I have declined several times in the past few years, and now it's finally time to make a choice. "

Hong Ling looked at her niece and said seriously: "Two choices, first, refuse cruelly, choose not to take on these responsibilities, relax and continue with your previous life.

Second, to succeed the clan leader, temporarily leave the clan to handle complex or important clan affairs. "

Sighing heavily again, Hong Ling said leisurely: "I'm not a child anymore. I'm really not in a high mood recently. Falling out of love is just an excuse or one of the reasons. A large part of it is because of this incident.

Because I didn’t know how to solve it, I simply thought, “It’s not that day yet, let’s just take it one step at a time.” I chose to escape. I started to feel less motivated than before, and I felt completely confused.

Xiaoli, tell me, what should my aunt do? reject? accept? "

"Ah this..."

Hongli's forehead was sweating due to her aunt's eyes: "Um, why are you asking me this? I don't know how to answer you!"

If you refuse, it will be equivalent to ignoring the nurturing grace of the clan and severing the blood ties. Even if your shoulders are relaxed, your heart will probably be heavy, right?

And agreeing would mean leaving the sect for a long time. Hongli had only lived in the sect for less than a year, and she was so reluctant to leave, let alone her aunt who had lived there for decades.

It can be said that she has spent more time in the sect than at home. It is already her second home.

There are countless fellow disciples and elders who know her in the Five Elements and Five Departments. If she has to say goodbye to so many acquaintances all at once...

Well, there is also practice. Although you can still practice after returning to the clan, the resources, time, environment, and energy are definitely not as good as those of the sect.

Hongli could easily tell that her aunt still wanted to stay in the sect, but she also didn't want to let down her family ties.

Hongli had never encountered such a situation before, struggling between personal and family relationships, but just thinking about it made her breathless.


Hongli opened her mouth, but was speechless again.

All I can say is that it is difficult for even the closest people to give advice on this kind of thing.

If you support and refuse, wouldn't that make your aunt fall into unfilial piety and unrighteousness?

But if you support and accept it, doesn't that mean you don't consider your aunt's own mood?

No matter what I say, something seems wrong...

For a moment, the atmosphere became a little depressing.

It wasn't until Hei Yang's voice came from the distance that Hong Li was rescued from this atmosphere.

"Xiao Li! Brother is back!"

Hei Yang smiled and pulled a small car, approaching from a short distance away.

The cart was piled high with food.

"Look what good things I have brought you! Milk! Juice! Mu's sugar cubes! Little Girl brand candies! And apple crisps..."

Before he finished speaking, Hei Yang looked at the somewhat wrong atmosphere and couldn't help scratching his head.

"Ah, what happened?"

"Ah this..."

Hongli scratched her head and said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing, just, well, it's nothing!"

"Xiao Li is right."

Hong Ling smiled slightly: "It's nothing, we are just in a daze."


Hei Yang had a question mark.

[Hongli: Ahem, Yoko, I’m not hiding anything from you! 】

[Hongli: It’s just that my aunt is sad there, so I can’t say it directly, as it will easily add psychological burden to her. 】

[Hongli: That’s right, Guji Guji, that’s what it is. 】

[Hongli: That’s why my aunt is a little hesitant. How should I talk about this matter? Do you understand? 】

[Hei Yang: Oh, I know, I know, after all, we can't really understand that kind of entanglement, and we can't make choices for our aunt, so it's not good to say anything more! 】

[Hongli: You still understand me! 】

[Hei Yang: Got it, let’s change the subject, right? 】

"Haha, um, because I don't know what you like to eat, aunt..."

Hei Yang pointed to the cart and said with a smile: "I just scanned that area of ​​the store..."

"Well, it's more than that..."

Hei Yang shook the storage bag on his waist: "There are still quite a few here. If you don't have enough, just add more. If you don't have enough, just buy some."

"Ha, it really cost you Xiaoyang."

Hong Ling smiled politely: "A group of practitioners are still afraid of starving?"

"Why aren't you afraid?"

Hongli couldn't help but retort: ​​"Food and sleep are necessities of life, and most of the happiness in life comes from this. Cultivation is just to experience this happiness better. You can't put the cart before the horse!"


Hong Ling thought for a while and couldn't help but scratch her cheek: "This kind of thing depends on everyone. They all have different ideas. I think..."

"Ahem, um, it's okay, it's okay."

Hei Yang interrupted his aunt with a smile. He was afraid that the other party would talk too much and go to another place, so he had to take the initiative to take the right to speak.

"Well, if you buy more, you will get a discount. In addition, it has been closed in recent years, so everyone has bought everything they should buy. Most of these have not been sold yet, and they are not very popular, so it is cheaper for me. Yes, haha..."

"Yes, it's Chinese New Year..."

Hong Ling suddenly froze and smiled.

"The 577th year of the water calendar has come to an end. We are entering the 578th year. In the new year, maybe things will take a new turn?"

"Well, this is it."

Hei Yang commented: "In fact, in my opinion, the New Year is just an ordinary time change according to our human standards, and it does not have..."


Hong Li suddenly coughed.

"Ahaha, Happy New Year, Happy New Year!"

Hei Yang smiled brightly: "Happy New Year, leave all the bad luck and bad luck to yesterday, welcome the future with a new look, you smile at the world, the world also smiles at you, tomorrow will be better, hahaha, I like the New Year the most!"

"Hahaha, you two!"

Hong Ling couldn't help laughing, her mood was a little brighter, and she turned her head and waved to the disciples not far away.

"Okay, you guys should take a break and eat something!

You've done a great job today, no need to rush!"

"Hey! Right now, wait for me, I'll come after I finish this!"

"Huh, done, the Sect Master and the others will definitely like it!"

"Well, there's still a lot to go. We can't rush these patterns. Well, we should really take a break and adjust our condition back..."

"Everyone can eat, but don't litter. Be a civilized Five Elements Sect member!"

"Got it!"


The disciples enjoyed eating the delicious food one by one. Although it was not as rich as the spiritual food in the sect cafeteria, it had a different flavor.

"The sun has set."

Hongli sipped milk and looked into the distance happily.

Because the site was originally located at a relatively high altitude, it was easy to see the sunset dyeing half the sky red.

"Heiyang, another year has passed. It's great that we are still together this year."


Heiyang took a bite of bread, smiled and looked at the sunset, his eyes reflected by the red glow.

"From now on, your life will be all about me. Are you scared?!"

"What's the point of being scared? I wish for it."

After a pause and swallowing the milk in her mouth, Hongli smiled: "Look at what you said, wasn't my life all about you before?

Well, my life started after I met you!"

"I like you so much, Hongli."

"I like you too, Heiyang."

The two hands were tightly clasped together, feeling the temperature of each other's pulse.

Amidst the laughter, the last ray of afterglow sprinkled on the lazy dog ​​and salted fish stone statue at the door, covering it with a warm coat...

Chapter 258 I thought the New Year atmosphere would fade as I grew older, but it turned out to be really faded. Are people unhappy?

"Do you think this is strange..."

In the house, Qing Yiyi was measuring Xiaohuo's height and waist with a ruler while chatting with her son who was looking for something in the closet next to her.

"My dad, um, your grandpa, sent a letter saying that the tribesmen who disappeared a few years ago all came back some time ago.

They are all fine, with tender skin and flesh, and they don't look like they have suffered outside. When asked where they went and how they came back, they all said they didn't remember. Xiaoyang, don't you think this is magical?"

"Ah, it is indeed magical."

Heiyang responded indifferently, wondering.

"Mom, where did my black top go? I couldn't find it after searching for a long time, and you packed it up and it disappeared?"

"Who touched your clothes? Look for it yourself..."

Qing Yiyi was stunned when she was talking, and she remembered something.

"Oh, by the way, your top is indeed no longer in the closet.

I saw that the color of your clothes has faded, so I just gave it to Xiaozhu's family in the east of the city with some old clothes.

Well, don't worry about it. Mom will buy you a new one later."


Heiyang nodded, bent over and continued to explore in the closet.

Qing Yiyi smiled and patted Xiaohuo's head, indicating that she could go to the yard to play. The latter jumped out like a gust of wind, while Qing Yiyi continued to chat slowly.

"Your grandpa and his family said that with the year coming to an end and such a happy event happening, the whole capital is filled with joy.

This year, they will probably have a big celebration over there!

When I received the letter the day before yesterday, your grandpa said that the New Year atmosphere over there is much stronger than before, which made me, your mother, want to go and take a look."


Heiyang was excited: "If this means, does it mean that grandpa and his family will not come to our place for the New Year this year? That's great!"

"Go away, it's just to meet relatives during the New Year. Look how scared you are. They are all from our own family. People can't eat you. "

Qing Yiyi rolled her eyes and snorted: "You think too much, your grandpa is coming, your second grandfather is coming, and people from the other three families will also come.

Although your grandpa said that in order not to disturb us too much, he will only pick some family members to come.

But I think even if it is only a small part, the people from our five families combined will not be less!"

"Ah? Why is this so———"

Heiyang couldn't help but sigh: "Nightmare!"

"What nightmare? !"

Qing Yiyi slammed the ruler in her hand on the table, turned around and looked at her son threateningly.

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