How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

76. According To Lin Yang's Speculation, A Royal Tomb! (Seeking Subscription)

Li Dui was taken aback when he heard the words: "Suffocation? Could it be someone strangled to death?"


"My God, tell me quickly, I'm going to die of anxiety, can you stop being a fool!"

Lin Yang laughed: "First of all, I can tell you that homicide can be ruled out as the cause of their death! However, a huge case may be involved behind this.

As soon as this remark came out, Team Li was shocked.

With his understanding of Lin Yang, it is impossible to be aimless.

He said yes, there must be!

Seeing Captain Li whose expression changed drastically, Lin Yang also put away his jokes.

Seriously said: "I checked just now, and the death appearance of these two people is exactly the same. And the cause of their death is both suffocation.

"First of all, judging from the surface of the corpse, the deceased's upper tongue was sticking out."

"Because in the process of suffocation, the base of the tongue will fall back, which will cause throat edema, and tracheal infection will cause swelling."

"The second is the bruising on the face, because the blood vessels are blocked after suffocation, and the blood will accumulate after the blood flow stops, and the congestion on the face can be seen.

"The third point is that the pupils will dilate and the hands and feet will gain power."

"Fourth, distended jugular veins. Due to the blocked blood return from the head, the jugular veins can be extremely stagnant, and superficial jugular veins appear distended."

"Fifth, for the dead who died of suffocation, the plaques appeared much earlier than the average dead, and they appeared in the earliest three hours, and they were dark purple."

Lin Yang lifted up their sleeves and trousers.

"Look, these two people have dark purple-red corpse spots on their bodies."

"You know, it takes at least three days for normal dead people to have corpse spots."

"With the current weather and the sweltering heat in the car, these two corpses will stink in three days!"

"But at present, we only smell the smell of urine and urine, and there is no unpleasant smell of corpses."

"That is to say, the death time of the corpse must not exceed 3 days."

"In addition to this, death by asphyxiation is also characterized by urinary incontinence.

"During dyspnea, the rectum, bladder and seminal vesicles can be compressed due to smooth muscle contraction."

"It is easy to cause urination and semen discharge; there are also secretions such as saliva and nasal discharge around the nose and mouth.

"Seventh point, tooth staining."

"The teeth of the asphyxiated deceased may appear rose or reddish brown on the surface of the neck."

"After soaking in alcohol, the color is more vivid, and it is also called rose tooth."

"The lack of oxygen during asphyxiation causes the capillaries of the gingival mucosa to bleed and infiltrate the teeth.

"These characteristics, coupled with the fact that the deceased did not show any signs of poisoning, nor did they have any wounds."

"Combining the above conditions, it can be determined that they died of suffocation!"

"Of course, it will be determined after the autopsy. I guess their current lungs are fine!"

After listening to Lin Yang's analysis, Team Li was shocked!

Although he was already mentally prepared.

But Lin Yang was stunned to infer other cases from one instance to let him, a person who doesn't understand forensics, understand clearly.

Now, even he himself is convinced that they died of suffocation.

However, as an old police officer, he immediately thought of the possibility of homicide.

asked suspiciously.

"Just now you seemed to say that they didn't commit murder, did they? Why? Couldn't they have been strangled to death, or killed by a dick?"

Lin Yang smiled and shook his head: "No way!"

"Not to mention that homicide leaves a mark.

"Just from the face of the deceased, it can be seen that it was not homicide."

"If strangled, strangled and atypically hanged corpses.

"It causes facial swelling and cyanosis."

"Due to the compression of the neck, the jugular vein is compressed, while the carotid and pusher arteries are incompetent."

"Blood can only flow to the head, but not back to the heart, so the head is bloody and the face is swollen.

"The reduced hemoglobin in the capillaries increases, causing the face to appear blue and purple, and the lips and nails to become cyanotic.

"In addition, if it is a strangled or strangled corpse, there will be hemorrhage under the conjunctiva of the eyes."

"Due to the high degree of blood stagnation in the blood vessels of the head and face, the capillary endothelial cells degenerate due to hypoxia, the permeability increases, and the internal pressure increases."

In addition, the subconjunctival tissues of the eyes are relatively loose [Jinli caused red or reddish-brown dots with small pinpoints, as large as miliary grains, and varying numbers of red or reddish-brown dots in the near holes of the gold membranes of the upper and lower eyelids and the inner and outer corners of the eyes in Jinli. .”

"In severe cases, it can merge into blood spots, and bleeding spots of different sizes can sometimes be seen on the skin of the face and neck. Sometimes bleeding can be seen on the walls of the external auditory canal and nasal cavity."

"But, you see, none of them had this symptom."


[Bastard, every time I watch his analysis, I feel very embarrassed, as if he knows everything. 】

【I'm numb, he can even explain clearly whether he was suffocated, whether he was strangled or suffocated, even I can understand it, this is too exaggerated!】

[Habits become natural. If one day he said something, I don't know, but I feel strange. 】

【It sounds reasonable, but it feels a bit weird when you think about it carefully. If they weren't killed by someone, could it be that they were suffocated to death inside?】

Not only netizens have this doubt.

Team Li also thought of this.

Uncertainly asked: "According to what you said, why did they appear here?"

"This car doesn't seem to be able to suffocate people, and it's even more impossible for the person in the back to be suffocated. I always feel that such an explanation is too far-fetched.

Lin Yang couldn't help laughing: "I didn't say they were smothered to death in the car!"

"Captain Li, haven't you ever thought that someone left them here?"

"Anyone else?" Captain Li was stunned for a moment, feeling that his brain was a bit overwhelmed.

"Just now you said it wasn't murdered by him, and now you say it was thrown by someone else, what do you mean!"

Lin Yang smiled and said: "Under normal circumstances, if it is not a homicide, there is no reason to leave the body here. It must be taken home or sent to the hospital."

"What if it's not a normal situation, for example, they are a gang, they did something shameful, and then these two people had an accident, and the others didn't dare to call the police, so they could only leave it here."

Li Dui's expression froze immediately.

He asked in disbelief: "You mean, they are not ordinary people?"

"That's right! Remember when I told you earlier that they might be involved in a bigger case?"

Captain Li nodded: "Remember!"

Lin Yang took it to the side of the body in the trunk.

Scratched a little mud on his shoe and handed it over.

"This mud, do you see any difference?"

Li Dui took a careful look, took it in his hand and pinched it, and replied uncertainly.

"It's really different from ordinary loess, this mud looks like...white with a bit of cyan!!"

"Yes!" Lin Yang nodded.

"This kind of soil is called green plaster mud, also known as Baimaopai. The scientific name is Microcrystalline Kaolin King.

"It is characterized by pure clay, which is very delicate, highly viscous, relatively moist, has low water permeability, and is blue-gray when wet, so it is called green paste mud."

"But after drying, it turns white or bluish white, so it is also called white plaster mud."

"Its main components are oxides of aluminum and silicon, with high viscosity, compact molecules, and strong anti-corrosion function. It was commonly used in tombs in Qin and Han Dynasties.

As soon as these words came out, Team Li was shocked again.

"Tombs? You mean...they came out of the tombs?"

Lin Yang nodded solemnly: "Besides, ordinary tombs don't have green plaster. It must reach a certain status before it can be used. "At least Wang Jian must be above the regiment!!"

Team Li is completely numb now!

His eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

The two corpses would actually lead to a princely-level tomb.

He said with a little excitement in his tone.

" mean, they are tomb robbers, and they are stealing a tomb of a princely level or above?"

"Yes!" Lin Yang looked at the deceased and said slowly: "In China, there are some large tombs that have survived thousands of years and are inseparable from the planting paste."

"For nobles above princes, layer upon layer on top of the tomb, and if they are all filled with this kind of soil, it will be airtight.

"Bacteria can't get in at all, and even the corpse inside may not decompose!"

Li Dui gasped after listening.

He felt that he had come to a popular science class today.

Before he recovered.

Lin Yang said again: "The reason why I suspect that they are looting a large tomb is not only related to the mud on the shoes.

"Because in this world, there are not only green plasters in tombs, but also in other places. What if they are workers or they happen to be nearby.

"But Captain Li, have you ever thought about it? As I said just now, they must have been left behind by someone else when they appeared here."

"First, if they didn't have a guilty conscience, why did they leave the dead here?"

"Secondly, the two died of suffocation, and it is not uncommon for them to die of suffocation during tomb robbery.

"Third, look at what is placed next to the dead!"

Only then did Team Li discover that there was a Luoyang shovel under the body of the deceased in the trunk.

There is also a lot of white paste mud on it.

Now I don't even need to think about it, and I know what these people are doing.

Lin Yang explained again: "Judging from the current situation, I can be sure that the two of them did not die at the beginning, but died halfway."

"Just imagine, if I were a tomb robber and my accomplice died, I would definitely bury him on the spot instead of taking him to the street and throwing him away. Wouldn't that be asking for trouble for myself?

"They must have gone into shock after suffocating, and the accomplices found that there was still movement, so they planned to send them to the hospital for treatment.

"But they died on the way, and they felt guilty, so they just threw the body away on the way!"

Captain Li nodded in agreement.

"I admit that your analysis is very reasonable. It stands to reason that there should be accomplices."

"As for the tomb robber you mentioned, there is indeed a high possibility, otherwise it would be impossible to leave the dead here and run away.

"But I still don't quite understand how they died. Could it be that they were buried in landslides?"

Lin Yang shook his head with a smile: "If they were buried in a landslide, there is a high probability that they will not be able to get out. It is not a matter of a day or two to dig a hole."

……ask for flowers……

"Secondly, if it's really a landslide, they should have a lot of green plaster on their bodies."

"However, there are only a few of them on their bodies, and most of them are on their shoes, which should be touched after they fell down due to suffocation.

"Just imagine, the picture at that time must be that these two people went down to the cave to check the situation, and then found that there was no oxygen below, and it was too late to ask for help.

"It was not until the accomplices found out that something was wrong that they were pulled up. This caused irreparable consequences."

"Then the question is, since this burrow can be drilled so deep, it means that someone has gone down this place before. It's not a landslide, why did he suffocate?"

Li Dui shook his head in a daze.

He also wanted to know, but this kind of question

Question, he doesn't understand at all.

Lin Yang smiled: "The answer is actually very simple. First of all, there was oxygen in the cave at the beginning, but because it is underground, the oxygen must not be sufficient. The biggest problem is the short-term

There is no way to replenish quickly.

"If it's just a little bit of human breath, it's enough to recycle."

"Unless some method is used to consume all the oxygen in it at once."

"They went down the cave without knowing it, and by the time they found out they couldn't breathe in the cave, it was already too late.

Team Li suddenly realized.

"Understood! Then what did they do?"

Lin Yang pondered for a while and slowly replied: "There are many ways to consume a large amount of oxygen in a short time, but I don't think they are necessary."

"There is only one possibility!"

"That's dynamite!"

"It is very likely that they have dug to a certain extent and want to use explosives as a final kick!"

"Only this explanation is the most reasonable!"


"It's just that the explosives consumed all the oxygen in the surrounding area at the moment of explosion. They didn't react at all, so they went down to check!"

Now, Team Li completely understood.

At least from the current analysis of Lin Yang, it is relatively smooth.

Basically nothing wrong with it.

Not entirely sure though.

But only two corpses gave him so many useful clues.

This will be of great help in solving the case in the future.

Of course, the most important thing is the possibility of discovering a top princely tomb.

Just when Team Li cleared his mind.

Lin Yang exclaimed: "Not good! If my analysis is correct, the tomb robbers may still be robbing tombs."

"In addition, if they blow up like this, it is very likely to cause irreversible damage to the tomb, and the loss will be immeasurable!"


[Fuck! I seem to have seen the self-deduction of a criminal investigation master, and it sounds fine. If his analysis is correct, then I seriously doubt that he is

Huang people. 】

[It is recommended that the relevant departments arrest him and study it. It is best to do a personal autopsy, so that we can also have a good time, and be hit by this guy every day [I am going to be numb!]

[Being hit is second to none. This guy seems to have endless cards. For example, today, your autopsy is an autopsy, and you still need to analyze the case, and that’s fine. You even know about grave robbery, right? Do you want to take the archaeological team to archaeology?】

【It’s really possible, maybe he really understands it. I think it’s normal for Lin Yang to have something impossible happen. 】

Team Li also reacted at this time.

The first time he took out his mobile phone and called Director Yang to inform him of the situation here.

Ask him to send some more people over to help.

But the problem now is that just having clues is not enough.

Time is running out, and his mind is like a paste.

In the end, he could only look at Lin Yang: "What should we do next?"

Lin Yang smiled: "Captain Li, if you care about it, you will be in chaos. Hurry up and check the information of this car to see if it is a fake card. If it is not a fake card, the owner of the car must be involved."

"In addition, check the monitoring of this car from yesterday to today. The time of death of these two bodies is around 2 o'clock in the morning."

"I think the gang members at this time have no time to counter-reconnaissance. Jia Ding drove to the hospital as quickly as possible."

"We just need to find out where it came from, and then see who got out of the car at that time. Isn't the matter much clearer?"

Li Dui smiled wryly upon hearing this.

"I've been listening to your analysis all the time, and I don't want to use my brain anymore.

"Okay, I'll check right away!"

Not long after, the forensic doctor came to the scene.

After identification, the cause of death was exactly the same as what Lin Yang said.

Team Li is no stranger to this.

After all, with previous experience, his heart is much stronger.

Until about 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Captain Li's cell phone rang.

After he finished answering the phone, he looked at Lin Yang with a serious expression: "I found out, this car drove out of Dalong Village last night, there is no surveillance in the village, and the previous situation is unclear."

Chu. "

"Later, a total of three people got out of the car here, and the information was also found, and they are preparing to arrest eight!".

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