Hong Butian muttered: "In their eyes now, you are their future daughter-in-law, okay, you are closer than me, their biological son."

"Um, what..."

Zhao Zhuji blushed slightly, lowered her head and whispered: "I'm not necessarily with you yet. It's just a temporary relationship now. I can kick you at any time..."

"Ah, yes, yes."

Hong Butian nodded and said: "Very good, pursue it boldly, you can't hang yourself on a tree."

"Hey, what's your attitude?"

Zhao Zhuji gritted her teeth and said, "And with your statement, you already have other trees, right?"

"I didn't say that."

"That's it!"

Zhao Zhuji took a deep breath and shouted: "Dad! Mom! Look at your son, he..."


Hong Butian covered Zhao Zhuji's mouth in horror and couldn't help but said: "Shut up, someone will die!"


Zhao Zhuji's eyes widened, she struggled to move Hong Butian's hands away, and looked at Hong Butian in shock.

"What do you want to do to me, you don't want to live anymore!?"

"Hey, hey, I really don't want to live if you shout out!"

Hong Butian couldn't help but complain: "My aunt, if we have something to say, don't call the parents. That's what Xiaoyang Xiaoli and the others will do, okay..."


Hong Butian said faintly: "You just said that you may not necessarily become their daughter-in-law. Now you just call me parents, right?"

"Hmph, you mind me."

Zhao Zhuji snorted, lowered her head and continued to clean up: "That..."


A question mark appeared on Hong Buyian's head: "What's wrong?"

"After returning to the sect, remember to practice well..."

Zhao Zhuji lowered her head and muttered: "Remember to work hard, be down-to-earth, and be down-to-earth.

Don't be too ambitious, pretend to understand, or be vague..."

"I mean..."

Zhao Zhuji whispered: "If you don't understand anything, you can ask me more and I will help you..."

"Ha, no need for this."

Hong Butian shook the communication spirit stone in his hand proudly: "I have Xiaoyang's communication number and Xiaoli's communication number. Two high-level teachers are invincible hahahaha!

Hey, what's your expression? Oops, don’t worry, I will definitely help you and ask about it when the time comes, so you’ll be happy! "

Zhao Zhuji: "..."

"Don't disturb the newlyweds!"

"Hey, I'm their beloved brother, the kind who followed and protected me secretly when I was little!"

"That doesn't sound like a good person."

"Why aren't you a good person? Damn it!"

"I don't care. Anyway, you ask me first. I won't know how to ask others anymore!"

"Okay, okay, no one asks others to ask themselves, it's really..."

"You still talk back! Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

"You're stupid, I'm so smart!"



Outside the house, in mid-to-late June, cicadas were already chirping, making people drowsy.

Chapter 358: Remove unnecessary information by deleting memory so that the nervous system can be normal!

Yangli's house, living room, a big bed.

Hei Yang, Hong Li, and Xiao Huo were sitting cross-legged together in their pajamas, with notes and papers everywhere around them, looking like they were in a fierce battle.



"real or fake?"



Hong Li frowned, looking at Xiao Huo who was hesitant and uncertain in front of her, she suddenly understood, but she still didn't understand!

"Ah ah ah ah ah---"

Hong Li scratched her hair in a state of collapse, her eyes were bloodshot. She looked at Xiao Huo who was smiling awkwardly, and sighed again, as if her life had lost its power, like a deflated balloon.

"Ahem, um, mother, calm down!"

While drinking hot milk tea, Hei Yang helped Hong Li smooth her hair with a smile, and said comfortingly: "This is what the children you teach are like!

You must be patient and perseverant, and you must not be irritable or lose your temper, otherwise it will leave a psychological shadow on your child. "

"Wow, I'm not patient enough!"

Hong Li was about to cry but had no tears. She looked up at the ceiling and couldn't help but said: "Nineteen days and nights, I moved the podium here and taught Xiaohuo non-stop. Her mother's throat was filled with smoke.

But, Xiao Huo is torturing her mother! "

"Ah hahaha, no, no..."

Xiaohuo couldn't help but smile and said: "Mom, you said that as long as there is an alibi, you can prove your innocence.

Then I asked if it was a clone killing, or a curse.

Or, like my parents, if the demon shadow instigates one of them to harm the other, what kind of sentence should be given? "

"So why do you want to take your parents as an example? Does Xiaohuo really want to send her parents in and occupy this big house by herself?"

Hong Li showed her dead eyes: "A home without parents is just an empty shell. You will not be happy, you little girl with a dark heart!"

"Ah, Xiaohuo is gone! Xiaohuo is just curious!"

Xiao Huo turned to look at Hei Yang and complained with an aggrieved look.

"Dad, look at mom, she's so mean and angry..."

"Damn it, do you think you're the only one who can do this!"

Hong Li gritted her teeth and turned around to complain with an aggrieved look on her face: "Husband, look at Xiao Huo bullying her mother..."

Hei Yang: "..."

"Ahem, that..."

Hei Yang drank the milk tea in his hand, threw it away, and landed firmly on the table far away. He looked at the mother and daughter who were confronting each other, shook his head and laughed.

"Speaking of Xiaoli, Xiaohuo, since she has memorized these laws and regulations, she has already met the requirements we set, hasn't she?"

Hei Yang laughed and said: "The remaining extended question is the child's curiosity and exploration of the world. You can't kill the child's curiosity so impatiently.

Well, as the saying goes, interest is the best teacher..."

"But your daughter's interest is to find ways to use magical powers to exploit loopholes in other people's laws and regulations..."

Hongli said quietly: "This can be regarded as a teacher of interest, right..."

"Uh, that's right..."

The corner of Hei Yang's mouth twitched, he turned to look at Xiao Huo, smiled softly, and said warmly: "What Xiao Huo sees are all laws and regulations from the perspective of ordinary people.

If a practitioner attacks another practitioner, or if a practitioner attacks ordinary people, professionals from the Travel World Cultivation Headquarters will be sent to deal with it.

This kind of thing can only happen at most three or four times in ten years. There is no need to think about it in such detail. When the time comes, just adapt to the situation. "

"Huh? Does the practice headquarters have clear laws and regulations?"

Xiaohuo turned his head curiously and asked: "For example, like the Tianshu Clan that kills those genius brothers and sisters through luck.

And those who directly killed her were ferocious monsters, so who was mainly responsible, the mastermind behind the scenes or those monsters? "

"Well, first of all, the one who eats people must be punished with his life. Secondly, yes..."

Hei Yang showed a puzzled expression, and looked at Hong Li with Xiao Huo: "So what is this? There are so many weird magical powers in the practice world, how can the bad guys get retribution?"

"Wow, you father and daughter are really..."

Hongli couldn't help but cover her face: "Of course they intended to murder, what else could it be?

The facts are all before our eyes. There are many ways to kill people, but the charges can sum them up. "

"Hey, then I suddenly thought of another situation!"

Hei Yang raised his hand curiously and said: "Teacher Xiaoli, if there is an unlucky guy who stays next to me all day long and affects my luck.

Then it caused me to lose my hair, but the guy survived. Does it count as an accidental death? "

"I suspect that you, bitch, are some kind of beautiful woman who is both cute and intelligent."

Hong Li complained faintly.

"Hey, there is another situation!"

Xiaohuo raised his hand and said, "Also, if someone accidentally kills someone who happened to pass by during the Thunder Tribulation, who does it belong to?"

"If you're a wanderer in the world, go find it, put a knife on its neck, and force it to either resurrect the person or pay for it with your life!"

Hong Li said angrily: "What do you think of this answer? Are you satisfied?"

"Ah this..."

Black Yang and Xiao Huo showed their half-moon eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't make excuses here!

This is just a rule that we all set together, and it is not an encyclopedia of accident handling matters..."

Hongli couldn't help but said: "Even if you reincarnate, there will inevitably be bugs for hundreds of years, it's true!

You can’t ask someone to take all situations into consideration in a book, right? It’s all mentioned as a reference, it’s a reference! You know what I mean? "

"Hey, who are you calling a bug?"

Hei Yang frowned and realized that things were not simple.

"I will tell whoever is in a hurry."

Hong Li rolled her eyes, ignored the middle finger pointed by Hei Yang, turned to look at Xiao Huo, and said seriously: "Really, Xiao Huo, believe mom.

Now that you have no problem with theoretical knowledge, we should move on to the more important teaching steps instead of continuing to torture each other here!

If you are really interested in these, you can observe and record more in your daily life and talk to your parents more.

I really don’t know how to deal with things, such as an old lady lying in front of me to help or not, or maybe you go out to sell knives and a gangster insists on pestering you to give him a knife. "

Hong Li stretched out a finger, took out the photo stone, and said: "Remember, leave the evidence and the truth in advance when the time comes, so as not to be beaten down by others and make it unclear.

After all, we are honest people, and they like to bully us honest people.

Therefore, we must avoid leaving opportunities for others to cause trouble, so as to avoid all evils and be immune to all poisons! "

"Ah, what if Xiaohuo forgets something, or the situation is urgent, or the other party is deliberately looking for trouble?"

Xiao Huo couldn't help but asked: "What should we do?"

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