Kazama Tsuru walked out of the laboratory, went all the way to the bedroom, closed the door, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost discovered by Ai...

Actually, it didn't matter if he was discovered by Ai. The point was that he didn't really want to take the medicine at all!! It was already miserable to take medicine when he was sick. Now he had to take medicine even though he was not sick. It was really like he was trying to trick others but ended up tricking himself.

No, how can it be called a trick? This is called protecting Ai.

Hmm~ (nods)

He sat on the bed, rested for a while, took out the pebble, and then called Conan.

The phone rang a few times and was quickly hung up.

After reporting to Conan, I had to prepare for the third act first, and then it was Conan's turn.

It's my turn next!

Conan hung up the phone, took a few deep breaths, and barely suppressed his excitement.

Finally, it's Haibara...

Thinking of the scenes of being tricked by Kazama Tsuru and Haibara, Conan secretly clenched his fists

""Conan? Conan?"

Xiaolan looked at Conan who suddenly hung up the phone and then fell into a daze, and she was a little worried.

Could it be that Conan encountered something that he dared not tell her?……

"Huh? What's wrong, Sister Xiaolan?"

"Why didn't you answer the phone just now? And you looked very strange. Did something happen at school? If something happened, remember to tell me."

"Ah, it's nothing. There are rumors about several strange things happening in school recently, but it didn't affect me!"

Conan thought of the rumors about"haunted" things and how Xiaolan was afraid of ghosts, so he decided not to say anything.

He smiled cutely,"The call just now was from Brother Kazama! I made an appointment with him that I can come over to play when he calls~"

Conan jumped off the stool after saying that.

"So that's it……"

Xiaolan blinked, feeling a bit behind the times.

Is it really so strange to invite someone to your home nowadays... a bit like... a spy?

"Then, Xiaolan, I will leave first!"

Conan said and ran away.

"Hey! Be careful! Come back soon!"

""Okay, Sister Xiaolan!"

Conan's voice was already far away.

"Well, don't worry about that kid, he's very smart."

Uncle Maori picked up another piece of meat and saw Xiaolan looking at the door, so he comforted her casually.


Xiaolan thought about it carefully and stayed for a while, but she still felt a little uneasy.

"I'll call and ask Brother Fengjian."


Conan ran out of the detective agency excitedly, and was blown by the cold wind for a long time before he calmed down.

This opportunity is rare, Huiyuan is very smart, and he must not make any flaws!

He took out his skateboard and quickly rushed to Kazama Tsuru's house.

It was almost afternoon at this time.

Standing at the door of Kazama Tsuru's house, Conan quickly fixed himself.

Because he came here in a hurry, his hair and clothes were a little messy, and his breathing was not yet even.

Very good.

Conan knocked on the door, knocking very quickly.

Act 2, action!

Xiao Ai has been busy doing experiments in the laboratory. She has been holding back for a long time before. Now she finally has equipment. She can't wait to study these things.

It's not to make a permanent drug, but a temporary drug that occasionally makes it bigger.

Conan appeared at the same time as Kudo Shinichi disappeared. This is a huge flaw, and Xiaolan and others didn't look panicked at all, which also shows that Kudo Shinichi was fine.

So in order not to be exposed, it is necessary to make a temporary antidote and let Kudo Shinichi and Conan appear at the same time.

Permanent drugs... Xiao Ai doesn't want to research them so quickly.

What can I do if I research them?

Will Kudo Shinichi reappear and attract Gin's attention, and then discover himself and Kazama?

Before Conan and I have the ability to confront the organization head-on, such drugs will only harm everyone.

Now... we have to make temporary drugs quickly.

Thinking of this, Ai was about to take the next step, and suddenly she heard a hurried knock on the door.

It seemed that no one was invited over, and the voice did not sound like Cointreau. Could it be Conan?

Ai thought about it and hesitated to open the door.

The door opened, and the dusty Conan appeared in front of her.

"Hey, what happened to the great detective?"

Ai leaned against the door with her arms folded.

Conan looked very anxious.

"Come on, let's go in, I found something new!"

Seeing that Conan didn't look like he was lying, Xiao Ai stepped aside to let Conan in. Before closing the door, she carefully glanced at the street outside. No one noticed this place, and those who occasionally looked over probably just took a quick look.

Conan looked like he had encountered an organization, but now...

Xiao Ai thought for half a second, then turned around and went into the house.

"Have you discovered the organization?"

Xiao Ai saw Conan standing in a corner, with no intention of sitting down, but although he was a little anxious, he was not panicked.

"I don't know if that person is from the organization.……"

Conan fell into deep thought as he spoke, as if he was recalling the situation at that time.

But in fact...

Feng Jian didn't tell me how to write this part! Oh my God, is it going to be about seeing a sneaky man in black? This……

"What did you see?"

Xiao Ai looked a little nervous

"It's nothing. When I was at the detective agency, I saw a man in black wandering on the street. At first, I didn't pay much attention to him. I just looked at him, but after more than half an hour, the man in black was still there, and he was still staring at the direction of the detective agency. I was a little worried.……"

Conan frowned.

Ai felt relieved.

"If that's all, I think you can go back."

Xiao Ai folded her arms

"Regardless of whether the target is the drunk uncle or you, the man in black is not necessarily a member of the organization. If he is, he would not use such a crude method to let you find the problem so easily."

"Moreover, if we were to investigate, we should start from your home, just like I did before, comparing fingerprints, observing clothing, and observing whether anyone came and went, instead of going directly to the detective agency."

"You should go back to your house and check it out. Is there any sign of anyone coming here?"

Although Xiao Ai's last sentence was a question, her confident attitude had already revealed the answer in her heart.

Xiao Ai was indeed afraid of the organization, but that didn't mean she was afraid of every man in black.

On the contrary, Conan actually had some PTSD caused by the man in black, but it has only recently gotten better as time has passed.

"I checked the door and balcony outside, and the safety measures we left were still there, and there were no strange traces."

Conan hesitated, still a little worried, but was comforted by Xiao Ai's words.

"That's enough."

Xiao Ai said and turned around

"Great detective, don't think about such trivial matters, pay attention to Kidd's letter, maybe you can know more."

"Do you know that letter? Did Kazama tell you about it?……"

Conan muttered a few words, and when he saw Xiao Ai walking away, he thought of something and asked

"Where are you going?"


Conan smiled. Everything went according to plan.

The second act ended.

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