But even so, Heiyang could disappear from her sight!

This space is not simple!

Hongli instantly judged this conclusion that could be drawn without judgment.

She was still trying to contact Heiyang.

[Hongli: Yangyangyangyangyang! ! ! ]

[Hongli: Where did you run? Where did you run? ]

[Hongli: Hurry up and say something! ]

[Hongli:? ]

No response!


Hongli's heart sank suddenly, and she took out the infinite navigator from her body: "Please locate where my Heiyang is?"

The navigator paused, and a small arrow began to vaguely appear on it, but before Hongli showed her joy, the small arrow began to rotate 360 ​​degrees like a big fan.


Hongli showed an unhappy expression, took back the navigator casually, and tried to locate Heiyang's transmission with magical powers.

Sure enough...

It also failed!


Hongli was silent for a moment and took a deep breath.

She admitted that she was a little panicked and scared.

However, even if the existing means failed, Hongli had a hunch that Heiyang should be near her, not too far away.

This was not some magical ability, it was purely Hongli's intuitive premonition.

She felt that Heiyang was by her side, so he would not go far.

Hongli has always been very confident in the tacit understanding between herself and Heiyang.

"You are still playing hide-and-seek with me. I will find you in five minutes at most..."

Hongli muttered in a low voice, her face full of calmness.

She admitted that she always liked to abandon her brain when Heiyang was around.

But if Heiyang was not around for the time being, her IQ would naturally return to a limited time.

As mentioned before, Heiyang's luck was much better than Hongli's, and Hongli's talent... was stronger than Heiyang's!

"There is light over there..."

Hongli squinted slightly and looked into the distance.

Although there might be danger.

But places with light are always more attractive, and they are also the most obvious signposts.

If Heiyang saw the same beam of light, he would surely move towards it.

Holding the red tassel spear in hand, Hongli moved towards the beam of light vigilantly...

Chapter 479 I am narrow-minded and can't bear to see you suffer any injustice

"Xiaoli? Can you hear me? If you can, please answer!"

Heiyang followed the faint light in the distance and shouted loudly to his wife.

In the dead silence, his shouting seemed to be the only sound in this space, so it was particularly clear and loud.

But this was obviously not good news, because theoretically as long as Hongli was nearby, she would not fail to hear his voice.

But after shouting, this space returned to silence again, and there was no sound responding to him.

One possibility is that Hongli was not near him.

But before Heiyang was completely sucked in, he clearly saw Xiaoli chasing him in.

Besides, he didn't even need to see it to guess Xiaoli's reaction.

When watching him being sucked into the suddenly appearing hole, would Hongli calmly stand there to observe, test, analyze the situation, and wait for rescue?

Without thinking too much, the girl would definitely catch up. Even if she was rational and calm, she would still do so, because instinct would take action before the brain thought.

Then the problem came.

If the strange black hole only connected to this space, the other party should not be too far away from Heiyang if he followed him in.

Perhaps some unknown force affected their perception, so they could not detect the other party's position for the time being.

After discovering that all kinds of contact methods with Xiaoli, including contract synchronization transmission, were temporarily ineffective, Heiyang knew that this space was definitely not an ordinary evil.

Of course, there is another possibility.

The black hole may be connected to multiple spaces, and he and Xiaoli were thrown into different spaces respectively.

Perhaps the latter guess is more in line with the thoughts of most cultivators. After all, compared to unreasonably suspecting that there is something wrong with their perception ability, most people are more willing to believe that the other party is not within their perception range, so they can't perceive the other party.

It's like going into a house to find something, and after searching for a long time without finding it, the first thought will be "maybe in another room", and will not think "I am blind so I didn't see it".

But intuition told Heiyang that Xiaoli was still in this space, near him!

As long as something was related to Hongli, Heiyang had never made a wrong judgment!

Thinking about it this way, the situation was clear: Xiaoli and he entered this strange space one after the other. The two were not too far apart, but for some unknown reason, they could not sense each other.

Now that he realized the problem, Heiyang believed that neither he nor Xiaoli would sit and wait for death, and would definitely try to find the other party.

As for going out, that was something that needed to be considered after finding the other party!

Just like what Heiyang and Hongli had said to all the predecessors before, as long as the two of them were together, they would have the courage to face death.

But now, Heiyang judged through the life link with Hongli that the other party should be alive and kicking like himself, but at this time the two separated, even if Heiyang forced himself to calm down, he couldn't help but feel a little fear in his heart.

It was necessary to find Xiaoli and reunite with her as soon as possible!

Heiyang judged so.

It's a pity that the entrance they came from has disappeared, otherwise Heiyang believed that Xiaoli would make the same judgment as him: go back to the entrance, which is the most obvious gathering landmark.

And now, Xiaoli's judgment should be the same as his own...

Heiyang squinted his eyes and looked at the faintly flickering light in the distance, slightly speeding up his pace.

Even though it was faint, in this dark, that little light was still the most obvious sign!

Heiyang did not rush to the mountain, nor was it a mirage. Heiyang found that he was indeed approaching the little light quickly.

However, when he came to the light, before he carefully observed whether Xiaoli was around, the light that was originally as small as dust suddenly burst into a dazzling glow and enveloped Heiyang.

"No way? Come again!"

Heiyang's eyelids jumped. You little light point with thick eyebrows and big eyes, how can you do that black and empty shabby job!


In a trance, the darkness faded, and the blazing white light enveloped Heiyang.


Heiyang opened his eyes, a little uncomfortable with the sudden dazzling light.

He seemed to be in a bright room? Room...

Heiyang looked towards the door subconsciously.

"Knock, knock"

There was a knock on the door.

"Xiaotian, can I come in?"


Heiyang was a little confused, looking at the woman who was a little unfamiliar with him, gently pushing the door open and walking in with a plate.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

The woman put the plate on the table as usual, and two cups of milk were steaming: "Are you not being lazy? Are you guilty when you see me come in?

Forget it, when the results come out, we will naturally know whether you have worked hard these days. Don't blame me for saying it in advance..."

"Well, that..."

Heiyang frowned and looked at the woman in front of him closely, as if he wanted to overlap her with a figure in his memory: "Auntie, may I ask who you are..."

"Ah? Where is your aunt?"

The woman was stunned, put her hands on her hips and frowned: "Don't pretend to be confused, finish the remaining two extracurricular tutoring books and go to bed. It will be bad if you miss class tomorrow!"


The door was closed again.


Heiyang stared at the door for a long time, turned his head to look at the exercise book on the table in front of him, the dense small characters twisted his vision like a whirlpool.


Heiyang rubbed his brows, pushed away the chair, stood up and walked to the window, gently opened the curtains, and in the night in the distance, the high-rise buildings were illuminated by the lights and wine, and there seemed to be rapid drum beats coming with the night wind.

"I didn't expect that I still remember..."

Heiyang murmured softly.

"What didn't you expect?"

A somewhat old voice came to his ears.

Heiyang turned his head and looked, and a skinny hand handed him a bowl of soup.

"You kid ran pretty fast, but you were caught back?"

The old woman holding the big spoon gently knocked on the edge of the pot and urged: "Okay, drink it quickly, don't think about running again, the place you go to in your next life is not bad, there is nothing to complain about."

"The place you go to in your next life?"

Heiyang was stunned, and the scene in front of him switched again.

He appeared in a spacious and bright room again. The bright sunshine filled the room. Through the window, he could see the flowers in the small courtyard outside.

There were many electronic products piled up on his right hand side. On the west wall hung a family portrait, a couple and a boy.

The boy seemed to be himself, and the couple also made people feel good.

With a "ding dong" sound, the loudspeaker installed somewhere in the house made a sound.

"Xiaoman, don't forget the blind date that your grandmother Li introduced to you this afternoon. We estimate that we will be back at noon tomorrow. I hope to hear good news!"

It was a strange female voice.

Heiyang remained silent.


"Xiao Li, what are you doing sitting alone at the door?"

The young beautiful woman bent down and smiled at the little girl sitting on the steps: "Why don't you play with the other kids? Don't they want to play with you?"

"No, they called me."

The little girl, who seemed to be only two or three years old, said calmly: "I ignored them."

"Huh? Why?"

The beautiful woman asked curiously: "Did those kids have a conflict with Xiao Li?"


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