The next morning, the streets were crowded with people, and the closer to the festival, the more tourists there were.

When Feng Jianhe woke up, Xiao Ai, who was in the same room, had gone somewhere. He stood up and looked around, and saw a note on the table.

I'll go out and take a look, and I'll buy breakfast and come back, remember to take your medicine——Ai

Next to the note, there was a small bottle of medicine.

Feng Jianhe picked it up with a puzzled look. It said: Calcium tablets

……I knew it, this time I didn't have any other problems except seasickness and the injury on my hand had not healed completely. It turned out to be calcium tablets...

Fengjianzhe looked at the calcium tablets, but he was not as resistant to it as he was to other medicines. He poured out two pills and ate them directly with water.

Calcium tablets are not considered medicine.

He thought about it and did not wait in the hotel. He pushed the door and went out.

This trip to Mermaid Island is obviously another case, but the question is... what kind of case is it?

If facing the complete unknown, there may be expectations for the trip; if everything is known, then there is the relief of being in control of the plot; but now...

Fengjianzhe vaguely remembered that this time it was the Conan trio, Hattori Heiji, and Toyama Kazuha who came together.

And it seems to be for some commission on an island...

Fengjianzhe walked downstairs while thinking about the plot

"Ah! Be careful!"

Feng Jianhe suddenly came to his senses and saw a short black shadow rushing towards him.

He quickly used his body skills to move aside, then leaned over and grabbed it with his hands.

In order not to fall forward, he could only lean back and his back hit the stair handrail heavily.


"Eh? Kazama, Kazama-nii-san?"


""Gong, Conan!"

Several people quickly surrounded him. Feng Jianhe eased the severe pain from his back and hands, breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at the small figure in his arms.

It was indeed Conan.

He trembled and tightened his hands and gently put Conan on the ground.

Conan stood on tiptoe and took down Feng Jianhe's trembling hand in the air. The bandage on it had been stained with blood, and a small piece of bright red was still slowly expanding.

"Conan, what's wrong with you, sir?……"

Hattori Heiji, who ran over first, looked at the eye-catching red on Kazama Tsuru's hand and stopped talking in the middle of his words. He was stunned on the spot.

"Brother Fengjian? Why are you here? Your hand……"

The second person Xiaolan came over and was also stunned when she saw Fengjianhe

"Why are you running, kid? You bumped into... Kazama?"

Maori Kogoro was also stunned.

"Hey, Hattori, what are you doing?……"

Kazuha was blocked at the back and didn't know what was going on. She didn't hear the sound clearly, but she saw the person in front suddenly running. She was about to ask Hattori Heiji what was going on when she saw Kazama Tsuru's hand stained with blood.


"Here, here, the front desk has cotton swabs, bandages and disinfectant ready!"

"I'll get the medicine!"

Xiaolan immediately ran over to get the medicine box prepared by the hotel.

Feng Jianhe slowly recovered from the severe pain, and gradually relaxed his right hand, allowing Conan to hold

"Take off the bandage first."

Conan finally came to his senses after hearing the screams from the others and responded quickly.

"Conan, do you know each other?"

Hattori Heiji is a man who has seen a lot of storms. From the reactions of Xiaolan and the others, it can be seen that the two sides know each other.

Of course, there is no need to analyze anything, the name has been called out.

"Well, this is Kazama Tsuru.……"

"You're a writer, right?"

Feng Jianzhe looked at the detective in front of him who called out his profession, as if he had just met Conan and Xiaolan for the first time.

"Well, it's our first meeting. I don't know who you are.……"

Feng Jianhe smiled, his smile was still calm and indifferent, as if he had lost the pain in his hands and back.

"Oh, my name is Hattori Heiji, I'm a detective. Oh, this is Toyama Kazuha, she's also traveling with us!"

Hattori smiled brightly and introduced Kazuha next to him.

"Hattori, you idiot! Now is not the time to talk about this!"

"Mr. Kazama, how are you? I saw you hit the handrail just now. Is your back injured?"

Girls are more careful after all.

Conan had almost removed the bandage on his hand.

On his fair and slender hand, a long wound cut by the broken pieces of the cup was exposed to the air. The wound that had already scabbed was bleeding again, and it looked terrible.

"Well... I'm fine, in fact, I'm almost used to it"

""Get used to it?"

He Ye was stunned.

How did he get used to it?

"Yes, this kid is always sick, it's time to get used to it."

Uncle Maori, who was extremely unhappy, folded his hands and spoke at this time.

He had clearly persuaded Xiaolan not to bring this kid with him, so how could he meet this guy?!

This was the displeasure of an old father towards someone who seemed to be able to take advantage of his own little cabbage.

"Always, always sick?"

"Well, now I remember that, isn't it that famous travel writer in the country? He traveled around despite his poor health, leaving behind many beautifully written travel notes, inspiring many people with similar poor health."

"So awesome!……"

"Here it comes, the medicine box is here!"

"Thank you for your compliment, Hattori-kun. Uh, why don't we go back to the room to get bandaged? It's really hard to get out here.……"

Feng Jianhe was surrounded by people who were getting up and going out. The six people standing at the bottom of the stairs were really an eyesore. People passing by would look at them with strange eyes.

"Ah, yes, I didn’t expect that... But are you okay, Brother Kazama?"

"It's just a split wound, I've been in... cough cough, I've been injured much more seriously than this and nothing happened to me. Let this kid go back immediately."

"Dad! How can this be compared?"

Several people went upstairs.

"Brother Fengjian, I'm really sorry for what happened just now."Fengjian He looked down in surprise and saw that Conan really looked a little guilty.

He smiled and touched Conan's head with his left hand. The furry touch was not bad.

"It's nothing, just a minor injury. By the way, are you here for tourism as well?"

To outsiders, Feng Jianhe's question seemed like a knowing question. What else could you do in such a remote island?

However, Feng Jianhe knew that several people came here for a commission, so he might as well ask to see if he could remember anything.

"Of course not, how could we be like you, we came here on a commission."

Uncle Maori replied, leaning back with his hands on his hips.

"Hey, uncle, that's a commission for me.……"

Hattori Heiji was unhappy and looked at him sideways

"Can't you give me some face, kid?"

The two men stood with their hands on their hips and stared at each other angrily.

Xiaolan and Heye sighed at the same time, not wanting to pay attention to these two childish guys.

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