He moved slightly and felt it carefully, only to find that he was wearing an oxygen mask.

It's so serious... What happened to me that I fainted?

It should be that Kidd's anesthetic bullet took effect too late, why did it become like this?……

""Doctor Nagai! The patient is awake!"

Nurse Xiaoyu's unique crisp voice made Feng Jianhe recognize the person.

That's right, his vision was also blurry now, and he could only see the outlines of things. If he looked at people, he couldn't tell who was who.

Soon, a sound of footsteps appeared and entered the ward.

Feng Jianhe saw a group of people in white clothes surrounding the bed, and all around was a white

"Kazama-kun, Kazama-kun, can you hear me now?"

"The patient's condition is very complicated.……"

"Heart rate is normal, brain waves are normal!"

"You should be able to hear it!"

"Fengjian, if you can hear me, please blink your eyes."

The noisy people in white clothes around him quieted down.

Fengjian He blinked his eyes.

Suddenly, there was a burst of noise around him again, mixed with cheers.

"It's true. I said my treatment plan must be correct.……"

"Obviously, I was the one who suggested using...……"

""Okay, okay, stop arguing. The patient is still conscious. Let's check first."

It was Dr. Nagai's voice.

The doctors fell silent again. Feng Jianhe could feel many eyes focused on him again.

"Kazama-kun, can you speak? Are you feeling unwell?"

"……Can speak, but no strength, eyes, can't see clearly……"

"Maybe it was indeed the flash bomb that affected the vision."

"No, no, no, according to the description of the people who were present at the time, the flash bomb should not have affected the patient. It should be the anesthetic bomb that came later."

"Because of the various complex conditions of the body, the effects of anesthetic bullets would cause various parts of the body to collapse. Isn't this what we have inferred before?"

"However, the inference that anesthetic bullets affect nerves and then affect vision is more likely than the inference that flash bombs have a direct effect!"

"The one who was present at the time and told us all these things was just a child. Do you really want to believe this small probability situation because of the words of a child?"

The doctors fell silent again, probably thinking about whether to believe Conan's words.

Feng Jianzhe learned a lot of information from the doctors' conversation. At least he knew what his current situation was.

Because the anesthetic mist entered his poor body, it caused a series of pathological reactions.

It was really terrible.

Later, the doctors discussed many treatment plans in front of Feng Jianzhe. Feng Jianzhe didn't understand much at all. He just knew that he was going to be miserable.

One plan was craniotomy, and the other plan was to use medication cautiously and observe the situation.

Just... one is very scary, and the other is even scarier.

Let's not talk about craniotomy and cautious use of medication. Isn't there any other way? Just drag it out to see if the body can get better by itself?

Feng Jianzhe said that he can still be saved.

But... he glanced at the system that he hadn't paid attention to for a long time. The system's messages refreshed two

【Insomnia, reward for intermediate cooking skills】

【Enter the hospital and be rewarded with basic car driving skills]

In addition, there is also a system panel that I only glanced at when the system appeared and never looked at again.

【A system that hurts oneself and others] and the following line of words

【System bonus ability: Physical fitness is constant at -1 (permanent buff)]

Then what is there to be afraid of?

The advantage of a constant physical fitness is that no matter how wasteful you are, at most you will fluctuate between serious and mild illness, and you will never die of illness.

That's no problem.

So Feng Jianhe finally chose conservative treatment when the doctors asked him specifically for surgery.

Then the ending was that he lay in bed for nearly two days in extreme boredom.

His body was always hanging with a weak buff, and it was difficult to get up.

He always felt that he couldn't breathe, and he had to put it on again after taking off the breathing mask for a short time, otherwise his throat would feel like it was being strangled, and oxygen would enter in a thread.

At that time, he felt tired of wearing the breathing mask, so he tried to raise his hand to take it off, but within two minutes he felt that he couldn't breathe, so he could only press the call button.

When the nurse Xiaoyu saw Feng Jianhe's breathing mask fall on his chest, his face flushed and his head raised to breathe, she was scared and almost thought he was murdered.

Feng Jianhe explained intermittently for a long time before the girl understood his boredom.

Then he successfully got the opportunity to go out for a walk in the yard for a short period of time every day.

This is cause for celebration.

On this day, he sat in a wheelchair with the help of Xiaoyu to get some fresh air as usual.

There was a layer of mist on the breathing mask, and his eyes were also misty. Because he had no strength, he leaned on the back of the chair with his head slightly tilted.

The breeze brought a little smell of medicine, disinfectant, and the fragrance of grass and trees.

The hair was lifted and touched on the forehead, and a little itchy arose.

After losing his vision, Feng Jianhe felt the beauty of the world for the first time.

The grass and trees are not a touch of green when passing by, but the breath of life at the tip of the nose and the singing of the breeze in the ears.

The leaves are rustling, and every blurry piece of new green is the light of life blooming.

"Mr. Fengjian?"

Fengjian He tilted his head slightly to show that he heard

"Your friends, Ms. Maori and little Conan are here to see you again"

"Let them come over."

Feng Jianhe's gentle and weak voice sounded faintly.


Xiaoyu left.

But soon, Fengjian He heard her voice again, and there were a few people next to her.

"Ms. Maori, Mr. Kazama's current physical condition is not suitable for long-term talking and thinking. Please pay attention to the time of conversation and do not talk about things that will make him excited. His emotions cannot fluctuate too much."

"OK, I will be careful. Thanks for your reminder."

"My duty. You guys chat, I'm not far away, call me immediately if anything happens"


Feng Jianhe heard two footsteps approaching slowly, and the grass was trampled, making a slight sound.

But it was obvious that one of the footsteps was much quieter, and it should be the kind-hearted Xiaolan who avoided trampling the well-growing grass.

PS: I changed the cover, I guess it will be that one in the future.

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