Who says green leaves are not as good as red flowers? Over time, only green leaves can last forever, while flowers are only temporarily gorgeous.

Kazama Tsuru watched Xiao Ai indulge in the laboratory day by day, and then completely turned into a stay-at-home girl, and finally couldn't help it. He had to think of a way.

But what about thinking of a way... The first thing he thought of was the scene where the Kudo Yusaku couple tricked Conan.

Although it was a trick, Conan did take better care of himself later. The most important thing,"don't be reckless", did not change much, but it was still of some use.

So... Xiao Ai...

Kazama Tsuru sat by the window with a cup of tea, and a gentle breeze blew from time to time, making his hair flutter.

No one knows what this man is thinking.

Not long after, Conan received a call from Kazama Tsuru.

"Moshi Moshi, this is Edogawa Conan...

Kazama? Are you looking for me to ask about the notice letter? I have some clues, but I haven't figured it out completely...

Her experiment... I know about this. She came here recently.���I've been here for several times, all for experimental materials. Although, isn't this good?...

I understand, I will persuade her...

What? You mean one more time?……"

Conan's tone gradually became strange, with a hint of excitement.

"Okay, I will cooperate!"

Conan hung up the phone.

"Conan, come over for dinner! Who were you talking to on the phone just now? Why do you look so weird?……"

Xiaolan came over and saw Conan's expression, puzzled.

"Ah, it’s Brother Kazama, Brother Kazama asked me to come over and play!"

""Brother Kazama?"

Xiaolan was puzzled. Before, she and Conan had always taken the initiative to visit the sick Kazama Tsuru, and there had never been a time when Kazama Tsuru took the initiative to invite them.

Could it be that something happened to Brother Kazama...

Conan looked at Xiaolan in a daze, and then his expression turned into contemplation. In an instant, he understood what his kind childhood sweetheart was thinking.

No! Xiaolan must not be allowed to go! This plan must not be ruined!!

"It seems like Brother Kazama saw something interesting, so he invited me to go and see it together~"

"So that's how it is... I hope nothing has happened."

Xiaolan nodded and stopped thinking about it.

"What are you two doing? Come and eat! I'm so hungry!……"

Uncle Maori sat at the table, sprawled on a chair, looking at the food with great anticipation but unable to eat a single bite.

He had been busy with a lot of things during this period. As his reputation gradually grew, he received more and more commissions.

Although they were just simple commissions for cats and dogs or extramarital affairs, they kept him busy enough.

"Dad, you only know how to eat! All the money from the last commission has been spent!"

Xiao Lan put her hands on her hips angrily

"Well... a new store has opened. I heard that the chances of winning a prize there are very high... hehe……"

Uncle Maori was talking, and seeing Xiaolan's face gradually darken, for his own sake and for the sake of the newly bought table, he quickly changed his words.

"Ahem, don't worry, I won't be going there during this period of time. With so many commissions, how can I have the time to go there... Hehe……"

Xiaolan's complexion gradually improved.

"Okay, let's start eating.……"

"Sister Xiaolan, I think I saw Uncle Maori entering that store on the street yesterday... I don't know if I was seeing things.……"


A handprint gradually appeared on the table.

"Well, let me explain. Actually, Conan saw it wrong.……"


……There was a commotion.

Regardless of what time Conan had dinner, after Kazama Tsuruga made the call, he had to prepare to start the preliminary work.

As a scientist who was able to make a name for herself in an organization when she was only a teenager, Ai’s IQ was certainly not low, so the entire plan had to be fully prepared.

If it really doesn’t work... then we’ll get serious...

Kazama Tsuruga would never choose this until the last step.

He first went to get a few blood packs that were left over from the previous trick on Conan, and fixed them firmly to prevent the same mistake from happening again.

Then he tied a small, angular stone to his abdomen.

The preliminary preparations are complete, and it’s time to start.

Kazama Tsuruga took several deep breaths, and when he felt a little dizzy, he walked to the door of Ai’s laboratory.

"Xiao Ai?"

Xiao Ai heard the sound at the door, but she hadn't finished writing the record in her hand yet, so she didn't look up and just said casually

"Wait a minute."

Feng Jianhe smiled secretly when he saw this.

Everything went according to plan.

Since Xiao Ai was really so addicted to the experiment, don't blame him for forcing her to stop the experiment...

He tightened the stone on his abdomen.

Xiao Ai finally finished that step and raised his head.

"Brother Fengjian? Is there something wrong? I'm only halfway through my experiment.……"

Feng Jianhe's expression changed rapidly when Xiao Ai looked up, as if he wanted to say something, but after hearing her words, he didn't say much.

"It's nothing important. I just heard something.……"

Feng Jianhe's voice became quieter as he spoke, and he finally hesitated and did not continue, changing the subject.

"Oh, forget it. Oh, I don't know where the medicine is at home. I'm not feeling well.……"

Xiao Ai didn't pay much attention to what Feng Jianhe said he heard. She could see that Feng Jianhe's face looked even worse than before.

He held on to the door frame beside him and seemed a little dizzy. In this case, it was normal to have auditory hallucinations.

"The medicine is in the second cabinet in your bedroom. Some of the medicine is commonly used, and I put the other medicines that are not often used in another room."

Xiao Ai thought about it, looked at the unfinished experiment in her hand, and looked at the door. No matter in which sense, Feng Jianhe felt something was wrong, but in the end, his conscience prevailed.

"Forget it, you probably won't be able to find it when you're half-dead, so I'll go."

Xiao Ai said as she was about to get up.

Feng Jianzhe was a little stunned by this unexpected situation, but he reacted quickly.

"Uh, no, I'll go. It's not too serious. I'll take some medicine and go to sleep for a while."

Xiao Ai hesitated and finally nodded.

"Well, you should have a good rest and stop thinking about reading. In your current state, can you remember even one page of a book after reading for half an hour?"

Xiao Ai said, turning around and simply tidying up the materials on the table.

"If you have that kind of time, you might as well come and help me. Handing me things is more useful than reading a book."

Feng Jianhe smiled bitterly.

Xiao Ai is so talkative.……

"Then I'll go first."

Feng Jianhe said and turned around.

Because of the stone on his abdomen, he couldn't walk smoothly.

The stone was not tied tightly, and he always felt like he was going to fall, so he couldn't help but bend down.

The sharpest part of the stone was a little to the right, and Feng Jianhe instinctively wanted to avoid it, so he moved his body slightly unconsciously and wanted to reach out to adjust the stone, but reason controlled his hand again.

Xiao Ai noticed this scene, but didn't care much.

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