How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 733 The Reality Is Cruel

Chapter 733 The Reality Is Cruel

When the leap-forward biological cluster formed by the collectors confronted the Zerg biological cluster, the X people on the planet were still in a very confused state.

It's not that the top executives of the X people are a bunch of trash, it's just that everything happened too suddenly, the time was too short, and the information was lacking, which was not enough for them to analyze anything.

From their point of view, from outside the protective cover, the area occupied by the Zerg suddenly received a series of radio messages written in multiple system languages, and it was broadcast on a full frequency band.

Although the barrier can resist harmful high-energy electromagnetic waves, harmless electromagnetic waves can pass through.

At that time, they thought that the Zerg wanted to use this method to bypass the barrier and invade the inside of the barrier.

After all, I just received a report from my subordinates not long ago, saying that the Zerg has mastered their camouflage cracking method, so it is hard to guarantee that what happened in the Zerg-occupied area this time is not a Zerg conspiracy.

Then the Zerg did react as they expected.

But at the same time, it was beyond their expectations. What the Zerg responded was not the biota on the ground, but the space biota in the adjacent orbit.

Biomes disappeared from adjacent orbits!

Of course, it is impossible for objects to disappear for no reason. The X people who already have a basic understanding of the spiritual realm know that the Zerg biome has jumped to other places through the spiritual realm.

In the original space battle, the Zerg relied on their spiritual jumps to force the Xen fleet to engage in ultra-close-range boarding and hand-to-hand combat, and then the entire army was wiped out.

There is only one possibility that causes the Zerg space biota to jump in the spiritual domain, and that is that there are some factors that make the biota have to jump in the spiritual domain.

The xers are upset because the only thing they can think of is that the Zerg are moving against them.

Just when the upper echelons of the X people were uneasy because of the spiritual leap of the Zerg space biota, a radio signal from an unknown source in the universe and the Zerg radio signal made them dispel their panic thoughts, and replaced them with infinite Endless questions.

The radio messages sent from the universe are written in the language of the X people, and the response of the Zerg also confirms that the source of the information is the X people.

However, the top leaders of the X people racked their brains and couldn't figure it out. Now that all their space units were wiped out, why did a group of space units suddenly appear in space?

Could it be some mysterious military project from before? Then I didn't take it too seriously and signed it casually? ——The supreme consul of the X people sat on the chair of the council, thinking hard.

"Are you really clueless? Have you checked past military projects?"

At the high-level meeting, the supreme consul of the X people asked all the high-level X people present, and soon someone reported.

"I've checked. Among all the projects, some have canceled material recovery, and some have been completed but were destroyed by the Zerg. The military project at the closest time to us is the stellar low-orbit satellite that has lost contact."

"The satellite of this project is a product of the cosmic sound transmission project. Later, it lost contact with the ground due to some kind of malfunction. Since it is in the near orbit of the star, it is too troublesome to recover and is left alone."

After receiving the project list from the high-ranking officer, and after a rough scan, the supreme consul of the X people noticed that something was not quite right.

The end time of this project was too late. It was a long time after the Zergs seized the right to control the universe and occupied 90% of the area of ​​the Rocking Star.

"Why is this time so close? The space blockade of the Zerg is impossible for us to send satellites to the near orbit of the stars." The supreme consul of the X people asked.

The senior officer gave an explanation.

"No, this was a project started long before the arrival of the Zerg. The project was terminated after the satellite lost contact. I don't know why. It may be that the heat accumulation of the star's close orbit melted some of the satellite's circuits. The satellite miraculously contacted us again and the project started again."

"Then the project leader sent a distress message to the depths of the universe without approval, and was destroyed by the Zerg after exposing the position of the satellite."

The supreme consul of the X people showed displeasure.

"Why didn't I know about this? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"The dismissal form of the person in charge of the project is signed by you personally." A senior executive reminded in a low voice.


The Supreme Consul suddenly became embarrassed, dare he really neglected it because he was too busy...

The X people are cranky because they jumped into the biological cluster, and their radar is also actively searching for various signals in the universe, so as to understand the final battle result.

However, due to the protective cover, the received signals were not comprehensive, which caused the X people to only vaguely know where the battle was, the specific battle situation, and who the winner was, and they had no way of knowing immediately.

Just when the X people planned to build a very long antenna to extend outside the shield to receive cosmic signals, the battle in space came to an end.

The Zerg sent harsh words to the collectors through the radio, and the Xs could also receive them, so they knew who the final winner of the war in space was.

The first reaction of the X people's high-level collective was unbelievable, and the second reaction was ecstatic. Since the Zerg invasion, they have been living in fear of being exterminated every moment, if it is not because of the barrier created by the artifact , they have really been wiped out for a long time.

"We should take the initiative to contact them..."

"The Xs in space should be made aware of our plight on the ground..."

"Recovering the home planet is just around the corner..."

During the meeting, the high-level exchanges of the X people came and went. Although they failed to figure out where the 'X people fleet' that defeated the Zerg biota came from, this did not prevent them from believing that it was the X people's fleet.

How could it not be? Not why are you communicating in the language of the X people?

So they couldn't help but began to think about taking back their home planet.

The X people government believes that they have sufficient space for cooperation with the 'X people fleet' in space.

The number of soldiers carried by the fleet is definitely insufficient, and the Zerg biome is a difficult character to deal with. A considerable part of the load of the battleship must be allocated to ammunition and armor.

According to the largest tonnage space battleship in the history of the X people, the crew is only 4,000, which is far from enough to fight on the ground.

Therefore, the high-level officials of the X people government expected that the X people fleet of unknown origin would definitely seek their cooperation, because they were short of soldiers, and their side happened to have ample population.

Next, they logically pulled the Xist fleet into the system, and the two sides joined forces to regain their home planet.

However, the development of the situation was somewhat different from their imagination.

The leap-forward biological group that arrived at the close orbit of the rocking star dispersed under the order of the leader of the group.

They lined up in a row, from the rocking star's south pole to the north pole, separated by a hundred kilometers from each other, and looked like a meridian drawn out from a distance.

"Spread antimatter and clean it directly!"

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