How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

77. Do You Even Know Feng Shui In Graves? The News Is Out, Come And Gather! (Seeking Subscription)

"Dalong Village?" Lin Yang frowned and pondered for a moment and said, "It's not too late. It's best to go there and investigate. The most urgent thing is to find out where the big tomb they are going to steal is!"

Captain Li nodded upon hearing this.

"I'll call the Cultural Relics Bureau first and ask them to send two experts to go with us. After all, they are the experts in this field."

Lin Yang nodded with a smile and didn't say anything.

Another half hour passed.

When the Bureau of Cultural Relics learned that green plaster mud and white plaster mud were found here, it also took it very seriously.

An old expert in his 50s and a young man were sent over.

Learned after a simple exchange.

The older one, surnamed Lu, is a professor-level archaeological expert who has studied archeology for more than 20 years.

The young man next to him is Xiao Qi, a top student in the Academy of Archeology, who has just started actual archaeological work this year.

Lin Yang didn't intend to go there with them to join in the fun.

But consider that grave robbers have bombed tombs.

He was worried about any accident, so he had to act as a driver.

A group of people went to Dalong Village to conduct a visit and investigation.

Around 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

The car came to the entrance of Dalong Village.

Due to the previous monitoring, only the video at the entrance of the village can be seen.

They don't know where the car came from.

Li Dui, Lu Shou and others had no choice but to find the village chief to inquire about the situation.

This chat really asked a lot of useful things.

The village chief explained while smoking a cigarette: "We have a Dalong Mountain here. On the top of the Dalong Mountain, there is a pond. We call it Longtang."

"It is said that a long time ago, there was a lazy dragon who did not bring down rain and was demoted to the mortal world by the Jade Emperor.

"When the lazy dragon descended to the top of Dayun Mountain, the villagers carried water to save the dragon. The dragon turned over and became the pond we are today."

"From the past to the present, there has always been a saying that there is a large tomb under Longtang, but we ordinary people don't understand that, and we have never taken it seriously."

"Until later, a group of people came to the "250" in our village, surrounded by sneaks every day."

"They took a lot of bags and went up the mountain with a bunch of tools. Once, people from our village saw them digging beside the Longtang.

"It was close to calling the police and they haven't shown up since then."

Lin Yang frowned after hearing what the village chief said.

never showed up again?

And the village chief also made it very clear that this happened some time ago.

In other words, since then, the village head has never known the movements of these people.

Team Li was also a little confused, so he looked at Lin Yang: "It seems that their goal should be here, why didn't the village chief see them later?"

Lin Yang shook his head: "I'm not sure. If I were them, if I was discovered by the villagers and wanted to continue digging, I would be very careful and only dare to dig at night."

"It's pointless to dwell on this issue now. Since they came from this direction, it means that there is a high probability that this is here. Let's go up the mountain and have a look!"

Hearing this, Professor Lu and the others also nodded.

Under the leadership of the village head, a group of people began to climb the mountain.

summer is hot.

It is also some distance away from the village.

Fortunately, the mountain is not particularly high.

It took more than half an hour to reach the top of the mountain.

A group of people were panting tiredly.

What catches the eye is the lush vegetation around it.

And a large pond in the middle of the top of the mountain!

From time to time, you can see fish jumping inside.

There should be large carnivorous fish hunting.

Li Dui turned to look at the village chief: "Do you know where they dug?"

The village chief shook his head: "I don't know, there are trees everywhere in this place, and almost no one would come up to them normally, so how could they look so carefully."

At this moment, Lin Yang exclaimed!

“This place definitely has a big tomb!”

As soon as the words came out.

Several people around showed surprised expressions.

Xiao Qi next to him asked curiously: "How do you know?"

Not only him, everyone wants to know why.

Lin Yang looked around.

Said lightly: "Look at Feng Shui!"

"Feng Shui? Do you know Feng Shui?"

Nodded: "We all know that the ancients were very particular about it, which is the so-called Feng Shui."

"In Fengshui theory, the Fengshui treasure land of a tomb is composed of five major elements: dragon, cave, sand, water, and direction, all of which are indispensable."

"First of all, the dragon, the dragon must be twisted. It is the so-called dragon vein."

"Feng Shui believes that mountains are dragons, water is the blood of dragons, and places near mountains and rivers are treasured places for old people to settle down.

"As for the choice of dragon, it is best to choose mountains with continuous twists and turns, accompanied by water."

"The continuous twists and turns of the mountains imply the endless life of the descendants, and the company of water implies the blessings of the ancestors to moisten the descendants.

"Look here, the mountains are continuous, accompanied by ponds, and when we go up the mountain, there is a small stream connected to the bottom of the mountain. w

"But judging from these two points, it already conforms to the dragon in Feng Shui."

"Secondly, acupoints, acupoints should store wind and gather Qi."

"Feng Shui often talks about finding the dragon and pointing the cave. The dragon refers to the mountain where the mausoleum is located, and the cave refers to the tomb of the mausoleum, that is, the cave."

"In acupoints, the most important thing is Qi. The ancients believed that after death, although the physical body is gone, the Qi channels are still there."

"To put it simply, the hole needs fertile soil, because Feng Shui believes that Qi depends on the soil to grow."

"There needs to be enough luxuriant vegetation to gather Qi and open the wind. It needs something to rely on, which can store the wind and gather Qi, so that it is not easy to cause the wind to disperse the Qi, and the pulse will be exhausted.

"Let's not say anything else, just look at how lush the surrounding green trees are, and you can guess whether this place can hide wind and gather energy!"

As soon as this big paragraph comes out.

It directly confused the few people present!

Good guy!

What the hell are you doing?

Even Feng Shui can speak clearly and logically?

Even Team Li, who was mentally prepared, was taken aback.

Not to mention Xiao Qi and Professor Lu and others next to him.

Professor Lu nodded solemnly: "I have also studied Fengshui a little bit, and this young man is right, it does have the characteristics of a dragon's lair."

"I just want to conclude that there is a large tomb under it, which needs to be studied.

Lin Yang smiled and continued to explain: "I haven't finished yet."

"I just said that the geomantic omen of a tomb should pay attention to the conditions of dragon, cave, sand, water, and orientation.

"In addition to dragons and caves, let's talk about sand now."

"Sand, it's meant to embrace."

"It refers to the mountains around the acupuncture points. When choosing a cemetery, in addition to the continuous and winding mountains, it is also required to be surrounded by mountains. w

"In Feng Shui theory, give these guests respectively according to the orientation of the relative points."

"The mountain in front of the cave is called Suzaku, the mountain behind the cave is called Xuanwu, the mountain on the left of the cave is called Qinglong, and the mountain on the right is called Baihu.

"The main function of these surrounding mountains is to protect the dragon's cave, so that the dragon's cave will not be blown by the wind, the essence and blood will not leak out, and the acupoints will form an aura of reunion, storing wind and gathering energy.

"Look around Dalong Mountain, surrounded by mountains, but Dalong Mountain is the highest."

"It fully satisfies the former Suzaku, the rear Xuanwu, the left green dragon, and the right white tiger, forming a geomantic pattern of storing wind and gathering energy that is necessary for geomantic treasures."

"And it also involves what I'm going to talk about next. I'll talk about this later. Let's talk about the fourth requirement first, water!"

Water should condense or surround! When choosing a cemetery, water refers to streams, rivers, or even oceans near the cave. "

"If there is curved water flowing in front of the cave, or there is a place where water gathers, it can keep the vitality condensed in the ground from dispersing."

"Look, Dalong Mountain not only has water on the mountain, but if you look in the distance, what kind of mountain is that? Look ahead, the tributary of the Yangtze River!"

The village chief next to him quickly answered, "That's Jushi Mountain, it existed a long time ago."

"Yeah!" Lin Yang nodded, "Resting your head on the Yangtze River and stepping on a boulder is considered an auspicious place by Feng Shui masters.

"The last point, Xiang, Xiang wants to combine Yin and Yang."

"The direction refers to the sitting direction of the cemetery, and the standing direction is a key to Feng Shui."

"Acupoints are respected by orientation, which means that good dragon veins and sand water must be matched with a good sitting orientation to be called a good cemetery.

"Most of the emperor's tombs are facing south from the north, with mountains and water behind them, forming a condescending posture."

"In Feng Shui, the five elements, the eight trigrams, the stems and branches, or the East Canglong, the West White Tiger, the South Suzaku, and the North Xuanwu are often used to indicate directions."

"No matter which method is used, in the end, we hope to achieve the purpose of letting the dead rest in peace, harmony between yin and yang, and harmony between man and nature by choosing a suitable position."

"As I said just now, this mountain is the tallest mountain nearby, so it possesses the posture of commanding and overlooking all living beings, and it is also the posture of a king."

"Combined with the green plaster and white plaster found by the tomb robbers, I can basically conclude that there must be a large tomb below!"

"Furthermore, this large tomb is very likely to be of a size higher than that of a king's tomb. An ordinary marquis can't use this kind of feng shui treasure!"

At this time, the scene was completely silent.

The only sound I could hear was the swaying of the leaves blown by the wind on the top of the mountain.

Everyone was breathing rapidly, their eyes full of shock.

Even an old expert like Professor Lu was shocked!

If it is just to go along with the request of Longxue, it is indeed possible to have a large tomb.

But not absolutely.

But if we look at it according to the analysis of Lin Yang.

There is a high probability that there is a large tomb below here!

Especially considering that there may be tombs above the king's level here.

Everyone's brains are completely blown!

You know, cultural relics are calculated according to the market price.

Any decent thing unearthed at will is priceless.

But if it is a king level, or even emperor level, it will be even more terrifying.

Otherwise, no one would have specially set up Captain Mojin to support the army by digging graves.

Because the ancients believed that after a person died, the things buried with him could be taken to another world.

The richer the person, the more funeral objects.

I can't wait to take all the wealth in this world to another world.

This also led them to attach great importance to the specifications of their tombs.

After they come back to their senses.

Looking at Lin Yang again, something is wrong.

Kind of weird!

Team Li patted Lin Yang on the shoulder: "Lin Yang, tell me honestly, have you ever done their job before?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Yang froze for a moment.

A wry smile came out on the spot: "Did I say I didn't believe you?"

Professor Lu and the village head beside him shook their heads expressionlessly.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also fried at this time.


[This is showing your feet, seeing how you are still sophistrying, I don't believe that an ordinary person has nothing to do to study the geomantic omen of tombs. In addition, he even knows green plaster and plaster mud. I don't believe it either!]

[Electronic music and painting looked awesome before, but at least they are normal things. You said you can do an autopsy, but now you have even found out the Fenjin Ding acupuncture point. The next step is to show how to rob a tomb and dig a hole ?】

——[If you think too much, he will not only rob tombs and dig holes, I even suspect that he can even

The tomb can be flipped up, this guy is wrong, very wrong!]

[According to what he said, I also feel that the bottom is very likely to be a large tomb, and the gang of tomb robbers also have a bit of vision.


Lin Yang is also a little helpless......

I kindly reminded them, but it turned out that what they cared about was not the big tomb below.

It's about what you've done before!

Isn't this nonsense!

Fortunately, they didn't bother with it too much.

Professor Lu took a deep breath and said slowly: "It's not too late, let's find out where the tomb robbers made the hole first?"

Captain Li nodded upon hearing this.

He was going to call and inform Director Yang to dispatch manpower to help.

If it is really the tomb of the specification mentioned by Lin Yang.

Don't mention him as a sub-bureau.

It is not an exaggeration to say that most of the police officers in the entire Xihai City were mobilized.

You must know that somewhere in the past, a tomb of a waiting class was only found in the city center.

Tens of thousands of civilian police forces in the city are serving the tomb.

Countless people come to watch every day.

The scene was more lively than going to the market.

If a little accident happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

So Captain Li didn't dare to neglect in the slightest.

He quickly called Director Yang.

"Hey! Old Li, what's the matter!"

"Ju Yang, a major discovery, there is a great possibility to find a tomb above the king's level!"

Director Yang was stunned for a moment: "Big tomb? Aren't you investigating the murder case? How did you get involved in the big tomb?"

Li Dui explained with a wry smile: "Because those dead are grave robbers, and now Lin Yang analyzes here...."

After listening to Team Li's acceptance, Ju Yang was shocked.

For a while, Lin Yang didn't even understand Feng Shui.

My mind is full of things about the tomb.

"I see, where are you guarding, I will immediately send more people there!"

After hanging up the phone, Ju Yang was still in the shock just now and did not recover for a long time.

As the director, he certainly knew what such information meant.

Perhaps Team Li has already attached great importance to the tomb.

When he was far away, he didn't know what the king-level tomb really meant!

Let's put it this way.

If an ancient tomb is found on the way to build the high-speed rail.

No matter what level of ancient tomb, the construction will be suspended and excavated first.

If you are going to build a city government building.

When laying the foundation, it happened that there was a large tomb underneath.

I'm sorry, the city government has to relocate!

Even if you cover half of it, you have to stop!

This is China's attitude towards the excavation of cultural relics.

The country's emphasis on cultural relics is much higher than most people imagine.

Now it is known that it is very likely to be Wang's 2.9-level tomb.

Once this matter gets out.

Definitely going to be a national sensation!

At that time, this will not be something that he, the bureau chief, can control.

Someone will definitely come from above.

Even the Municipal Bureau may not be able to obtain the highest command.

After regaining his senses, Director Yang rushed to the door and shouted: "Everyone, the idle police officers, all the command centers must be assembled, immediately horse bandit!"

Ten minutes later, a large number of police cars left the police station and headed for Dalong Village.

at the same time.

Professor Lu also called the Bureau of Cultural Relics.

"Hey! Lao Lu, aren't you working outside, have you got any results?"

"Director Kong, I have some news to report to you, you should be mentally prepared."

Director Kong on the other end of the phone looked condensed.

"What's wrong?"

There is a great possibility that a large tomb above the king level will be found here in Longshan, and the probability is more than 80% at present, I am calling to ask you to hurry up and send more people to help!"


Director Kong stood up from his chair when he heard this.

"What are you talking about? King class? Oh my god! I'll bring someone here right away!"

"Oh, by the way, Director, the tomb should be under the pond, remember to bring the pumping scale and the excavation team!"

"I see!"

At the scene, Lin Yang and the others split up on the top of the mountain to find the cave where the thieves had passed.

Although it is lush and green here.

But since they want to dig holes, they must transport the soil out.

Walking back and forth and scattering of soil.

There are bound to be some traces left.

Maybe ordinary people don't know why they can't find out.

But they are here to find the robbery hole.


Lin Yang found a pat of grass trampled to death on the ground.

Next to it, there are white plaster mud spilled.

When he walked along the grass all the way to the end.

What I saw was not a robbery cave, but a small forest.

What about the burrow?

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