How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

86. Mickey's Sushi, The Ultimate Dark Cuisine! (Seeking Subscription)

Everyone was shocked when they heard Mr. Zhou's comment!

Many people leaned over to cut a little and taste it.

Even the mayor endured the stench and came over to taste it.

In an instant, there was a burst of exclamation from the scene!

All the judges exclaimed in disbelief after tasting.

"This taste is unique. After eating it, I feel like I can eat three bowls of rice!"

"Obviously it smells bad, but it smells like large intestines and five grains in your mouth. It's amazing!"

"It's so delicious, I want to try it again!"

"Fuck! Don't grab it, I haven't eaten yet!"

" it gone?"

Looking at an annoyed judge.

The players around were dumbfounded.

Cheng Wu is also stupid!

The audience on the stage couldn't stop swallowing.

How delicious this is!

For a big dish made by others, the judges can at most taste it.

This plate of pig intestines has been snatched up?

Then why did Xu Da keep throwing up after eating it?

It can't be that so many judges are acting.

There is only one possibility.

Xu Da was acting, or in other words, he didn't eat at all, and the psychological effect caused him to vomit all the time.

At this time, Xu Da stood behind with an uncertain expression on his face.

He also knew how ironic the comparison between the vomiting just now and the current picture was.

Others rush to eat.

He vomited!

This is tantamount to slapping yourself in the face.

In order to stabilize his reputation, he hurriedly stood up and explained.

"Ahem~~ I accidentally choked my throat just now, what a pity, what a pity, I spit it out!"

"What a pity?" Lin Yang was surprised.

"Actually, it's nothing. Cheng Wu, please take out what he just spit out in the trash can and wash it. I'm dipping him in some soup. It's ready to eat again!"

As soon as this word comes out!


Retching all around.

This time it wasn't because of the smell.

It's the thought of that disgusting thing in the trash can.

He actually asked to take out the site feces and let him continue to eat!

This shit is more cruel than salting a wound!

Cheng Wu can't do it yet.

Xu Da kept waving his hands on his hind legs: "Don't...that's too disgusting, I can't accept it~~5~"

"That's it..." Lin Yang felt a little pity: "Why don't you try my soup 15, it tastes the same anyway, come on... I'll serve you a bowl."

Hearing this, Xu Da's pupils dilated unconsciously.

Watch the brown liquid in the pot.

I can't stand it any longer.

Spit it out into the trash can again.

The players around cast sympathetic glances.

Zhou Lao smiled and shook his head.

He naturally knew that Lin Yang did it on purpose.

However, as a professional judge, Xu Da has obvious personal emotions in it, which makes him very disliked.

So I didn't say anything, but gave a score lightly.

“This dish, full marks!”

The voice just fell.

The other judges also nodded one after another: "Full marks! Must be full marks!"


The audience on stage was in an uproar!!

A dish that was extremely smelly got full marks from all the judges.

It made them curious too.

How delicious is this.

Many people at the scene even planned to go back and do it themselves.

"To be honest, I want to take a sip of that soup now, to taste what it tastes like."

"I also plan to go back and try to do it myself."

"Damn it! Then you have to close the doors and windows, or I'm afraid your neighbors will come and beat you up. In addition, this pot will probably be returned later!"

"Being beaten up is a trivial matter. I am afraid that the neighbors will call the police and say that you are cooking shit at home and deliberately disgusting people!"

End with scoring.

The first game came to an end.

Nearly half of the 100 players were directly eliminated.

Only more than 50 players remained on the field.

After the staff cleaned up the scene.

The abbot once again took the microphone onto the stage to announce the start of the second game.

Cheng Wu also understood after experiencing the incident just now.

Lin Yang's culinary skills are by no means inferior to him.

Obviously he was cooking shit, but he made a delicious dish that he didn't even dare to think about.

He only hated himself for not taking a sip before.

Watch the remaining four Mickeys and a duck.

Cheng Wu asked unconsciously, "What about the second dish?"

Lin Yang smiled confidently: "The second dish is simple, you go and wash the three Mickeys a little bit, and save one as a spare. Remember not to wash them too clean, so as not to wash away the original grain fragrance on them.

"Oh!" Stalk Five didn't hesitate, and carried Mickey to the faucet next to him to clean it.

I have to say that the specially raised voles are clean.

Don't worry about bacteria and viruses.

After Mickey was washed, Lin Yang ordered again: "Prepare light soy sauce, chicken essence, salt, five-spice powder, honey, white vinegar, tomato sauce, rose wine and stir well to make a sauce."

"Then inject the sauce into Mickey's body with a syringe."

Hearing this request, Cheng Wu was obviously taken aback.

Uncertainly asked: "Don't you need to clean it?"

"Ah? Didn't you wash it just now?"

Cheng Wu was dumbfounded!!

Is this done?

Shouldn't it be ripped open and gutted and cleaned?

But Lin Yang asked him to inject the sauce directly into Mickey's body.

It's not obvious that I don't plan to wash it!

What is he up to?

Can this thing be eaten?

And this hair, he doesn't even plan to keep the hair, does he?

This is disgusting too!!

But when I think of the secret nine-turn large intestine just now.

This doubt immediately dissipated.

For him, trusting Lin Yang is the best way.

Prepare the seasoning according to Lin Yang's requirements and then inject it into Mickey's body with a syringe.

Mickey, who was originally limp, was injected very plump one by one.

After the three were ready, Lin Yang said again: "Use light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, sugar, pepper, cooking wine, and red yeast rice to make a marinade [put Mickey on top and roll to ensure that each hair has the marinade in it] To absorb."

Cheng Wu's face twitched.


He really doesn't intend to shave his hair!

I still want to keep the hair, so that I can dip it in the marinade.

According to the instructions, marinate the three Mickeys for about ten minutes and take them out.

Then wrap it like a drum with a ball of cooked rice with only the head and tail exposed.

Looking at the three Mickeys prepared on the plate.

Cheng Wu finally couldn't help asking: "What the hell is this...?"

Lin Yang smiled: "Mickey Sushi, have you heard of it?"

"Mickey sushi?" Cheng Wu shook his head blankly: "But the problem is... isn't sushi like this?"

"You don't understand this, this is my unique and secret Mickey sushi, just look at it.

After finishing talking, start the pot and heat the oil.

Pour nearly half of the pot of oil and wait for the oil to warm up.

This dish is very important to control the oil temperature.

When it comes to oil temperature when cooking, I usually say three or four layers hot, five or six layers hot, seven or eight layers hot.

The corresponding three or four layers of heat means that the oil temperature is between 120-140°C.

The performance is that there is no smoke, no sound, the oil temperature is calm, and you can feel a slight heat when you put your hands on the oil surface. Put the chopsticks into the oil pan, and there are basically no bubbles around.

The oil temperature at this stage is suitable for soft frying and smooth frying. For example, fatty intestines, liver tips, dried bamboo shoots, etc.

Because this temperature can maintain the delicate taste of the ingredients and remove excess water.

Fifty to sixty percent hot means that the oil temperature is between 150-160°C.

The performance is slightly blue smoke, and the oil is turned from the surrounding to the middle.

Put the chopsticks into the oil pan, and there will be a little oil bubble around it.

The oil temperature at this stage is suitable for dry frying and crisp frying.

This kind of oil temperature can make the ingredients shape quickly, the color is also beautiful, and there will be no frying.

The last one, seven or eight layers of heat means that the oil temperature is between 160-180°C.

The performance is that a lot of blue smoke rises, but the oil surface is relatively calm. Put the chopsticks into the oil pan, and many oil bubbles will appear around it quickly.

This stage is suitable for frying dishes that contain moisture, such as fried chicken and fried fish.

Like the Mickey sushi he was going to make.

First of all, it has to be fried in seven or eight layers of hot oil.

Fry the moisture out of Mickey first.

Then dry fry with 50% to 60% heat.

On the one hand, it avoids frying, and on the other hand, it helps it to shape better and the color is more beautiful.

With a burst of blue smoke rising.

Lin Yang knew that the oil temperature was in place.

Throw the three Mickeys in one by one.


There was a sound of water and oil frying in the pot.

The oil pan was gurgling, and dense white bubbles were splashed.

It didn't take long for the rice to be fried and change color.

From the original white a little bit to golden yellow.

Lin Yang has quick eyesight and quick hands, using chopsticks to turn them over and fry the other side.


A burst of heat evaporated in the pot.

At the same time, it carried the fragrance here to the surroundings.

Many players looked over curiously after smelling the smell.

"My God, it smells so good, what is this frying?"

"It smells delicious."

Soon, this taste spread to the judges' seats and to the audience.

Many people followed the smell and looked towards Lin Yang.

But since the Mickey in the pot is wrapped with rice balls.

They had no idea what was fried inside.

I just think it smells good, it must be delicious.


[Fuck! I can't take it anymore, he doesn't even wash the internal organs and fry them? My mother, is it really edible?]

[I'm convinced! I used to think that Mr. Bei and Mr. De were the people at the top of the food chain. It wasn't until today that I realized that this man's food chain is so inferior. 1

[But to be honest, look at the color in the pot, if it's not Mickey, it's really appetizing, it's golden and golden, it should feel like it's bursting when you bite into it

twenty one

[Nimma, I really want to scold you upstairs, it's already disgusting enough, you suddenly explode, my mind is full of pictures of Mickey's internal organs exploding~ I feel like I don't have to eat at noon. 】

As Mickey is gradually cooked.

The surrounding aroma is getting stronger and stronger.

This smell and the previous stink are two extremes.

completely different.

Many viewers watched Lin Yang's mouth watering.

Especially the moment you take it out of the pan.

The aroma is overflowing, and the golden Mickey sushi looks burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

Even Cheng Wu couldn't help swallowing.

But when I think that the viscera inside it is still there, I lose my appetite

Soon, the second session will end.

The judges came down to taste.

This time it's the same, the three judges will do the scoring.

Because of the honey juice from the previous game, the nine turns of the large intestine, plus the aroma from his side

It has already been passed to the jury.

Many judges walked towards him in three steps and two steps.

I'm afraid I won't be able to grab a bite to eat.

Xu Da was still the first to arrive.

He has not forgotten his mission.

Looking at Cheng Wu with a smile, he said, "Please open the lid and let me taste it!"

Cheng Wu suddenly showed a strange expression.

It was the first time he encountered such a strange request.

Apart from anything else, he lifted the lid.

In an instant, the ultimate fragrance of Japanese stocks spread over the surface.

It makes people feel like being blown by the spring breeze.

When Xu Da looked at the three Mickeys on the plate.

Immediately the eyeballs popped out.

There was an exclamation on the spot: "Fuck!"

Lin Yang hurriedly picked up one of the dishes and handed it over to him: "Come on, judge, please have a taste!"

Xu Da looked at the scorched Mickey in front of him, his eyelids twitched.

But on second thought.

You have no reason this time!

Then he laughed and mocked: "If I read correctly, you should be a field mouse, right?"

Lin Yang nodded: "That's right!"

"Then let me ask you, what's on it? Mao? Don't tell me that you haven't even cleaned your internal organs?"

As soon as the words came out.

The large army of judges who were rushing over suddenly braked.

All dumbfounded!

Looking at Mickey on the table, everyone was dumbfounded!

Such a fragrant thing, he turned out to be a mouse!

And it's still a mouse without hair removal and internal organs.

I'm afraid this thing is not a banquet tomorrow after eating today!

Not only them, but the players around and the audience on the stage were all dumbfounded.

Boy, who would have thought that the thing that made them drool for a long time was Mickey!!

It's like online dating.

You think you are flirting with a beautiful woman every day, 707, cursing.

As a result, we met.

There isn't even a woman on the opposite side, what the hell is a salvaged woman who is full of stubble and picking boogers.



this moment!

The sound of retching came from the audience!

I can't wait to spit out all the aroma that I inhaled in my nose before.


[I think that my mental capacity is strong enough, but seeing the dishes made by Lin Yang today, I can't stand it anymore. 】

【What the hell did I do? I opened the live broadcast room today. We just watched the live broadcast and felt disgusted like this. Those audiences [how miserable!]

[To be honest, if I didn't know it was Mickey, I would almost drool just looking at the appearance. 】

[Personally, I think this dish should not be fully cooked yet, Miaomiaowu must appear, come and shout the spell with me: "Miska Mosca, Mickey Mouse~~Broken sound



I heard Lin Yang admit it personally.

Xu Da smiled confidently again: "Then do you think your dish is for people to eat?"

Lin Yang also laughed, and asked back: "Oh? You mean that my dish is not for people to eat?"

"That's right! You don't even remove the hair and internal organs. What's the difference between you and wild animals? Let me ask everyone present, should you remove the hair and internal organs?"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone nodded.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with it.

That's what normal people eat.

However, Lin Yang did not show any panic.

"First, the referee said before that these voles are specially bred, they are not dirty, and I have washed their fur and fried them at high temperature, can you guarantee that they are not dirty?

Got bacteria?

Xu Da's expression froze immediately.

An ominous premonition came to my heart again.

But there was nothing wrong with what Lin Yang said, so he could only nod.

"Very good, second, did I tell you to eat hair? You didn't see that I specially wrapped a layer of rice balls on the outside, and I don't know what you think. You don't eat rice, you always want to eat hair.

Could it be that you have a special hobby?"

As soon as the words fell, the scene burst into laughter.

Xu Da was embarrassed to the extreme.

The previous self-confidence also gradually disappeared.

He sneered and replied: "Okay, even if you can barely explain Mao's question, then let me ask you, why don't you remove the internal organs? I have never heard of the custom of eating internal organs!"

Lin Yang smiled and shook his head: "Haven't heard of it? Have you heard of pickled puffins?"

"Have you ever heard that if you eat a mouse, you will be three chickens?"

"I'm just maximizing its nutritional value."

"Vole stomachs have their own stomach acid, and they will ferment themselves very quickly."

"And the fermentation time is directly proportional to the temperature, the higher the temperature, the faster the fermentation speed."

"After high-temperature frying, it seems that there is no change on the outside, but the inside has been fermented and rotted, with a flavor of sugar and natto.

"I add various spices in it in advance, not only to remove its fishy smell but also to transform it into a rich soup.

"What looks disgusting to you, looks to me like a delicious broth, with tons of vitamins and nutrients."

"You told me this is not for people to eat?".

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