What Grandma Meng learned might be the situation tens of thousands of years ago, or it might be the situation at the border of other universes. It is not impossible that the person being asked mixed up the information.

In the past tens of millions of years, among the universes on the Black Sun side, the Wandering World is probably the first world group to come to this area.

But according to the universe coordinates given by Grandma Meng and the location of the Wandering World, the Infinite Navigator calculated that there is the boundary of the universe and it will not be wrong.

And Grandma Meng herself gestured on the map for a long time and felt that what the navigator said made sense. In theory, it is correct, but there is no guarantee whether there will be any accidents.

And what Black Sun Hongli hates most is accidents, but this is the most reliable route recently.

Either wander around the universe like the Wandering World did before, hoping that the blind cat will meet the dead mouse.

Or take a detour: first enter other adjacent universes, then find a more suitable channel from the adjacent universe and pass through there.

The latter seems to be no problem at first glance, and taking a detour will only take a little more time, which is not unacceptable.

But after discussing for a long time, everyone found helplessly that the latter's plan did not have the conditions to be realized in the Traveling World.

This is a technical problem. The way of crossing universes and then crossing universes is beyond their scope. This process is not like ordinary transfer stations. It involves more than one cosmic orbit calculation. This is not even something that a navigator can do. The navigator will only tell you where to go and how to go, and is not responsible for the corresponding calculation.

After you calculate the appropriate destination or route, you can enter my navigator and let me tell you how to get to the destination, but you don’t even know which universe to choose for the new transfer destination, so it is not my navigator’s responsibility.

Besides, no matter what, this is also crossing the universe. The so-called "a little time-consuming" is not just one or two years. It may even require you to walk the path that the predecessors walked in the past. There is no guarantee that there will be no danger or accidents along the way, just like the accidental collision with the cruel world before.

Even assuming that all these can be done, how can you be sure that the new channel will definitely be safer than the one in front of you?

In the final analysis, the population of the entire world is the biggest problem. If you want to take people across the entire universe, you must find a regular and stable large-scale channel that can support the entire world.

If there are only one or two people, things will be much easier.

For example, if you just find a nearby time and space hole and run around a few times, you may get stuck on the map and go to the opposite universe. (bushi)

Even Grandma Meng mentioned that she could directly help Heiyang Hongli and others apply for two places so that they can directly and safely enter another universe.

If you want to bring one or two family members, she can apply for it again. It is not impossible.

Of course, if there are more people, it will be a bit difficult. The official channel that Grandma Meng mentioned consumes a lot of resources every time it is opened, and the number of people who can pass through is also quite limited. After all, that channel was originally forcibly opened and maintained for some retirees.

Although the peaceful universe does not mind moving some neighbors in, it is impossible for them to really spend a lot of effort to prepare a special channel for universe refugees for you.

Of course, after all, it is a peaceful universe with abundant resources and few disputes. Maybe there are one or two organizations that like to help others, but since they cannot be contacted, it is no different from non-existence.

And obviously, if Heiyang Hongli wants to take people, it is impossible to take only one or two people.

But if the people you care about cannot go with you, to put it bluntly, a utopia without family is no different from hell.

Although Heiyang Hongli didn't go to hell much when he went to the underworld before, but that's what he meant.

And to be honest, if he could take all the people he cared about with him, Heiyang Hongli might really agree.

If they had to choose between the world and their families, they would definitely choose their families without hesitation.

Saving the world is certainly due to their own kindness and attachment to their hometown, but the most important thing is that because the people they care about are in this world, they will save them regardless of their own lives.

And the choice given to them by Grandma Meng obviously did not satisfy Heiyang Hongli. Of course, they also knew that Grandma Meng had done a lot for them.

It is obviously not that easy to apply for such a quota. Grandma Meng did not owe them anything. On the contrary, they had been taken care of by her.

Therefore, they refused, but they were also grateful.

Heiyang Hongli actually thought about sending Xiaohuo and Xiaoxue away first, so that even if they failed, their two daughters would be safe.

But later, the two of them made a decision for them selfishly. If they were safe alone without their family around, it would be a torture.

In fact, they also pretended to chat casually and talked to Xiaohuo, saying that you and Xiaoxue should go over first.

At that time, Xiaohuo hugged her parents and cried, shouting that Dad and Mom did not want Xiaohuo or something like that. Heiyang Hongli was so scared that he dared not say anything more. He coaxed the little girl for a long time.

As for Xiaoxue, Heiyang Hongli couldn't bear to send such a young child away. They would rather hold the child with their bodies to protect her before everything was over, and didn't want her to go to a strange world without her parents.

As for his parents, Heiyang Hongli didn't even dare to ask. If he did, he would probably get scolded, so it was better not to ask.

All kinds of reasons worked together, which led to Heiyang Hongli's willingness to "take the lead in the charge", which could be considered a last resort.

No matter how many pictures he imagined in his mind, when Hei Yang Hongli actually arrived in front of the cosmic barrier, his heart was still filled with deep shock.

They saw a tall mountain rising out of thin air so abruptly in front of them!

It's not a metaphor, it's really a majestic mountain blocking it!

The vastness spreads with no end, and the towering towering without knowing the peak stands.

Even with Heiyang Hongli, I can't see the edge of this mountain at a glance. The so-called mountains in the Traveling World can only be called pebbles in front of this giant!

The two of them, Hei Yang Hongli and a small SUV, were as small as dust in front of this mountain.

Facing this incredible spectacle, even Hei Yang Hongli, who thought he was quite accustomed to the world, was confused for a moment.

And when the two of them came back to their senses, the first thing they did was to take out the photo stone and take a photo together!

"Heiyang, you take control. Remember to take pictures of the features of this mountain as much as possible, but you can't make it difficult for the two of us to see clearly in the photos. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hei Yang Hongli stood side by side in front of the mountain, tilting their heads and stretching out their arms to form a heart, showing a sweet smile.

The photo crystal was controlled by spiritual power to float in front of them, looking for the best shooting position in Heiyang Hongli's ideal.

"Okay, okay, I'll take care of things, Xiaoli, don't worry."

Hei Yang nodded confidently and injected spiritual power into the photo.


The unique photographic sound of the photo crystal sounded softly.

"Let me take a look, let me take a look, if Hei Yang takes an ugly picture of me, you will be finished, I tell you!"

Hong Li rushed forward impatiently to read the image inside the crystal, and raised her eyebrows: "Well, it's not bad, okay, my Yang, do you still have this skill?"

"Show your ugliness, show your ugliness."

Hei Yang took the image crystal from Hong Li's hand with a smile, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the picture he took. In fact, he was not sure whether he had taken the picture well.

"A few more, a few more!"

Hong Li happily hugged Hei Yang from behind, lay on his back with her little head exposed, and said with a smile: "I want to do this pose too."

"Okay, okay, don't worry."

While Hei Yang regained control of the crystal to adjust the angle, he murmured in a low voice: "But Xiaoli, I have to remind you, we know that your body has not recovered after giving birth to Xiaoxue, and you are a little uncomfortable, so Keep a good attitude and don't put too much pressure on yourself.

You may sometimes feel that you really need to vent your depression. You can just vent to your husband at home. Your husband can still tolerate you.

But when you go out, even if your husband is around, you have to be more careful and not be too willful, you know? "

"Ah? Hei Yang, what did you suddenly say?"

Hong Li tilted her head and said with a puzzled look on her face: "What pressure? What pressure do I have that I need to vent... uh uh uh?!"

Hongli suddenly screamed, and when she realized something, she jumped off Heiyang with a red face, hugged her legs and squatted down, raised her head and looked at Heiyang with red eyes, a look of grievance on her face, and there seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes: " Black Sun————”

"Hey, Xiaoli, you look so cute like this."

Hei Yang's face was filled with blood, and he controlled the crystal to "click, click, click" to take several pictures of Hong Li.

“You’re still filming me!!!”

Hong Li felt even more aggrieved, bit her lip and said, "Heiyang stinky bastard!"

"Ahem, Xiaoli, please calm down."

Hei Yang smiled coquettishly, quietly hid the image crystal behind his back, squatted next to Hong Li, touched her head and rubbed her hair: "It's not a big deal, the reaction is too big, right?"

"What's wrong with my reaction!!!"

Hongli resentfully bumped her head against Hei Yang: "It's so embarrassing!!! Oh..."

"Oh my, what's the shame? I'm the only one here, and there's no one else."

Hei Yang forced a smile, patted Hong Li's back gently, and coaxed: "You were quite lively at home before, and you didn't feel embarrassed in front of me, right?"

"You said it was at home..."

Hongli curled her lips and whispered: "And in that state of unconsciousness, you asked me to call you daddy without much hesitation. You still expect me to stay sane? To be honest, it's not all Black Yang's. Wrong, if Hei Yang wasn't like that..."

"Oh, oh, oh, I told you that I'm the only one here now and no one else is here. If you sort it out, you can't see anything."

Hei Yang coaxed with a smile, while using his spiritual power to evaporate the traces on her back to eliminate the evidence, and stretched out his hand to pull her up: "Then let's stop filming, okay? Since Xiaoli feels bad..."


Hongli stood up and straightened herself up, wrinkled her little nose, snorted softly, looked at Hei Yang with a stubborn look on her face and said: "Why don't you take pictures of such a good person? It's not easy to come here once, so I didn't take a few pictures." Why stop? Just shoot!”

Hong Li snorted softly and climbed onto Hei Yang's back again, but her body was as light as a feather: "In the worst case, I'll just pay attention to it. Just take pictures of Hei Yang. Remember not to fool him.

In the future, I can show off the photos to Xiaohuo Xiaoxue and the others..."

"Okay, okay."

Hei Yang agreed with a smile, and happily changed many poses with Hong Li in front of the mountain, and took a bunch of photos before giving up when he was satisfied.

Then the two of them used the communication mirror to report their gains to the rear troops in the Traveling World and tell them the situation here at the barrier.

"What are you..."

In the communication mirror, Kong Yuqing and others looked shocked, looking at the scene on the other side of the screen and listening to Hei Yang Hongli's narration.

Everyone in the Traveling World was like a cauldron exploding, rushing to express their opinions and vent their shock.

"A big mountain is a cosmic barrier? But, I said, that, but how is this possible?"

"What's impossible? Old Man Huang, do you know the universe very well? The two of them risked their lives to send the news back. When you find a problem, instead of solving it, you deny the problem first, right?"

"You, what are you talking nonsense about? I'm just too surprised. And you, old man Xing, you have the nerve to call others old man, are you very young? Who are you to blame!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing about what you have and what you don't have. You haven't had enough quarrels outside for so many years, right? Quickly think about how to get past this mountain barrier?"

"Crash it directly? Just take the Traveling World and crash through the mountain, right?"

"I suggest you tie your head to the front and hit it first. What a bad idea! You can't talk without thinking?"

"Okay, okay, everyone must have some quality after living for so many years. It's so ugly just to listen to you talk, and I haven't heard a serious solution!"

"How about trying to climb this mountain? Even though you can't see it at first glance, it has a top, right?"

"You dare to think about carrying the entire Travel World and climbing over it. Just the height you can see can tire us to death!"

"Then go around?"

"Who knows where we will go around. Even if we do go around, we may not know whether the other side is the original destination!"

"Then what do you say..."

Hei Yang Hongli looked silently as the argument on the other side seemed to be about to develop into a martial arts conference.

In order to save some face for the seniors, the two quickly organized their conversation.

"Well, seniors, it seems that we can't come up with anything from the existing information for a while. Let's go explore again. If there is any news, we will inform everyone!"

The communication was closed, Hei Yang Hongli looked at each other and sighed.

Some things cannot be solved by a large number of people. Brainstorming requires everyone to have relevant understanding. Just guessing will not yield any results.

The two of them moved their eyes back to the mountain. Heiyang Hongli approached the mountain and looked at it carefully.

"Well, let's see what the material of this "mountain" is. Maybe it's like foam and can be penetrated with just a poke?"

Hei Yang muttered, stretched out his hand to take down a few rocks, and tried to crush them, studying their composition.

Hong Li stood obediently beside Hei Yang, looking at the "rocks" curiously, and from time to time she would put forward some of her own opinions.

And just as the two of them were studying it carefully, a sudden change occurred!

The previously motionless mountain suddenly dented, and a black cavity about half the size of Yangli's bedroom suddenly appeared, instantly creating a powerful attraction.

Hei Yang instantly felt the attraction acting on him. He was slightly startled and calmly reminded: "Xiao Li, pay attention..."

Before Hei Yang finished speaking, the black hole suddenly expanded, swallowing Hei Yang instantly like a gluttonous mouth!

"Black Sun?!"

Hong Li's eyes widened and she chased after him almost at the same time. There was even an afterimage of Hong Li's shocked face left on the spot.

The two of them disappeared into the sudden hole in the mountain, and then everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had ever happened.


"Black Sun?"

Hong Li looked around with a vigilant face, and all she saw was darkness. From the pursuit to the change in space, she remained conscious and paid attention to Hei Yang's position.

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