"In the novel, people who talk like you, Heiyang, usually don't make it to the end!"


Heiyang couldn't help but take a breath, rubbing his aching chest and said, "Thank you, Xiaoli, I've felt it. After your punch, I'm almost halfway into the coffin!"


Hongli snorted and curled her lips, knowing that Heiyang was pretending to make her happy.

"How is it?"

Heiyang laughed and said, "Do you feel better?"

"There's nothing wrong, okay!"

Hongli glared at Heiyang. It was because she and Heiyang were the only ones in the room that she wanted to vent her emotions.

"In the end, Heiyang, you let my daughter see me like this, and you also exposed my dark history. You want to make me, your mother, lose face, right!"

"Huh? Isn't this your own fault?"

Heiyang pointed at himself and widened his eyes.

"You can blame me for this, right? Ah? Xiaohuo asked, I shouldn't answer?"

"Wow, you are such a good father who answers every question!"

Hongli said sarcastically, pouting: "Can't you help me hide it and tell a white lie?"

"What white lie?"

Heiyang looked puzzled.

"How can I lie about this?"

"Why not?"

Hongli said confidently: "Just say that you bullied me and made me cry, right?

In this way, it will be very convincing!"

"Convincing you!"

Heiyang said angrily: "Wouldn't I be a bad guy in this way!

Xiaohuo will rush up to avenge her mother when the time comes!"

"Tsk, it's not like you haven't made me cry before, especially recently..."

Hongli shook her head and said in a positive tone: "That's not the point!

In short, sacrificing you, Heiyang, in exchange for Hongli's still majestic mother image, is worth it!"

"Climb, climb, climb, How can you still be a mother! "

Heiyang sighed, too lazy to continue arguing with Hongli, while putting on clothes, he looked at Xiaohuo and said: "Forget it, forget it, I don't want to care about you, Xiaohuo is still waiting for me to check my magical powers!

Xiaohuo, wait a minute, dad will come over. Help you test whether you have fully mastered it. "


Hongli heard that Heiyang had something important to do, so she didn't continue to fool around with him, and couldn't help asking: "What about me, what about me, what should I do now?"

"Huh? You?"

Heiyang glanced at Hongli, seeing that the latter was still not very excited, and her eyes were still red.

Heiyang's heart softened, and he sighed: "You useless girl, just lie down and rest for a while.

It's okay to sleep for a while, wait for me to prepare breakfast for you and then call you to get up. "

"? ! ! "

Hongli was stunned, turned her head and looked at Heiyang in a trance, and couldn't help rubbing her ears.

"Heiyang? Were you talking just now? Oh my God? Did I hear you right?"

"If you insist on getting up and working, then I can't do anything about it."

Heiyang snorted and said something to Hongli in a bad mood.

Hongli was not angry at all after being stabbed by Heiyang. Instead, because she was sure of what he said just now, she couldn't help but open her mouth slightly, raised her head and murmured: "Oh my God, I'm afraid I'm not dreaming!

Heiyang is so nice to me all of a sudden, it's too foul, I'm touched, shock Hongli for a hundred years!"

"Just be shocked slowly."

Heiyang jumped off the bed, put on his shoes, stretched, turned his head and knocked on Hongli's head, and walked out the door holding Xiaohuo's hand.

The bedroom fell into silence, leaving Hongli alone, lying there blankly and watching the door being gently closed.


Hongli touched Heiyang's bed, which still had some of his warmth, and suddenly smiled happily. It felt good to have someone care about her.

Especially since she also loves someone who cares about her, she feels even better.

For a moment, the sadness she felt when reading the novel just now almost disappeared.

"It's just that..."

Hongli picked up the book from the bedside, flipped through it casually, and finally turned to the end, sighing: "It's still a bit hard to let go!"

But to be honest, it's a good book, otherwise she wouldn't be so involved.

But don't expect her to read it a second time, hum!

"Accompany those books that stabbed me, and go to the corner of the study to eat dust together!"

Hongli snorted and put the book aside.

She tightened the quilt, rolled to the place where Heiyang slept, felt the warmth left by the other party, and couldn't help but giggle.

"Heiyang is still the best, Heiyang is so good..."



"Hey, hey, hey..."

Under Xiaohuo's curious eyes, Dad Heiyang moved a large alchemy furnace from the warehouse and placed it in the open space with a "bang".

Then, Dad drew various auxiliary formations around the alchemy furnace, and finally patted the dust on his hands.


Heiyang patted the alchemy furnace on the side, looked at Xiaohuo with a smile, and explained: "Use this to test Xiaohuo's mastery of magical powers!"


Chapter 382 It is easy for rivers to return to the sea, but it is difficult for a leaf to return to the tree in autumn


Xiaohuo looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him that was cleaned out by his father, tilted his head in a daze, and asked in confusion: "Do you want to use this to test the mastery of magical powers?"

"Ha, of course, this is it, how about it?"

Hei Yang smiled and patted the alchemy furnace at his hand, and said proudly: "This is a gift from the seniors of the Medicine King Sect.

It is said that the top ten spiritual weapon alchemy furnaces in their sect are even more advanced than the alchemy furnaces prepared in the Five Elements Sect’s advanced alchemy room! "

"Huh? Ranking in the top ten, then..."

Xiaohuo pointed at the alchemy furnace, wondering whether he should say something or not.

"Don't worry, there are hundreds of alchemy furnaces in their sect, definitely not just ten!"

Hei Yang looked at Xiao Huo's expression and knew what she wanted to say. He couldn't help but rolled his eyes and explained: "My dear, don't think of others as dark as your parents and us. There are still many good people in this world. Okay!”

"Ah, hehe..."

Xiaohuo stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

"Because if you can't help it, you will subconsciously think in that direction!"

"makes sense……"

Hei Yang nodded, thinking of what he just said, and added: "But although there are many good people in this world, Xiaohuo, you still have to worry a lot when you go out, and you must be on guard against others.

Otherwise, my parents won’t be able to let him go without worry! "

"When I think of Xiaohuo, you will be bullied outside for one reason or another in the future..."

Hei Yang took a breath and said with a look of sadness and anger: "Just thinking about that scene makes me feel uncomfortable.

When we think of our daughter, whom we treat as a treasure at home, she is alone without her parents when she is away from home, hungry and cold.

In the cold winter of December 9th, I slept in a cardboard box in an alley, dying as I fought with my dog ​​to open the treasure box.

I just, haha, I couldn't help but want to turn around and cry with your mother. I feel so distressed! "

"Stop stop stop!!!"

Xiao Huo couldn't help but interrupt his father's random thoughts, and shouted with dissatisfaction: "Why was Xiao Huo fine one second, but the next second he was sleeping in a cardboard box in dad's imagination?"

"Remember to lay down several layers of newspapers when sleeping."

Hei Yang kept talking.

"This will keep you warmer than just relying on your feathers to keep out the cold, and by then you may lose a few feathers due to illness..."


Xiao Huo wrinkled his little face and shouted: "Don't think about it anymore!"

"Ah, ahem..."

Hei Yang laughed awkwardly, waved his hand, and apologized to Xiao Huo sheepishly.

"I didn't mean to make Xiaohuo feel so miserable. My mother is worried about her son Xing Qianli. It's the same as my father. No matter how capable the child is, he still has to worry when he should."


Hei Yang looked at Xiao Huo and sighed: "And Xiao Huo is still far behind. It's not that I mean to hit Xiao Huo, but I always feel that I haven't taught him enough..."

"Ha, don't underestimate Xiao Huo like that!"

Xiao Huo put his hands on his hips, raised his chest and raised his head, and said confidently: "Even if Dad tests Xiao Huo, there will definitely be no problem!"

"Very good, very energetic!"

Hei Yang nodded with satisfaction, and took out another stack of elixirs from his body, which were also kindly sponsored by his friends from the Yaowang Sect.

Hei Yang rummaged through it until he picked out a pill recipe and handed it to Xiao Huo: "Here."


Xiaohuo took the pill recipe from his father with a curious look on his face and looked at the words "Biology Pill" written on it and the densely packed small characters below.

Xiaohuo couldn't help but look up at his father in confusion, waiting for the other party's answer.

"See, this is your test content."

Hei Yang brought two cushions, handed one to his daughter, and sat in front of the alchemy furnace. Xiao Huo sat next to him, listening to Hei Yang's explanation attentively.

“Elixir prescriptions, quality of medicinal materials, properties of elixirs, alchemy techniques, alchemy equipment, favorable weather and place, good luck...

These are all factors that affect alchemy, and the final effect is inseparable from them.

In addition to these, there is another key point which is the elixir fire for alchemy.

You need to be aware of this small fire. If you use ordinary fire and spiritual fire to refine the same elixir, as long as you can master it correctly, the latter will generally be more effective.

For example, the Lihuo you are born with as a small fire is definitely more effective than ordinary flames.

Of course, there are also some special situations, such as if you use cold fire to refine a violent elixir, and if you use calamity fire to burn a mild elixir, the final result will never be very good..."

"Well, well, oh, that's it, Xiao Huo understands..."

Xiao Huo listened carefully to Hei Yang's knowledge of alchemy and nodded seriously while remembering.

But after listening for a while, she couldn't help but ask: "Dad, how should Xiao Huo test his ability to master magical powers?"

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