"Ha, that's what I was about to say."

Hei Yang smiled and clapped his hands to attract Xiao Huo's attention.

"The Nirvana Fire itself is already a very high-quality spiritual fire, and because it contains rich vitality, it can play a greater role in refining healing elixirs.

It just so happens that the Xisheng Dan here is such a healing elixir, and it is also a high-grade healing elixir. It has mild properties and wide applicability.

It's just that its refining process is rather cumbersome, and the method of controlling the elixir fire is extremely strict. It can be used as a test for small fires, right? "

"It is not necessary to be able to perfectly refine the best elixir. As long as the performance is good during the process, it can be regarded as a qualified small fire. Of course, it is best to refine it."

Hei Yang smiled and stretched out a finger.

“In addition, because of its universality, it sells for a high price in the spiritual world.

So dad, after you finish the test, I am also going to make a few batches of elixirs and my friends from the Wang Sect will help sell them, so as to increase the family's income. "

"Huh? Selling elixirs?"

Xiaohuo asked curiously: "Dad, do you also want to secretly hide your private money?"

"Ah this..."

A row of black lines was drawn across Heiyang's head.

"Bah, bah, bah, what are you talking about?"

Hei Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and couldn't help complaining: "With your mother's virtue, she wishes she had to let me feed her even if she eats. Do you think she will be the kind of person who has the leisure to care about how much money the family has?"

Of course, there was something that Hei Yang didn't say, because Hong Li hardly cared about how much money her family had, so she always thought that she didn't have much money left. Normally, when Hei Yang accidentally scratched a sofa cushion, she would cry out distressedly that she was a loser.

People don't know how expensive firewood and rice are when they're not a family, Hongli has been so stingy since she was a child.

In terms of consumption, Qing Yiyi and Heiyang's mother are simply two extremes.

Of course, Hei Yang's mother has always been the one who earns the most in the family, earning more than his father who works all day long, so in a sense, his father Hei Muguang is a pretty boy...

Hei Yang didn't know where his daughter-in-law, Xiaoli, learned to be stingy. It was clear that her parents-in-law had given her a lot of money when she was a child.

Perhaps it may just be a stinginess that evolved from simply cherishing things at home.

Hei Yang could probably guess where this came from. Hong Li felt distressed for a long time if her book accidentally got a corner.

"So, how could I hide any private money?"

Hei Yang laughed helplessly and explained: "Although there is not much financial pressure for the time being, we can't just live and make ends meet. We have to replenish our family's small treasury occasionally, otherwise our whole family might end up sleeping in cardboard boxes in the alley in the future. …”

"Then Xiaohuo's newspapers will be distributed to his parents!"

"Dad, I'm really touched."

Hei Yang smiled and waved his hand, touched Xiao Huo's little head, looked at Xiao Huo whose hair suddenly grew a lot longer, and muttered: "Dad will give you a braid later, don't imitate your mother. My hair is disheveled and I think I have long, straight hair.”

"Hey, hey, dad secretly said bad things about mom behind her back."

Xiao Huo looked at his father with a smile and said cheerfully: "After Xiao Huo reports the truth, dad will be in trouble."

"Good guy, the family tradition of stabbing dad in the back can be passed down, right..."

Hei Yang couldn't help but complain, pretending to look at Xiao Huo fiercely, and threatened her: "Then let Xiao Huo be in trouble before dad is in trouble!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Xiao Huo tried to be cute, but suddenly thought of something and said: "But then again, grandpa has private money!"


Hei Yang nodded calmly disapprovingly.

"Because your grandma was afraid that your grandpa would use the money to buy alcohol, she asked him to "voluntarily" hand it over.

In fact, your grandma makes as much money in one day as your grandpa in a month, so she doesn't care about him at all.

But in order to let him control the amount of drinking, he still needs to be controlled. You can spend money if you want, but it must be for a legitimate reason.

Your grandma said that even if your grandpa wants to develop any hobbies on a whim, such as fishing, you can always ask her for money, but you can't buy wine. "

"Ah this..."

Xiaohuo showed his half-moon eyes and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Isn't drinking really a good habit?"

"Anyway, your mother and I can't get used to drinking."

Hei Yang shook his head, placed three or four storage bags aside, and took out the medicinal materials stored in them.

"These are the medicinal materials used to refine the Life-Sensing Pill. Except for one of the main ingredients, which is slightly more expensive, the rest are very common medicines.

But once the elixir is refined, the profit will be hundreds or even thousands of times. It is a relatively profitable business. If you learn from dad, you will not be reduced to living in a small alley in the future..."

"I told you! A small fire can't live in a small alley!"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Hei Yang coughed twice and showed a serious expression.

"Okay, now watch carefully. Dad will teach you step by step first. You will learn and memorize the recipe while watching it, mainly recording how I control the flame at different stages of time and the order in which the medicinal materials are placed.

At the same time, you can also ask me some questions, such as how to deal with special situations, etc. Don’t pretend to know and remember. When you do it yourself, the knowledge in your head cannot deceive you. "

"Oh, Xiaohuo understands!"

Xiaohuo nodded repeatedly, watching his father Heiyang casually throw out a ball of Nirvana fire and ignite it under the pill furnace. He seemed very skilled in how and when to put various medicinal materials. It felt that he could successfully refine the pill without looking at the pill recipe.

"By the way, I think a few steps can be changed here, so that the effect will be better, but Xiaohuo, you don't have to force yourself to learn from Dad.

Look at my operation, and then look at what is written on the pill recipe. Just compare the two and understand them. Don't ask too much why Dad's steps are different from the pill recipe."

Heiyang said casually: "It's normal if they are different. After all, Dad is more familiar with this. Many of them are done as they are comfortable. Many tedious steps can be skipped at once.

Xiaohuo only needs to learn Dad's techniques and the description of various fire sizes. He doesn't need to imitate Dad. Just look at the pill recipe and copy it. It's not a big problem!"

"Oh, okay!"

Xiaohuo nodded repeatedly, and time passed quickly.

What Xiaohuo admired was that even when his father was refining pills, he could still explain to him in a scattered manner, and he was completely at ease.

Unlike her, just recording these knowledge points was already very hard work and energy.

She is now at the seventh level of the foundation-building period. It should be the basic operation to remember everything she has seen and heard. The main reason is that there are too many key points.

At this time, Xiaohuo felt like he was holding the textbooks of a four or five-year-old child, listening to his father's fifteen or sixteen knowledge. There was a kind of hazy beauty, and it was a little difficult to understand when he spoke human language.

Fortunately, although Heiyang did not have much teaching experience, he was not good at explaining questions to his classmates in school.

But when facing his own daughter, Heiyang was still very patient.

He constantly adjusted the teaching difficulty according to Xiaohuo's acceptance level.

Until it reached a suitable level, Xiaohuo could not reduce it any more. After all, Heiyang could not spoil his children!

In this regard, Heiyang has always been learning from his mother Qing Yiyi.

Although he always complained about being too sleepy when he got up in the morning, his mother's teaching methods were both soft and hard, which made Heiyang clearly feel that his mother was doing good for him and really cared about him from his own perspective.

Instead of leaving a bunch of tedious tasks directly, giving you a set time to complete them, and not being able to rest even if you completed them ahead of time, you had to do more tasks.

Heiyang had experience in this regard. When he was in junior high school, he could finish the homework that was left for him several days in advance. In high school, it was difficult to finish the homework every day.

The teacher once told them honestly that the homework was left with the goal of making them unable to finish it, so that students could not slack off every minute and every second.

Just like you can't be seen by the leader taking a break after completing a task at work. No matter whether you have finished it or not, you can't take a break anyway, otherwise you will feel guilty about "wasting time and killing your life". Working overtime may not necessarily do more, but you have to "make good use of every minute of your life".

I don't know how normal rest becomes a waste of time. Isn't it overwork and killing your life...

Heiyang no longer thinks about those things in the past, and it's useless for him to think about them.

What he can do is to take care of the child's emotions when educating his own child.

The so-called elite education cannot be achieved by piling up time.

Of course, if you don't want to spend any time on studying, that's another story.

If Xiaohuo listens to them and stays at home with her parents, Heiyang Hongli will respect her choice, even if it means protecting the child forever.

But since Xiaohuo still has some ambition in her heart, Heiyang Hongli will not pour cold water on the child.

Just like her parents respect Heiyang Hongli's way of life, they choose to give patient love.

Then Heiyang Hongli can also have this kind of patience for Xiaohuo who has different ideas from him.

After all, parents always hope that their children can be stronger than themselves, or live happier.

If the child has the same ideas as himself, how can he surpass his parents?

"The third furnace!"

Heiyang slapped the furnace and opened it. In Xiaohuo's amazement, dozens of pills flew out and fell into the container beside.

The rich fragrance of the pill lasted only for a moment, but was still captured by Xiaohuo's sensitive little nose. He took a deep breath and showed an expression of enjoyment.

"Dad is so awesome!"

"Of course."

Heiyang placed the third bottle next to the first two bottles of pills. It looked like a bottle of sugar beans and there was no intuitive feeling. But if it was really sold at the price, one bottle could be exchanged for the airship that Heiyang Hongli drove back from the Five Elements Sect.

"Okay, it's your turn!"

Heiyang moved back and handed the control to Xiaohuo, smiling: "Come on, Xiaohuo!"


Xiaohuo was stunned for a moment, then nodded firmly.

"Yes! Xiaohuo can do it!"

Chapter 383 The future is always hidden in the fog, and you can only see it clearly by stepping into it...


With a loud bang, the aftermath of the explosion hit the invisible shield, causing a few ripples and quickly disappearing.

The smoke dissipated, revealing the expressionless Heiyang Xiaohuo behind the shield. The father and daughter watched another furnace of medicinal materials go to waste in silence.

"Ahem, that..."

Xiaohuo stuck out his tongue and said maliciously, "It's still a bit difficult!"

"Yes, yes..."

Heiyang showed his half-moon eyes and said, "Heixiaohuo, this is the sixth furnace, do you want to continue?"


Xiao Huo raised a small fist and clenched it, with a blazing fire in his eyes. He said unconvincedly: "Xiao Huo doesn't believe it. It's just a Shengxi Pill. Can't Xiao Huo refine it?"

"Dad, you saw it too!"

Xiao Huo turned his head to look at Hei Yang, and said seriously: "Is Xiao Huo's Nirvana Fire playing well?

Even if there are indeed a few small mistakes, it means that Xiao Huo has studied hard, right!"

"That's right..."

Hei Yang thought about it, nodded convincedly, and gave Xiao Huo a thumbs up.

"To be honest, just looking at the use of Nirvana Fire, it's really good."

"Well, maybe the difficulty of alchemy is still a little bit high..."

Heiyang touched his chin and thought: "How about considering Xiaohuo passed? Or lower the difficulty a little?"

"Ha! No need at all!"

Xiaohuo snorted: "I, Hei Xiaohuo, must do my best. Half-baked can only deceive myself, and I will be dumbfounded when I need it."

"Good! Ambitious!"

Heiyang was moved by Xiaohuo's persistence. He took out several storage bags from his body and put them aside, and said: "These herbs are for you, Xiaohuo. When you are done, tell dad and dad will make it for you.

As long as you have perseverance and persistence, dad will accompany you to the end and help you to max out your alchemy proficiency!"

"Of course, you have to pay attention!"

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