"Yeah, okay, okay, that's it. Brother Hei Yang, let's talk next time!"

Hei Xiaolong cut off communication at the speed of light, and even didn't forget to invite Hei Yang to talk again next time.

"Oh, he is so worried that he still misses his brother. That boy Xiaolong really admires you."

Hongli clicked her tongue: "Fortunately, he is a boy, and he is your relative within the fifth server."

"Okay, okay, don't be jealous, my wife."

Hei Yang chuckled and whispered: "I heard from Sister Xiaoqi that there is a girl in the Wood Department of Five Elements Sect who has a strong feeling for Xiaolong. She even started to take action, approaching in a roundabout way, and got close to Sister Xiaoqi. It’s so close…”

"Hey, is it true or not? Is there still such a thing?"

Hongli took a breath: "What did you say?"

"I just told Sister Xiaoqi that I think this matter is disgusting."

Hei Yang spread his hands: "That little kid Xiaolong has been taken to the mountains to practice since he was a child. The only thing he has deep social contact with people is probably thinking of Brother Hei Yang playing with him all day long when he was a child, so Hei Yang Apart from his parents and master, he was the best to him. In fact, apart from his family and his master, he had no contact with many people.

Therefore, I only cared a little about that child before, and my good impression of him grew infinitely.

In the same way, because the few times he saw you Xiaoli, you looked fierce, so he infinitely magnified your terror in his heart.

Because he has met very few people, one person can often represent the entire group in his impression. For example, when he thinks of taking him to play, he can only think of me, and when he thinks of someone fierce, Xiaoli, you become the one in his impression. The most vicious person, and his understanding of the scary villain, are all based on the most terrifying image, and are thus demonized. "

"So I said this, Xiaoli, you can probably understand."

Hei Yang paused and concluded: "That child is not only blank emotionally, his life is almost blank except for cultivation.

Before he gradually gains experience, it will be difficult for him to deal with the inexplicable and special affection of girls towards him, and he will most likely deal with it in a mess.

As his master, the elder can probably see this and will not let it go. Before having too deep emotional exchanges, the elder will definitely find a way to mature that child Xiaolong, so I said that I want to It's embarrassing to approach Xiaolong through Sister Xiaoqi. How can a girl of similar age to Xiaolong be better than elders with hundreds of years of life experience? "

"Ah, could this be the legendary elders beating up the mandarin ducks? The old-fashioned way cannot tolerate free love?"

Hong Li's eyes lit up, and a bunch of bloody plots came up in her mind.

"Xiaomei! Xiaomei, why are you so stupid! Xiaomei! Why are you doing this for me!"

"Xiaolong...I'm sorry, because your master didn't let me tell you...but now I want to tell you personally..."

"Master! Please save Xiaomei!"

"She violated our previous agreement. It's okay to save her, but..."

"How can you be so heartless!"

"Humph, I'm doing this all for your own good..."

"This Five Elements Sect, don't wait any longer!"

"Rebellion! Rebellious! Without these five elements..."

"Xiaoli? Hello, Xiaoli?"

Hei Yang gently knocked on Hong Li's head: "The soul is back, the soul is back!"

"Ah? You are actually a dragon... Bah!"

Hong Li suddenly came back to her senses and almost subconsciously read out the lines in her mind. Fortunately, she reacted in time.

But when she turned her head and saw Hei Yang's joking expression, she immediately understood that Hei Yang had guessed what she was thinking about.


Hei Yang teased in a playful tone: "Xiaolong was obsessed with love and broke up with the sect, but by chance, he was reborn from the ashes and returned with revenge... Well, let me think about it, should the next plot say that the girl didn't have it at the beginning? Die too, hide his identity and return to Xiaolong, all kinds of revenge and betrayal of love and hatred? "

"Ahaha, this, that, I haven't thought that far yet!"

Hong Li's face turned red, she couldn't help showing her round eyes, and said with a sneer: "It means that the sense of déjà vu is so strong that people can't help but make up their minds...

In addition, you guy, don’t always read my psychological activities so clearly. Even if you understand, don’t say it directly. I don’t want to lose face! "

"You still want to save face here?"

Hei Yang looked confused.

"Ah, this, this..."

Hong Li twitched the corner of her mouth, coughed, and put on a serious expression: "After all, I am also a mother of two children, so I must have some kind of stable and reliable temperament in me.

For you to break my skills so casually, it's fine when it's just the two of us, but if you do it in front of the children, it will destroy the majestic aura I deliberately created! "

"Yes, yes, Master Hongli is the most stable."

Hei Yang agreed casually, pretending not to see Hong Li's fierce expression, looking at Xiao Xue who was sleeping not far away, suddenly thought of something, and said with some worry: "I just said that Xiaolong is not good at socializing and has little experience in life. What about our two daughters?

Should we take them to see more of the dangers of the world and the truth, goodness and beauty of the world? It would be better to let them discuss it with all kinds of people. Otherwise, what if they are simply deceived in the future? "

"Huh? Is that so?"

Hongli was stunned for a moment and said uncertainly: "But is it really necessary?"

"Of course, many good girls are easy to be taught bad things. Most of them are because their parents protect them too well, which is counterproductive. Once they come into contact with people they have never come into contact with before, it is easy to let others lead them. Walk!"

Hei Yang said with a serious face: "We may really be able to protect our children for a lifetime, but we still have to let the children grow up, right?"


Hong Li paused and suddenly said: "It's like the saints in the book are more likely to () degenerate into () ()?"

"Don't use such weird metaphors, you guy!"

Hei Yang had a black line on his head and patted Hong Li's head angrily: "You're serious!"

"Speaking seriously..."

Hongli paused, stretched out her finger and said, "Actually, it's not like Hei Xiaolong has been the only one who hasn't had much communication since childhood. You can't be too sure. You see, apart from each other, we don't have much communication with others. But isn’t it fine now?”

"It's because I have seen a lot in another world before. Although I am also very unfamiliar with this aspect because I focus on learning, the information explosion in that world makes it easier to see the diversity of species..."

Hei Yang paused, turned to look at Hong Li, and said with a strange expression: "As for you, are you sure you're fine?"

"Huh? Huh?"

Hongli looked confused and said a little nervously: "I, what problem can I have?"

"What do you think?"

Hei Yang looked at Hong Li with his half-moon eyes, and said with a helpless smile: "I've been coaxed into getting pregnant once, okay, haven't you noticed that this girl of yours is too dependent on me?"

"Ah this..."

The corner of Hongli's mouth twitched, and she said unconvincingly: "Can't I coax you into my hands? Don't you rely on me anymore?"

"Okay, okay, I was coaxed."

Hei Yang raised his hands in surrender and said truthfully: "But Xiaolong doesn't have frequent contact with the outside world, so he doesn't know the dangers of the world, and the two of us don't want to have frequent contact with the outside world because we know the dangers of the world.

Of course, I do rely on you Xiaoli. This is true, which shows that I, the theoretical king, have some problems, but it also proves my theory even more, doesn't it? "

"I don't think there's anything wrong with such a question."

Hongli curled her lips and hummed: "I am happy to let you make me pregnant, and I will rely on you if I want to. I have no interest in contacting anyone who comes into contact with this. Isn't it a happy life?"

"You can't guarantee that the children will be as lucky as us and it will be a lifelong fate to meet each other."

Hei Yang pointed out the problem sharply.

"Damn it, what you said actually makes sense!"

Hongli was persuaded by Hei Yang and admitted that children need to understand some of the dangerous things in the world with the help of their parents. Of course, they must do it safely, or they should not contact them at all. They can just be a bystander and observe the various situations in the world. Learn a lot.

But no matter which case it is, it is very troublesome to do!

It's not a technical or ability problem, but it's particularly troublesome for people with social fears like her and Hei Yang!

Not only do they not want to talk awkwardly with others, but sometimes they can't help but feel embarrassed for others when they see them being embarrassed. That feeling is so special that it makes people want to run away and stay away from the crowd.

Sure enough, when Hongli looked at Hei Yang, she found that the guy who proposed the problem and solution also had a frown on his face.

"I think it would be more reliable to study how to let two children learn magical powers!"

Hei Yang thought for a long time, then suddenly revealed his half-moon eyes, and with a twitching mouth corner, he chose a method that was obviously more difficult for normal people, but forgive him for really rejecting the other option.

However, the magical power of the devil's heart is really useful. This ability has helped the two of them many times when Hei Yang Hongli was weak when he was young. You will definitely not lose money if you learn it.

The problem is that even if they understand the method of practicing this magical power, they may not be able to teach people completely. Obviously, even with Xiao Huo and their talents, it will be a very long task.

"It doesn't seem like a problem that can be solved in one or two strokes. It requires a lot of energy!"

Hei Yang sighed: "Push back a little and put this priority at the second highest position. We must train them well when the trouble at hand is solved."

"Don't make trouble, Xiaoxue is only so young. He will have to wait at least seven or eight years to learn that level of magical power. Even the front-end weakened version is not something that the current little kid can learn."

Hong Li rolled her eyes, raised her head slightly, looked through the ceiling, and stared into the unknown distance with Hei Yang: "And Hei Yang, you also said that the number one trouble right now is that..."

"We are very close. Can you feel some strange atmosphere there, Xiaoli?"

"Ah, yes, a strange atmosphere that is far different from our current universe..."

"We are almost here, the legendary Utopia."

"Correction is another universe that is relatively peaceful."

"But before that, we still need to break free from the constraints of the current universe and pass through the cosmic barrier..."

"Indeed, what is coming is coming, and what is in front of us must be overcome..."

"The biggest trouble!"

Hei Yang Hongli spoke in unison, and the two held their hands tightly together.

"We must take it!"

Chapter 477 Because I was the most real you when I first came into contact with you, so you have never changed in my eyes

Traveling around the world, outside the world's shield.

The top-level practitioners stood on huge floating stones, looking into the depths of the dark universe, with serious faces and uneasy moods.

"It's easy to sense it now."

An old man whispered softly: "It couldn't be more obvious..."

As early as three months ago, some people with sensitive perception had already vaguely sensed something.

However, over the years, they have experienced countless false joys. Before they really saw it with their own eyes, experienced it personally, and successfully confirmed the situation, they still tried their best to keep their mentality calm, so as not to have greater hope and greater disappointment.

As the Wandering World continued to move forward along the scheduled route, the feeling became clearer and clearer, and more and more practitioners felt the breath that was completely different from this universe.

Until today, almost everyone present could feel that it seemed to be right in front of them. Even if it was still out of sight, everyone's heart could not help but tremble.

For many years, dating back to the first batch of ancestors in the Wandering World, and the successors who have joined over the years, they have been groping in the dark on the road of searching for many years!

In the countless days of missing their hometown, they stood on the land made up of scattered boulders and watched this lonely and long journey.

I don’t know how long it will take to arrive, I don’t know if I can arrive successfully, and I don’t even know if the destination exists!

Just for that illusory goal, a belief, one by one, the proud sons of heaven who were once famous and high-spirited in their own era have drifted in this cold universe for thousands of years.

Home is even behind them, but it seems less real and out of reach like the legendary utopia.

If it weren’t for a few newcomers who survived the thunder tribulation and jumped out of the Wandering World from time to time, they would even doubt whether there would be no living people in the world they were guarding behind them, and whether they would only guard an empty shell after so many years?

The long and lonely wait, not knowing whether the future will come, they are like drowned people swimming exhausted in the foggy sea, not knowing whether there is a possibility of survival, but unwilling to give up the hope of survival.

The bad environment and the confusion of the unknown tortured everyone's body and mind, and the latter was even tortured more severely to some extent.

If it weren't for the fact that they were all determined people who had reached the pinnacle of their practice, if it weren't for the fact that there were at least fellow villagers around them who could talk, if it weren't for the hometown they missed, perhaps they would have gone crazy in the years.

And now, this not-so-good journey is finally coming to an end. No matter what life will be like in the future, no matter whether they will set out again in the future, at least they can finally stop and rest.

Perhaps after finishing this journey, they should go back home first, make a cup of tea with freshly picked leaves, stand by the field, and feel the wind bringing the long-lost strange but gradually awakening familiar taste in their memories.

Or lying on the bed in the bedroom at home after sunset, listening to the faint barking of dogs on the street, sleeping quietly, guessing which will wake you up first in the new day, the sun or the crowing of the rooster.

Those were the distant and unattainable dreams they had once had in the swaying universe, and now the moment in the dream has finally arrived, even some people with strong minds can't help but shed tears.

Of course, not everyone present was so touched, like the youngest Heiyang Hongli, and even Kong Yuqing, who had only ascended a few years ago. Although they also respected the elders' perseverance for so many years and were also affected by the atmosphere on the scene, they were a little sad, but they had not experienced it personally and could not fully empathize with everyone.

But it doesn't matter if they can't fully empathize, they know what they should do and what responsibilities they should inherit from their predecessors, which is enough.

People who have endured hardships deserve respect, but hardships don't need to be praised.

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