Time passed little by little, and Kazama Tsuru didn't feel anything, but he and Ai became more and more familiar with each other.

Ai also gradually became familiar with going to school every day and became familiar with the"stupid" great detective.

Conan also gradually accepted the existence of Haibara Ai, and then one day when they were chatting, he provided some of his hair, blood, etc. for her to study.

In Conan's eyes, Ai is no longer the hateful and scary member of the Black Organization.

She is now her hope to grow up!

It is her hope to solve the case with her true face! It is her hope to meet Xiaolan!

Xiaoai = growing up = Xiaolan

Xiaoai's importance in Kudo Shinichi's heart is now the same as Xiaolan.

"Brother Fengjian, are you feeling better?

Xiao Ai stood by the bed, looking at Fengjian He who was lying on the bed with one hand on his forehead and a sickly blush on his face.

"You didn't drink the medicine last time."

This sentence is a statement.

Feng Jianhe didn't move, as if he was dizzy and couldn't hear Xiao Ai talking.

A real family master narrowed his eyes and stared -

Feng Jianhe finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling without focus.

"Um... Ai? I'm so sorry, I'm like this.……"

The anger and helplessness melted away in an instant, and there was even a little regret...

Xiao Ai turned her head away uncomfortably.

"It's nothing. Just consider it as your reward for taking me in."

"How about... I'll take you on a trip tomorrow?"

Xiao Ai was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Feng Jianhe who was still lying there.

The blush on his face did not fade, and the blush at the corners of his eyes even deepened, and his eyes became more blurred.

"You have such a fever, why don't you go to the hospital tomorrow? It's impossible."

Xiao Ai got up and walked out with the empty cup.

"I'm glad you have this intention. It's too dangerous to travel. I'd better stay here."

"But...Xiao Ai, I really want to go out with my family……"

Xiao Ai paused as she walked out the door, and clenched her hands holding the cup.

"Xiao Ai……"



Kazama Tsuru looked at the closed door and smiled softly.

Sure enough, this is the way to deal with Xiao Ai.

So... where should we go tomorrow?

I heard from Igarashi that many small islands are developing tourism recently? Why don't we pick an island to go to... the next day.

What Xiao Ai couldn't understand was that Kazama Tsuru's illness was really cured, and it was cured very suddenly.

Obviously, the temperature was still close to 38.5°C an hour ago, but it dropped directly to normal temperature in the next hour.

And during this period, he didn't take any medicine, didn't sleep to recover, and didn't even eat anything.

I really don't know what's going on.

Xiao Ai looked at Kazama Tsuru on the sofa opposite, and her instinct as a researcher made her suddenly have the idea of dismantling Kazama Tsuru to see.

Xiao Ai thought about it and frowned.

Why did she think of this?

"Xiao Ai, come and take a look, how is this place?"

Xiao Ai raised her head again, and Feng Jianhe was waving at her with a magazine in his hand. She sat down next to Feng Jianhe and was held in his arms. The two of them really read the magazine together like a brother and sister.

Xiao Ai felt very uncomfortable, but Feng Jianhe seemed to notice nothing and smiled and showed her the article.

"Mermaid Island?"

"Well, it looks interesting. This island holds a mermaid festival every year. This year's festival is just a few days away. If we take a boat there, we can catch it. What do you think?"

Kazama Tsuru looked very interested. Xiao Ai could feel his expectant eyes without even looking up.

"You can go here..."

"Hmm? Don't you like it here?"

Feng Jianzhe noticed that Xiao Ai's tone was not right.

He seemed to remember something vaguely. Xiao Ai seemed to have been to this island with Conan, and then something happened there. It seemed that several people died.

But...how could you not encounter dead people when traveling in Conan's world?

Feng Jianzhe said that he was used to it and was ready to encounter a case again.

"In fact, I have been to this place before when I was in the organization."

Feng Jianhe was a little surprised. He really couldn't remember it.

Xiao Ai spoke in a calm tone, but Feng Jianhe, who was familiar with her, could sense the slight sadness hidden in it.

"You should know the purpose of the organization asking me to study that drug."

"Well, for immortality."

Xiao Ai's heart trembled. She had already guessed that Feng Jianhe was mysterious and powerful, and guessed that he probably knew about this matter, but when Feng Jianhe actually said it, she couldn't help but be surprised.

She suppressed the waves in her heart and continued to narrate.

"So after hearing that there were immortal mermaids on this island, the organization asked Gin, Vodka and me to go to the island to explore."

"In the end, we found out that immortality doesn't exist at all, so we returned to the organization. The festival was nothing special."

"I see... If I don't go there, I can't seem to find any unique islands.……"

Feng Jianhe hesitated and flipped through the magazine in his hand again.

"Then go"


"It's good to go again. Don't you just want to travel? The scenery over there is nice. By the way, maybe you can get a dugong arrow to extend your life."

Feng Jianhe listened to Xiao Ai's sharp words and responded with a smile.



On the third day, the two boarded the ship to Mermaid Island as scheduled.

Feng Jianhe's illness did not last long after all. After being seasick for a long time on the ship, he began to cough when the sea breeze blew, and his legs kept shaking and weakening.

He spent almost the entire journey on the ship lying in bed.

Fortunately, they finally arrived at the destination.

Feng Jianhe got off the ship with a pale face, dragging the suitcase with his left hand, and Xiao Ai held the corner of his clothes at his strong request.

As for his right hand... Although it looks almost healed now, the wound has not healed completely. Xiao Ai still wrapped his hand with a shallow layer of bandage, and the bandage even went up to his forearm.

In response to Feng Jianhe's inquiry, she explained:

If it is not bandaged, it is easy to break the wound if you move too much. If the bandage is too thick, it is not necessary now. It is really troublesome to carry bandages with you, so just wrap some around your forearm and use it at any time.

Ah this... Don't bandages need to be disinfected?

Feng Jianhe seriously suspected that Xiao Ai was taking revenge on him for pretending to be weak and tricking her out before.

Now my entire right forearm is wrapped in a bandage because I was so pale from seasickness, and my body is so weak...

I seem to be in line with the image of a yandere on the Internet in my previous life?


I shook my head to get rid of this bad idea, and the two of them checked into the hotel and waited for the mermaid festival to begin.

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