Hongli said proudly: "When I had the idea of ​​turning you into a dog, I was ready to be beaten."

"Then you have a high level of awareness."


Hongli was not ashamed, but proud of it. She looked at the fantasy modification instrument and couldn't help complaining: "You can't even satisfy my fantasy, and you still talk about fantasy modification. Damn it!"


Heiyang raised his eyebrows, picked up the fantasy modification instrument, pointed it at the table and said loudly: "Ah, thank God for giving us food."


Under Hongli's surprised eyes, a bunch of snacks, biscuits, bread and fruits suddenly appeared on the table, filling the table.

"Hmm, the spirit stones in it are almost not consumed."

Heiyang looked at the instrument and nodded thoughtfully.

"Not bad, I finally feel that the spirit stones are valuable. I spent them faster than copper coins before."

"Because they are all mortal food."

Hongli picked up the instrument again, pointed it at the table, and asked curiously: "Is this how it is used?"


Hongli thought for a moment and muttered softly: "It should work without shouting loudly, fantasy modification device, you can understand what I am imagining?"

[Props: Fantasy modification device requests to access thoughts, which has been intercepted by the magic heart]

[If you want the fantasy modification device to operate normally, please grant it permission to access and read brain storage and read the state of thought transmission and communication. 】

[Allow only this time/Deny/Allow only during use/Allow all the time]

"Huh? Still want permissions?"

Hongli raised her eyebrows and asked loudly: "You think of permissions now, why didn't you ask for recording permissions just now?

Oh, you want to read our private conversations secretly, you rogue props!"

Fantasy Modifier: "..."

"Come on, try to turn this table into a big bed for me!"

Hongli made a request: "The bed must have a quilt with Hongli's cute head, a big Heiyang doll, and..."



The table suddenly became bigger, and the sofas on both sides, including Heiyang and Hongli, were suddenly pushed back a long way.


Heiyang and Hongli only felt a push from behind, and the view in front of them instantly moved back and was pushed away.

"Wow, awesome."

Hongli looked at the instrument on the phone and nodded: "Although it's a rogue prop, it's still useful. It can be used as a toy!"

"You're so old, still playing with toys."

Heiyang rolled his eyes and pointed at himself: "Isn't Heiyang fun?"


Hongli smiled and stretched out her hand to rub Heiyang's head: "How can it compare with you, hehe."

"It pulled my hair off."

Heiyang sighed and continued to open the treasure chest: "The last one, it's your turn after it's opened."

Item: Zhutian Communication Mirror

Quality: Gold

Effect: Consume energy to communicate with the person you want to contact. Energy consumption is related to factors such as distance.

Introduction: Please don't dial numbers randomly. If you call a strange creature... Don't answer! Don't answer!


Heiyang and Hongli took a breath of cold air.


"It's true."

"Let's talk about it later."

Heiyang put the mirror in his pocket.

"Indeed, indeed."

Hongli moved her body and sat in Heiyang's arms, humming: "It's my turn, Hongli! Open!"

Item: A mirror that is said to know a lot

Quality: Purple

Effect: Can answer the questioner's questions.

Introduction: Yidu Company said that this time we launched a new software skin with a very strong sense of magic and fairy tales, allowing users to have a more novel experience.

"Oh, another mirror."

Hongli couldn't help but complain: "Really, it's for communication and asking questions. I thought the function of the mirror was just to reflect light..."

"Try it?"

Heiyang pinched Hongli's waist with both hands and adjusted her position on his legs.

"Okay, watch me!"

Hongli cleared her throat, thought about it, and decided to ask a simple test first.

"Excuse me, how can I make Heiyang my..."

Feeling the fierce murderous aura behind her, Hongli paused and stopped at the edge of the cliff.

"Ahem, then, magic mirror, magic mirror, tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Hongli directly changed to the little story of Heiyang that she had heard when she was a child. Under the gaze of the two, the mirror suddenly lit up, flashed twice, and flashed words.



[Sorry, I can't give you the answer you want]

[Due to different worlds, different aesthetics, different races, and different gender components, it is impossible to judge the condition of "most beautiful\

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