Conan watched Ai walk away, and heard the sound of the door closing. He couldn't help laughing.

But now is not the time to be happy. The following plot will be more difficult. He must be careful at every step and not let anyone see any clues.

Conan thought about it. According to the plan, Kazama should be preparing in the bedroom now.

He went upstairs and knocked on the door of Kazama's bedroom.

The moment the door opened, Conan was startled.

"You, you won't really……"

Halfway through, Conan saw the situation in the room and suddenly felt relieved.

"Huh... Really, if I hadn't seen the layout of the room, I would have almost believed it."

Feng Jianhe, with a pale face, holding the door frame, and a few drops of blood on his body, smiled and opened the door.

"Come in first."

The two of them quickly entered the room and quietly closed the door.

The room had changed a lot.

Kazama Tsuru had been arranging the room when Conan came over. First, he installed some devices outside the window, and then inside the room.

Most of the blood bags were used here. The two obvious pools of blood on the ground were very glaring in the sun.

The cabinet was wide open, and several medicines inside fell to the ground. There was even a bottle of medicine that spilled several pills. The pills were stained with blood and soaked in the blood.

This time, Kazama Tsuru learned from the unreasonable lesson of Kudo Yusaku's bloodstains last time and improved it. The two pools of blood made the situation clear and not messy.

"Just now you said that you felt something was wrong when you saw the layout of the room. Is there something wrong with my layout?"

Feng Jianhe and Conan sat on the bed.

Conan smiled.

"The arrangement of the bloodstains was reasonable, beside the bed, and the quilt was messy, as if he had been lying in bed and felt very uncomfortable, and then he had struggled to get up to get medicine, but ended up dropping the pills and vomiting blood."

Kazama Tsuru knew that it was time for the"but".

Sure enough

"But the pills were too unreasonable. Bottled medicines were not so easy to scatter. And if you were on the bed, it would be impossible to scatter the medicines from the bedside cabinet."

Kazama Tsurugi took a look and it was true.

So the two conscienceless guys rearranged it again, changing the pills and bloodstains.

Then Kazama Tsurugi and Conan imitated it and tried it out. Everything was perfect.

"Okay, it looks like there's nothing wrong here. Huibara won't be able to see the problem with the details for a while, so it should be hidden."

As a detective, Conan knows best that once you do something, it will leave traces.

Although he and Kazama Tsuru tried their best to be perfect, if you really want to distinguish, it's still easy to see the human traces.

But... by then, Huibara will probably be so anxious that she won't have time to think so much.

"I have fixed the device outside the window, so it should be fine."

Feng Jianhe thought carefully and gave a positive answer.

Conan nodded and smiled confidently.

"Then let's start the third act. I'm going downstairs."

Fengjian He nodded.

Xiao Ai started a new experiment in the laboratory again.

The arrival of the great detective had disrupted her thoughts a little, but after thinking about it again, she let it go.

In any case, the people in the organization couldn't be so stupid. Standing on the street in black clothes in the afternoon and staring at the target?

Too stupid.

The great detective must have thought too much.

While doing the experiment, she didn't know how much time had passed. She only felt that it was just a few minutes, and the door of the laboratory was knocked again.

""Gray? Gray!"

The door opened and Conan appeared anxiously at the door.

After the experience just now, Xiao Ai was not anxious at all this time.

"What's the matter, great detective? Did you see the man in black here too?"

"No, it's the bedroom door, it seems to be locked and can't be opened, I knocked on the door but there was no response!"

Xiao Ai frowned and immediately thought of the worst case scenario, and her heart skipped a beat.

"The keys to the room doors are in the living room. I'll get them right away. Try knocking on the door again."


After that, the two of them ran away in a hurry.

When Xiao Ai took the key upstairs, Conan was waiting at the door with an anxious look, and almost snatched the key away.

Xiao Ai didn't care about such a small matter, and looked at the room anxiously.

Brother Fengjian just said that he was not feeling well, it seemed that he was dizzy, and the way he walked... stomachache?

Or chest pain?

Really... If I had asked again at that time...

Brother Fengjian was also, he was often sick, why did he lock the room!


The door of the room opened.

Conan and Xiao Ai were stunned.

Conan's body blocked most of the scene in front of Xiao Ai, but in the few scenes that were revealed, Fengjian He was lying on the side of the bed, his face facing the other side, and only messy hair could be seen, and... the eye

-catching blood on the ground.

It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun was shining.

The bright sunlight shone into the room from the window, and the blood on the ground was even more bright red and translucent.

Fengjian He's white clothes were also stained with scattered blood, and the white clothes and red blood contrasted, which looked even more glaring.

""Brother Fengjian!!"

Xiao Ai pushed Conan away and ran to the bed.

She gently turned Fengjian over a little, and stretched her hand towards his nose with a trembling hand.

……One second, two seconds... and still breathing!!

"This is probably a chest problem... The medicine is in the cabinet! Find it quickly, find the medicine quickly……"

Ai tried hard to calm herself down, but her hands were still shaking, her voice was trembling, and she even started to cry.

She had already lost her sister, and she must not lose Brother Kazama again!

Conan felt a little sorry for Haibara, but when he saw the corner of the rope faintly exposed outside the window and Kazama Tsuru concentrating on acting... he couldn't stop now, he had to finish the show!

Conan took a deep breath and put in enough acting skills.

"Don't panic!"

He shouted, and immediately calmed down the panicking Xiao Ai.

"Now you go find out what happened to him, then find some medicine for him to take. I'll go downstairs and call an ambulance."

""Kazama was like this once in the temple before, and it took a long time before he was discovered. In the end, it was nothing serious. Now you have to calm down!"

Conan comforted him.

""Huh... OK."

Xiao Ai took a deep breath and finally calmed down. She became the experimenter Miyano Shiho who could treat the experimental subjects with a calm face again.

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