How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

85. Contemporary Yangmou Wants To Eliminate Me, Eat Shit! (Seeking Subscription)

Xu Da glanced around, there was no camera facing him, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, your girlfriend has greeted me, and I will take care of you."

"Open the lid and let me see."

Cheng Wu looked at Xu Da's smile and was a little unsure what he meant.

But he was a judge after all, so he had to do as he did and opened the lid.

As soon as it was opened, the smell of feces came over the face.

Xu Da, who was smoked on the spot, covered his mouth and nose and stepped back.

"Is this also called dish? Referee! Referee!"

The referee not far away came running over: "What's the matter, judge Xu.

Xu Da pointed at the nine-turned large intestine on the table and shouted with disgust: "What are you waiting for, such a dish, such a contestant, just throw it out!"

As soon as these words came out, Cheng Wu's heart skipped a beat.

Before he could explain.

The referee next to him said directly: "Sorry, you were eliminated, please leave here!"

Now, he finally understood whether Xu Da was telling the truth or a lie.

He even suspected that Xu Da was responsible for his ingredients today.

But people are judges and gourmets.

As a chef, he was eaten to death.

But at this moment.

Lin Yang next to him stood up and joked: "Well... I would like to ask the judges, what did you rely on to decide that Cheng Wu was eliminated!"

Xu Da sneered: "You cook shit in public, and everyone can see it."

"In addition, your dish smells like this, is it for people to eat?"

"I seriously suspect that you are not here to compete, but to make trouble!"

"Heh..." Lin Yang laughed.

"Judges, do you judge the quality of food by taste?"

"In addition, I want to ask you, according to what you say, stinky tofu, stinky mandarin fish, these are all rubbish, are they all disgusting things?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Da's expression changed.

Lin Yang's words can be described as watertight.

If he answered that stinking is bad, then it's not Cheng Wu who he offended. "Four fifty"

But the entire gastronomic world.

Stinky tofu is recognized as smelling stinky and delicious.

Even if he is a fool, he knows he can't admit it.

But if he doesn't admit it, he has no right to deny this dish based on the smell.

But he didn't panic.

He smiled calmly and said: "You are right, I can't judge the quality of a dish by its Tao.

"But you make this dish with boiled excrement soup, and everyone has seen it. How do you explain this? Could it be that cooking excrement is also called delicacy?"

After saying this, he couldn't help laughing himself.

The attitude of a victor.

In his opinion, this sentence is lore!

However, Lin Yang not only did not panic.

Instead he laughed.

"Oh? That eye of yours saw me cooking with shit?"

Xu Da laughed: "Which eye? I'll ask the contestants around if you see it!"

The voice just fell.

"I see!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Oh? Did you see it?"

Lin Yang went directly to the side and lifted the trash can to the table.


The pungent stench hit his face.

Everyone unconsciously covered their mouths and noses again.

Lin Yang said confidently: "Open your eyes and see what pig shit looks like!"

"It's broken, as long as it is mixed with water, it will melt immediately, do you agree with that?"

Xu Da nodded uncertainly: "And then?"

"Okay, as long as you admit it, Cheng Wu, take out the gauze that you just boiled!"

Cheng Wu nodded quickly and put a large pile of feces wrapped in gauze that had been cooked before on the table.

Lin Yang pointed to it and said, "I want to ask everyone! Is this what I just cooked?"

Now it was the other players' turn to be confused.

But still nodded.

At this time, Lin Yang was standing by the kitchen counter, looking very inconspicuous.

But the strong self-confidence in him unconsciously makes people feel like a rainbow.

"Very good, then who is... the referee! You said before that these pigs are specially bred, and they eat whole grains, right?"

The referee also nodded guiltyly: "Yes!"

Lin Yang smiled.

"Since you all admit it, I want to ask the judges, is the thing I cooked scattered?"

Xu Da was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

But in front of everyone, he didn't dare to lie, so he could only bite the bullet and shake his head.


"Since there is no such thing, then you still say it is pig feces? I told the referee before that the stuff here is made from the small intestines of pigs."

"As a judge, you should know that the food eaten by pigs can only be completely digested and turned into feces after passing through the large intestine."

"When it's in the small intestine, it's not shit!"

"The referee also admitted that the pigs are fed with whole grains!"

"Can I say that what is boiled in this gauze is actually fermented whole grains?"

"If you say it's shit, then let me ask the judges, is the wine you usually drink made from shit?"


As soon as these remarks came out.

There was an uproar!

Everyone was shocked!

Xu Da couldn't help taking a deep breath.

He didn't expect that the win-win situation would develop like this.

Now he can't drive Cheng Wu away.

Instead, I have to apologize to Cheng Wu!

He can't bear it!

For the sake of face, he could only explain shamelessly: "Even if you can explain it well, but let me ask you, you purposely use such smelly things as the base sauce to cook. Does adding these smelly things make the dishes more delicious? "

"I've never heard that Jiuzhuan Dachang must be smelly to be delicious. You just want to make people sick!"

Lin Yang sneered again.

Slowly said: "To be honest, I have some doubts about where your qualifications as a judge come from!"

"How dare you ask such an ignorant question!"

"Why do you add this stinky thing?"

"It's ridiculous to think about it!"

"Have you ever heard of beef jerky soup? According to what you say, it's disgusting to invite people to eat beef jerky soup? Is it rubbish?"


Now Xu Da was completely dumbfounded.

My brain is buzzing.

Startled, he took several steps back!

Of course he knows the dish of deflated beef soup!

I also know that the biggest feature of this dish is that the cow eats the undigested grass in the stomach.

It is filtered and steamed to make a soup, and then eaten in a hot pot.

Thinking of this, he panicked!

Because he found that Lin Yang's method is to combine the method of beef deflated soup with Jiuzhuan Dachang.

It retains the taste of Jiuzhuan large intestine, but also has a unique flavor!

What kind of shit is this!

This is clearly a very special delicacy.

Look at Lin Yang's confident expression.

Xu Da broke out in cold sweat!!

He was actually questioning a special delicacy.

As Lin Yang said, if he can't read it, it will be a great loss to his reputation.

Before he recovered.

Lin Yang said again: "Do you want to say again that the deflated beef soup is different from mine, the cow eats grass!"

"That's right, if the pigs are eating feed, then this dish doesn't work."

"But don't forget! This pig eats whole grains!"

"I just asked you, can it make soup with undigested food!!"

Accompanied by Lin Yang's continuous soul torture.

Xu Da was silent.

All the players present were silent.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked.


[Fucking awesome! I always thought that Lin Yang was intentionally trying to disgust people, but he turned around so much, I was shocked!]

[Beef flat soup, my favorite, this stuff just smells bad and tastes delicious. Many people may not be used to it, but it is a delicacy for us locals. 】

[I am convinced! Lin Yang can cook! Brothers, this is a good show to watch. Sure enough, with Lin Yang, you can always believe in miracles. 】

[I have been a chef for ten years. To be honest, I didn’t see it at first. This dish is so thoughtful. I can imagine how delicious this dish will be in my mouth. 】

There was too much movement here, which attracted many judges to come here.

The mayor is no exception. Relatively speaking, what he is most curious about is whether that person is Lin Yang.

At this time, Lin Yang looked at Xu Da and asked with a smile: "Judges, can we participate in the competition normally now?"

"Since you want us to be eliminated, at least you have to taste how this dish tastes?"

"What do you say!"

Lin Yang stopped laughing after finishing speaking.

Cheng Wu beside him twitched unconsciously.

He is really convinced by Lin Yang now.

It can be said that he admires all five bodies.

Originally, he couldn't understand what Lin Yang was doing.

Until things developed to the present situation.

It was simply beyond his imagination.

As for Xu Da on the opposite side.

Seeing many judges walking this way, he was a little anxious.

Since Cheng Wu couldn't be driven away directly.

He can only give a low score as much as possible.

Knowing that this is a blatant conspiracy, but what can he do?

Don't eat it, there is no reason to eliminate others.

Eat it, it's like eating shit!!

You can look at the pig intestines on the plate.

He was a little bit hesitant to smell it.

It stinks!

Disgusting as hell!

Even if Lin Yang explained it clearly.

He still thinks that the large intestine is made from pig feces soup.

But when I think of the scene of turning clouds and rain in bed at night.

He endured it!

"Okay! Then I'll try it. No matter how creative you are, it's useless if it doesn't taste good!"

After speaking, I was ready to pick up the knife and fork to cut a seemingly clean place and taste it.

Haven't had time to enter yet.

Lin Yang hastily stopped him.

He said with a smile on his face: "Judges, I now suspect that you have malicious intentions towards us. You may not taste it seriously. Please allow me to find a piece that I think tastes the best for you!"

It doesn't matter if he agrees or not.

He directly found a piece covered with soup and handed it to Xu Da's plate.


Xu Da looked at the brown-green liquid in the bowl, and the muscles on his face twitched.

At this moment, he wanted to die.

This taste, this color!

This is shit, right?

He couldn't refute.

I can only bite the bullet and try it.

But his right hand looked like a screw was rusted.

When I lifted it to my mouth, I couldn't lift it.

Xu Da looked at that piece of large intestine and had been fighting mentally.


Finally, he couldn't take it anymore!

With a retching sound, I almost vomited out all the usual delicacies just now...

After finally calming down, when he saw the brown-green liquid again, a chill surged from his stomach.

After trying many times in a row.

He closed his eyes and took a bite of it.

pretend to be

I chewed a few times in my mouth.

Haven't tasted anything yet.

Spit it out~~


Now it's all right, this vomit is like a torrential river flowing continuously, and it's like the Yellow River flooding out of control.

He vomited for more than ten seconds in a row, and almost collapsed from vomiting.

After he adjusted, he shouted immediately: "I announce the score!"

The voice just fell.

Lin Yang's mean voice came again.

"Judges, you didn't eat anything just now, you vomited it all up, it doesn't count!"

"Everyone's eyes are sharp, don't play tricks on Lai Ang~~"

When the surrounding contestants heard this sentence, they immediately shrank their necks.

One by one pretended to be busy and didn't hear anything at all.

I can only pray to the judges silently in my mind.


【Contemporary Yangmou, if you don’t eat, you won’t be able to eliminate me. If you eat, you’ll fall into my trap! It’s good now, eating is like eating for nothing, and you have to eat it again. What you vomited before

Have you vomited in vain?】

【Lin Yang: My trip was worth it! I let the judges eat shit!】

[The scariest thing is not that the food has a special taste, but that you still have to eat it knowing what's in it, how powerful a mental ability is. 】

[Judges: I carefully avoided the center position, and only planned to slap on the surface, but I didn't expect this old six to collect his feces and juice, and even smeared some sauce on me. 】

Soon, other judges also came to the scene.

One of the older judges stood at the front.

The mayor walked with him, with the others standing noticeably behind.

It can be seen from this that the status of the old man should be very high in the food industry.

The old man's name is Zhou Xiao, and he is the president of the Chefs Association of Jiangning Province.

In terms of culinary skills, he has a place even in the whole country.

The mayor looked at Lin Yang at this moment and just wanted to laugh.

He had already heard the voice.

It was clear on the spot that this was Lin Yang.

But he didn't expose it, after all, as the mayor, if he greeted him.

That might be unfair to other players.

So he just stood by and laughed.

The reason for laughing is that it is fun on the one hand, and the dishes made by Lin Yang on the other hand.

The taste is simply amazing!

At this moment, the thought in his heart is really worthy of you!

Zhou Xiao came to the kitchen counter and asked about the smell and frowned: "This smell is very special. Although it is sour and smelly, it is mixed with a strong fragrance."

"You guys made this? I want to ask, what was your mental state when you made this dish?"

Lin Yang pulled the process and explained with a smile: "I removed most of the fishy smell of the large intestine, but I think the large intestine must have its original taste."

"It is necessary for people to know that it is large intestine after one bite, so I specially added the taste that large intestine should have."

Zhou Xiao nodded: "So, you did it on purpose, right?"

Lin Yang nodded: "That's right, it was on purpose!"

"Very good, you are very calm, can I have a taste of 0.4?"

"Ofkos, of course!"

As soon as the words came out.

The surrounding judges quickly persuaded: "Mr. Zhou, you can't eat it. There must be room in it for this taste."

"That's right. Didn't you hear him say that it was intentional? This is not for people to eat!"

"If you want me to say that such a player is eliminated directly, he is deliberately disgusting.

Hearing the dissuasion from around, Mr. Zhou shook his head.

"You guys just think it smells sour and disgusting, but I think it smells very authentic.

"It's been a long time since I tasted the deflated beef soup in Qianzhou."

"The taste really makes me have endless aftertaste, I never thought that today I could see someone making this taste with pig intestines.

After speaking, he directly picked up a piece of large intestine and put it in his mouth to taste it carefully.

This scene directly made many people vomit.

They just can't accept the taste.

At this moment, watching Mr. Zhou eating large intestines is as disgusting as watching people eat shit.

But to everyone's surprise.

Elder Zhou raised his head and meditated, chewing non-stop, savoring the taste of the large intestine.

The atmosphere at the scene became very quiet.

More than thirty seconds later.

Elder Zhou looked at Lin Yang and Cheng Wu, and asked with a serious expression: "This simply!!! It's indescribable!"

When everyone heard this, they all felt that the pair was finished.

However, the next second.

Mr. Zhou said excitedly: "This is the most delicious dish I have eaten this year!!"

"Sour but not heavy, with a scent of the original large intestine, the first bite, the feeling of the soup exploding in the mouth."

"It's as if the entire taste buds have been opened, and the taste is more authentic than the best beef jerky soup I've ever eaten!"

"There is also this large intestine, which smells like whole grains. I have never eaten a dish with such a taste in my life. It is like a burst of stellar energy rushing straight into my Tianling Gai!"

Everyone: "Gang Qi? Are you sure it's not feces?".

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