Hei Yang chuckled and captured the heroic figures of the fathers at 360 degrees around the pavilion.

In the past, his father would tell his mother about him, but today he finally got the chance!

[Hongli: Black Yang! Black sun! Give me a piece of it too! 】

Hong Li chased after Hei Yang, gritting her teeth.

[Hongli: Stop! My storage bag is on you! Give me the shadow stone! 】

[Hongli: I also want to take pictures of my father’s drunken heroics! 】

[Hei Yang: Don’t give it, don’t give it, just a little bit. 】

[Hei Yang: Just let me take the photo for you. Just be obedient and integrate your magical powers! 】

[Hongli: No! Give it to me quickly! 】

[Hei Yang: What can I do if I don’t give it to you! 】

[Hongli: Then don’t blame me for grabbing it! 】

"Instant kill!"

Hong Li's eyes flashed, and she suddenly appeared behind Hei Yang, with flames tumbling in her hands. She felt that she was able to control her magical powers immediately when she was extremely angry!

"Nirvana Flame!"

Hei Yang froze suddenly. In this cold first month, his girlfriend still brought him warmth like a severe burn. The cold mist suddenly rose from behind!

"the other side!"


The violent attacks were all used to resist or attack each other under the control of the two, without any aftermath being leaked!

[The fusion of your contract partner (Hongli), magical power, Nirvana (purple) is completed, and you are promoted to the fifth level of the Golden Core stage! 】

"Black Sun!"

Hong Li's disguise faded away, and she stabbed Hei Yang with a spear with a grin on her face.

"You bitch, let's see how I teach you a lesson today!"

"I think your skin is itchy, Hongli!"

Black Yang also faded away, and raised his sword to meet him with a look of displeasure.

"I will ask you to be honest today, so as not to lose sight of your family brotherhood!"

"Go to hell!"*2


Huge waves arose on the lake surface, and the water in the entire lake continued to rise, revealing the river bed and turning into a huge anaconda. Black Sun stepped up on the waves, opening its bloody mouth and biting Hong Li.

"hold head high!!!"

Hongli didn't give in, and plunged into the python's mouth. She raised her spear upwards. The flames attached to the spear, splitting the water and breaking the waves, and came out from the back of the snake. While the water vapor was steaming, the tip of the spear pierced Heiyang, but the latter dodged and avoided it. , the sword light struck back like waves.


The Absolute Defense-Breaking Sword and the Absolute Defense-Breaking Spear were separated at the first touch. The forces of the rules of cause and effect collided, but there was no difference. The space where they intersected was shattered. The cold void disappeared in a flash, and the space healed again. .


Hongli took advantage of the situation and jumped into the sky, sweeping the tip of the spear. The flames turned into rings of fire and gathered together. They rose layer by layer and sent out ripples of sparks. Finally, they gathered in the sky and turned into a fire eagle with a long roar and stretched out its hot claws. Catch the giant snake!


Despite the chaos around them, the Pavilion in the middle of the lake remained as stable as a mountain under the intentional control of Hei Yang Hongli. The physical strength of the two people in the pavilion gradually depleted, and the intensity of the battle also gradually decreased.

"Got you!"

Hong Xiaochen's eyes flashed, his hands turned into claws, and he grabbed Hei Muguang's sleeve!

"I caught you!"


Hei Muguang turned around suddenly, wrapped his arms around Hong Xiaochen's waist, pressed down with both palms, slapped him on the back, jumped up with the help, and rushed towards the stone table with excitement on his face.

"The last glass is mine!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Hong Xiaochen's toes touched the ground, and with a hard twist on his waist, he unexpectedly followed up with Hei Muguang, grabbed the opponent's ankle, and pulled hard!

"Come back to me, you!"



The weapons collided with such force that the gun and sword flew into the air, and were instantly put back into the storage bag.

The dying giant python tightened its grip on the dying giant eagle, and the latter's sharp claws continued to scratch the giant python's body to create steam!

Heiyang Hongli's weapon left his hand, and his magical powers competed with each other, but the two faced each other with bare hands!


Hei Mu, Guang, Hong and Xiaochen were entangled with each other and fell to the stone table. Their arms kept colliding, reaching for the wine glasses on the table, and their bodies moved accordingly.

"Closer, closer, a little closer..."

Hei Muguanghong Xiaochen's eyes were red, just a little bit!


The fire eagle and anaconda let out a mournful cry and dispersed. The fire rain fell and was wetted by the waves and extinguished. The water in the lake fell back to the river bed again, filling the lake!


"Buzz buzz..."

A huge sound came out, shaking the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

In the disbelieving gazes of Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen, the wine glass swayed, swayed, bang!



Drinks were spilled on the floor, and there seemed to be the sound of heartbreak.

Hei Muguang and Hong Xiaochen were instantly petrified. Their eyes unconsciously glanced at the wine on the floor. The petrification was shattered instantly. Their eyes met. They opened their mouths and rushed towards the wine. They were not clean, but they were fine after drinking!

But just as the two were about to rush in, a spark fell.


Under the dumbfounded gaze of the two people, the wine instantly ignited, and the waves followed as if they were conscious. The flames were swept away with a "crash", including the wine!

"Click click click click..."

This is the broken voice of two fathers, cough cough...


"Die, die, die!"

On the shore, Hei Yang Hongli was wrestling on the ground, pulling her hair and poking her nose, rolling around until they realized what they had hit.


Heiyang Hongli raised her head.

Two wet middle-aged men looked at them expressionlessly.


"Xiao Li..."

Hei Muguanghong Xiaochen asked in a faint voice, "What's going on with you guys?"

Hei Yang Hongli: "..."

"Ahhhhh!!! Help!!! Mom!!! Look, daddy is drunk and beating the child!!! Wrong!!! Wrong!!! Stop chasing!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" !"*2

Chapter 302 In every night with stars, the world seems to have an extra tenderness

The sun slowly moved westward, gradually lengthening the four black shadows.

Hei Yang, Hong Li, Hei Muguang, and Hong Xiaochen stood upright facing the wall, their heads lowered, not daring to move as they listened to the footsteps behind them.

Behind the two of them, Qing Yiyi and Lan Yuying looked at their husbands and children in front of them with sullen expressions.

"You guys, I really don't know what to say about you!"

Qing Yiyi crossed her arms and paced behind the four people with an expressionless expression. Her dagger-like gaze swept around behind the four people, and finally settled on her husband Hei Muguang.

Qing Yiyi walked slowly to Hei Muguang, looked at the back of his head, sighed, stretched out his two arms, and gently put his hands on his shoulders.

In an instant, Qing Yiyi felt her husband's whole body stiffen, his heart beat faster, and the corners of his mouth subconsciously rose up, then smoothed away in an instant.


Qing Yiyi suddenly let out a long sigh, supported Hei Muguang, who was tense all over, and said quietly: "Guang, how old are you this year?"

"That Yiyi..."

Hei Moguang's forehead was sweating: "Listen to my explanation, I can explain it!

That, socializing, making things difficult, drinking, and then, and then...I'm sorry Yiyi, I was wrong! "

"Don't you want to explain?"

"No more explanation!"

"What's wrong?"

"You shouldn't sneak away to drink, let alone keep drinking, you shouldn't fight over drinking, and you shouldn't lie to hide the truth!"

"Yes, yes, how could this happen?"

Qing Yiyi slid her hands down, pinched Hei Muguang's shoulders thoughtfully, and relaxed his muscles, but the latter's tension increased instead of decreasing.

"Guang, you are already a grandfather, you should restrain yourself and set an example for your children, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right! Converge, you must restrain!"

Hei Muguang nodded like a fool: "Yiyi, I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again. Give me another chance. I will never hide it from you next time I drink!"

Qing Yiyi: "..."

"Come on, it's hopeless."

Qing Yiyi's expression froze, she looked up at the big tree and shouted, "Brother, stop hiding there. Don't you and those brothers want Mu Guang? How about I lend him to you for a day?"


Qing Jiahuang's head suddenly popped out from the tree, with a few leaves in his hair. His feet were hooked on the branches, and he looked at Hei Muguang who was facing the wall thoughtfully. He couldn't help but said excitedly: "You Do you really have the heart to leave him to your brothers for a day?"

"Fake! Fake! Yiyi can't bear it at all!"

Hei Muguang hurriedly raised his head and shouted: "Go back to your tree and stay there. What do you have to do here?"

"Hey, you are not happy to let you live and eat for free all day long!"

Qing Jiahuang rolled his eyes and melted into the canopy again, and the voice continued: "Yiyi, don't be afraid, we and dad will support you. If you are wronged, just say it and we will help you teach him a lesson!"

"Know it!"

Qing Yiyi waved her hand towards the tree, turned to look at Hei Muguang again, and said quietly: "Turn around."


Hei Muguang turned around obediently and lowered his head in embarrassment, not daring to look at his wife's face.

"look into my eyes!"

Qing Yiyi snorted softly: "Then open your mouth and let me smell how much alcohol there is?"

"Ah this, that..."

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