How Far Can I Go With One Liter Of Gas, I Refuse To Carry When I Get Angry

96. The Artificial Intelligence Exploded, And The Boss Fainted From Crying! (Seeking Subscription)

The intelligent robot also obviously made a surprised look.

"This question doesn't count, I didn't respond."

Lin Yang smiled lightly, and suddenly became playful.

"Well, I'm going to ask you a question

What kind of mouse walks on two legs. "


"Wrong!" Lin Yang stretched out his index finger and shook it: "It's Mickey Mouse!"

artificial intelligence:.....

"Are you not convinced? Then let me ask again, what kind of duck walks on two legs.

The robot replied in seconds: "Donald Duck!"

"Wrong again! You better think about what you just said!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding audience suddenly reacted.

"Haha, this almost got me in, don't all ducks walk on two legs!"

Artificial intelligence is crazy!

Lin Yang's CPU is almost tied up for these brain teasers.

"Your brain teasers can only stump me once, and I will definitely be able to answer it the second time.

"Okay, then I won't ask about brain teasers, and ask about something else."

"Have you heard of centaurs?"

The artificial intelligence immediately gave an answer: "Centaurs are half-human, half-horse monsters in ancient Greek mythology. Their upper body is a human torso, and their lower body is a horse's body, including the waist and four legs."

Lin Yang grinned: "Then let me ask you, if a centaur is pregnant, will the baby be in the stomach of a human or a horse?"

Everyone at the scene froze when they heard this topic.

I was stunned on the spot!

Artificial intelligence is no exception.

Just dumbfounded.

The three girls behind Lin Yang are also buzzing.

They knew that Lin Yang was out of tune.

I didn't expect such a weird question to be asked.

I'm afraid I can't ask if there is no cerebral thrombosis for ten years.

Obviously this answer, artificial intelligence does not know, no one knows.

The artificial intelligence is obviously a little unconvinced: "This question is simply not valid. Centaurs themselves do not exist, so there is no answer!"

Lin Yang smiled and shook his head: "Who says there is no answer, first I ask you, where do all mammals give birth to their babies?"

The artificial intelligence froze for a moment and replied: "Of course it's cloudy!"

"Yes, if the baby is in the womb, how is it born?"

Now everyone couldn't hold back any longer.

Everyone covered their stomachs and laughed.

Many parents cover their children's ears.

Lest they hear something they shouldn't hear.

The artificial intelligence was completely dumbfounded.

It has to admit that Lin Yang's answer has some basis.

This time it didn't hold back any more, because it found that it had lost several rounds against Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang finally finds something fun, so he won't let it go easily.

So he struck while the iron was hot and asked again: "You should know the movie, Transformers, right?"


"Then let me ask you, should Transformers buy car insurance or personal insurance?"

artificial intelligence:"..."

Onlookers: "...

Seeing that the artificial intelligence didn't respond, Lin Yang threw another question.

"I punched myself to death, am I considered strong or weak?"

artificial intelligence:

"Guide dogs are prohibited from entering, is it for the blind or for guide dogs?"

artificial intelligence:""

"When will the national football team win the World Cup?"


Then came a question.

There was a sound of electricity coming from the artificial intelligence.

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Hurry back straight back.



The screen of the robot is black, and the body is emitting black smoke!

Let alone the audience now.

Lin Yang himself was also dumbfounded.

"Damn it! It won't blow up, will it?"

The eyes of the girls next to her were staring like copper bells.

Lin Yang glanced around and found that everyone was looking at him.

His scalp was numb.

God knows this thing is so fragile.

After asking a few words by myself, it broke down.

Isn't this fucking touching porcelain?

He absolutely couldn't bear it, and immediately pulled a few girls who were still in a daze and left the scene of the crime.


【To tell you the truth, I was really worried just now that the robot's eyes turned red [and rushed up to give Lin Yang to Karma. I am afraid that these problems can only be solved by mentally handicapped masters. 】

[The most amazing thing is that he can still give an answer. I think the centaur is very reasonable. It should indeed give birth to a baby in the belly of a horse. However, this last question is a bit too much. This question is about traveling from the future Those who are afraid may not be able to answer it. 】

[Through the screen, I could smell the smell of artificial intelligence's CPU. This thing costs more than a hundred thousand, so if it's broken, he's not afraid that the park will ask him to lose money. 1

【Can you blame him? He didn't even touch it, and he burned himself. He can only say that the quality is not good. If it breaks like this, he will have to ask Lin Yang for compensation. Then don't shell it again. Who dares to fight with it? Artificial intelligence communication? Maybe one day we will touch porcelain. 】

Not long after Lin Yang left with his three girls.

The person in charge of the park, Manager Qi, received the news and came to the scene of the crime.

Looking at the artificial intelligence that is smoking, my eyelids can't help but twitch!

Angrily turned his head and looked at the staff behind him: "What kind of quality, hurry up and find out who broke the surveillance"!"


A man and three women wandered around the amusement park for a while, and found that every item has to be queued.

After playing two games in the middle, the girls no longer lined up.

Wait in line for half an hour and experience for three minutes.

No sense of experience.

In this way, several people came to the privately contracted play area.

There are fish feeders, golden egg smashers, small fish catchers, etc...

Of course, the hottest thing is the ferrule ring project covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

It is surrounded by railings.

Rows of plastic benches hold nestable prizes.

The lowest level is the Ultraman toy or something.

After that are cars, airplanes, and then big dolls and even giant wood carvings.

Judging from the prizes, they are very rich.

This also caused the tourists to throw the rings in their hands as if they didn't want money.

The boss and staff are very busy.

There is no time to pick up the circles on the ground.

When Hu Anhe saw the giant panda doll at the end, he jumped up and down excitedly.

"I'm going to get that!! Let's go get the ring!"

The other two girls quickly agreed.

Soon, the three of them came back with 20 circles in their hands.

Hu Anhe handed the circle in his hand and said with a smile: "Do you want to play with us?"

Lin Yang smiled and shook his head: "Play it yourself!"

"All right!"

The three girls stood together and kept throwing circles into it.

This beautiful landscape immediately became the focus of the audience.

However, after a few minutes.

All of them are gone!

"It's so difficult, none of them are caught!"

"It looks simple, but it is much more difficult to set up than imagined!"

"It's so expensive, 20 circles cost me 50 yuan!"

The three girls just attracted a lot of tourists to the boss.

The boss was afraid that they would stop playing, so he hurried over with a smile: "Beauty, do you want to play again?"

"Playing, I don't believe that I can't get it!"

A few people's brains became hot, and another person bought 20 rings.

This time their goals were clear.

It is to put on the one-meter-tall giant panda doll in the back.

However, there are no exceptions.

Soon, all the hoops in their hands were finished.

At this time, only the last one in Hu Anhe's hands remained.

Like a deflated ball, she closed her eyes and threw it out.

Before she opened her eyes, the two girls next to her jumped down excitedly.

"Wow~~ You got caught!"

The surrounding crowd also cast envious looks.

Hu Anhe opened his eyes and saw the snares on the giant panda's feet.

Also jumped up excitedly.

However at this time.

The boss smiled and walked over: "I'm sorry beauty, we have rules for playing in circles, you must hit the head to count.

As soon as the words came out.

The three girls were dumbfounded on the spot.

"Why? It doesn't matter if it's in the sleeve? Besides, the giant panda's head is so big, how can it fit in the sleeve.

He replied: "You don't need to trap it completely, you can put it on your ears!"

The surrounding tourists also began to talk about it.

Those who were preparing to pay to play also backed off.

To play this kind of thing, the rules are decided by the boss.

If he is unreasonable, it is purely to send money.

Hu Anhe was a little angry, and said angrily: "How can you do business like this, you obviously won't give it if you get caught.

The boss shrugged indifferently: "Beauty, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. When I don't give you anything, I will give you all the things I have here, as long as you hit any position on the head." !"

"Ask everyone here, is there anyone who puts on the head that I didn't give?"


A faint voice sounded.

"Are you sure, I can take it away when I get it?"

Everyone looked at the source of the sound.

It was Lin Yang standing behind the girl.

Hu Anhe looked at Lin Yang as if he had been wronged: "Lin Yang, can you help me set up that giant panda, I will buy another 20 rings to piss me off!"

The boss looked at Lin Yang and just wanted to laugh.

Obviously, in his eyes, Lin Yang is the kind of person who picks up girls and pretends to be his boss.

Once this kind of person gets on the top, there is no end to it.

"Yes! As I said, as long as you get caught, you can take it away!"

Hu Anhe immediately took out his mobile phone and prepared to scan the code: "20 more!"


As soon as the words fell, Lin Yang stretched out his hand to stop Hu Anhe.

Smiling and looking at the boss: "Boss, let me ask first, if something is lost, will you buy a new one?"

The boss patted his chest: "That's necessary. I saw those big cardboard boxes next to them, they were all unopened. After reading them, put them away immediately!"

Lin Yang smiled lightly: "Well, give me 200 circles!"

"What?" The boss was stunned for a moment: "200? Are you sure?"


The three girls next to her were stunned.

Hu Anhe realized that he seemed to have done something wrong, so he quickly pulled Lin Yang's clothes.

Lin Yang smiled and patted her head: "It's okay...You should first think about how to take away when there are too many dolls!"

As soon as the words came out.

There was a sigh of relief from the audience.

"Good guy, this is definitely a veteran in love!"

"This forceful frame is directly filled, so you are not afraid of losing face if you miss the next trick?"

"You don't understand this, women in love are all brainless, even if they fail, they will be moved.


Liu Xin and Chen Ling were very sour beside them.

different from what the audience thinks.

They don't think so.

Because before this, Lin Yang had shocked them too much.

It's just a giant panda, it shouldn't be difficult for him.

After Lin Yang scanned the QR code to pay, the boss handed over 200 circles.

Looking at the giant panda in the distance, a faint smile appeared on the corner of its mouth.

He can even cut flies with flying cards!

It is not easy to catch a circle.

Not surprisingly, the first hoop was thrown and landed straight on the giant panda's ear.

The scene is full of noise!

Everyone was stunned!

"."Fuck! Is this guy so lucky?"

The boss was also stunned.

But when he spoke in front of everyone, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and take the giant panda.

When Hu Anhe hugged the giant panda, he was as excited as a child.

The ghost knows how envious the eyes of the two girls next to him are.

Lin Yang looked at the boss and said with a smile: "Boss, didn't you say you're going to get a new one? I'm waiting for you!"

The boss looked fixed and greeted the staff.

Soon a brand new giant panda was put up.

As soon as it was put up, the circle in Lin Yang's hand was thrown out again.

Impartial, it just falls on the giant panda's ears.

Now, fry the pot directly on the spot!

If the first time is luck.

Then the second time, it is definitely not luck!

The boss also knows that he encountered a hard stubble today.

At this moment, he regretted it!

If I had known earlier, I would just give them a giant panda and leave.

But next, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth!!!

The boss is going to cry!

5 circles, 5 giant pandas, he felt that he went to grandma's house today.

I had no choice but to lick my face and cry miserably and said: "Brother, the giant panda is gone, really gone, about I refund the rest of the money to you?"

Lin Yang smiled: "That's not right, boss, it's what you said just now. You can take it away if you win the trap. I still have 195. Don't worry, I'll leave when I'm done trapping."

After speaking, he threw out another hoop, and it landed in the end impartially.

It is also the largest statue of Guan Gong in the audience!

When the boss saw the circle above, he was paralyzed with fright on the spot!

The expression on his face looked like he was about to cry.

Lin Yang didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

Picking up ten circles, the goddess threw them out like scattered flowers.


all hit!

And it's all the large objects in the back.

All the audience at the scene called it awesome!

If you can see such a picture today, even if you don’t play it, it’s worth it!

Of course, the boss is not very good at this time!

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer large objects behind him.

Unable to hold back any longer, he ran to Lin Yang's Dehao and knelt down.

"Handsome, big brother, I beg you, I was wrong, I deserve to die!"

Pa~~ I slapped myself directly.

"I will never steal or play tricks again! Please hold your hands high!"

Lin Yang smiled faintly: "You want me to let you go, yes, I'll do it one last time!"

The boss immediately looked happy: "Okay, you're right~~ Don't go back on your word!"

The voice just fell.

The circle in Lin Yang's hand was thrown out.

Just show it to the boss!

But when all the circles fall down.

The boss fell directly to the ground and fell into a coma on the spot!

I saw all the circles, one of them was quite a lot, and the only prizes left on the scene were all put in.

In this terrifying scene, the mouths of all the audience were directly bleak.

He looked at Lin Yang as if he was looking at a god.

Even if Ju Anhe and the others were mentally prepared, they were terribly frightened.

How can this be a circle.

This is clearly for purchase!

It's just that Lin Yang didn't want anything left.

Everyone knelt down and begged him, and he didn't have to do everything.

Of course, today's lesson, I am afraid the boss will never forget it.

Hu Anhe looked at the big prizes on the ground and recalled what Lin Yang said before.

On the one hand, it is moved, on the other hand, it is happy, and on the other hand, it is a headache.

"How can I take so much away!"

Lin Yang said with a smile: "The three of you choose your favorite, and the remaining 50,100 will be sold. I promise everyone will rush to buy it!"

The voice just fell.

A man next to him hurriedly shouted: "Beauty, I'll pay 500 for that statue of Guan Gong, can you sell it?"

"I offer 550!"


When the boss woke up and saw Lin Yang selling his prize at a low price, he couldn't bear the shock for a while and passed out again.

The three girls each hugged a giant panda and walked together in a hurry.

The return rate reached 100%.

After walking around for a while, I suddenly saw a project in front of me, and there were not many people queuing up.

Liu Xin glanced at the sign above and exclaimed: "Escape the secret room, why don't we play this game!"

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