How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 734 Horror Raging

Chapter 734 Horror Raging

The celestial model of Shaking Star appears in the network of leaping creatures, and uses the vertical line of leaping creatures from the South Pole to the North Pole as a standard to outline the longitude and latitude of the entire planet.

At the intersection of each latitude and longitude line, Leaping Creatures dropped a penning ion trap filled with 50 kilograms of antimatter, which was equivalent to a gas tank in a small bottle.

Unwilling to fail, the Zerg race relied on the rocking star to make the final resistance. The group of Zerg organisms with a pair of huge pincers on the ground turned into cocoons in situ, changing their own form into a kind that could not move, but could move towards A large creature that sprays ion plasma and acid shells from high altitude.

At this moment, it began to rain on Rocking Star, but this rain was very special. This rain did not come from top to bottom, but from bottom to top, and every drop of rain used a considerable amount of destructive force.

The Zerg's response was very quick, and this kind of unified action was quite strong. Among the civilizations known to the collectors, they could definitely be ranked among the top five.

It's a pity that what they met was a collector who was even more frenzied than them. Leaping into the side of the creature facing the rocking star, many small sarcoids swelled out. After the sarcoids burst, they were densely packed with heat ray cannons. Patients with intensive phobia may be able to see them on the spot. suicide.

Powered by the antimatter in the body, coupled with high-power biological radar, each heat ray cannon is like a sharpshooter at the disposal of all the acid shells and ion plasma that are close to the leaping creatures at high temperature.

The released Penning ion trap has no protective firepower and is directly destroyed by the acid liquid, which leads to the annihilation of the internal antimatter and positive matter in contact with each other.

Fifty kilograms of antimatter were annihilated, the high temperature caused the gas to expand rapidly, and the terrifying shock wave swept everything on the surface, and the dust clouds rolled up by the explosion rose up in the shape of mushrooms, one after another. The flower of flames is gradually blooming, beautiful and terrifying.

For the Zerg, the most deadly thing is not the shock wave formed by the annihilation of antimatter, but the high temperature and gamma ray radiation released by the annihilation.

High temperatures can denature proteins and effectively destroy organic structures, which is a predetermined result at the molecular scale, unless other substances are added for energy transfer, such as using solid helium to cool down like the collectors.

Gamma ray radiation is even more terrifying. It carries high energy, has strong penetrability, and has a natural gene destruction effect. This kind of killing cannot be solved simply by relying on the self-healing ability of organisms.

In this way, the leaping creature circled around the rocking star of the X people. It took about forty-five minutes. The Zerg units on the ground had been cleaned by antimatter to 99%, and the remaining Zerg units were hiding in the The deep underground escaped the catastrophe, but they couldn't come to the surface, so after the antimatter was cleaned, the average temperature of the surface reached more than 500 degrees, and there was no glacier on the entire planet.

The ocean is boiling non-stop, and the sky is also raining non-stop. The entire planet has only passed for more than half an hour, and it has completely changed its appearance...

"They, what did they do? What happened? Who can tell me!"

The chief administrator of the Xs stared blankly at the images transmitted from the garrison on the edge of the barrier, as well as the images transmitted from other parts of the city.

However, none of the high-level X people in the meeting could answer this question.

Not long ago, the outside of the barrier suddenly became a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing could be seen.

Then in the next second, a large amount of air flow washed over the barrier, and at the same time, the ground shook slightly.

After that, it returned to calm, and what greeted the eyes was endless, the sky was endless, there was no cloud in sight, the ground was endless, there were no gullies or mountains, and the curved horizon could be seen directly, and the height of the barrier was obviously raised.

No, it should be said that the ground is sinking, and the land around the barrier has been cut off abruptly!

If you can look down from a more macroscopic perspective, you can see a trapezoidal landform extending from the city of the X people, and the terrifying shock wave is formed due to the diversion of the barriers.

Thanks to the protective shield left by Hui civilization, the X people were able to recover the life of the entire civilization.

"The Zerg couldn't have survived, it should have been done by that fleet."

After a calm analysis, the top leaders of the X people first determined that the attack outside the barrier was an attack. The principle is not yet known, but it can be confirmed that the power is very powerful. This is confirmed by their own eyes.

The first attackers to exclude are the Zerg. If the Zerg had such an attack method, they would have used it long ago. After all, in order to break through the barriers, they have spent a lot of effort, and there will be a wave of Zerg attacks every now and then.

Moreover, the wave of attacks just now occurred in the Zerg-occupied area, and the Zerg suffered the most. They had no reason to harm themselves.

So it turns out that the attacker was the fleet that fought the Zerg!

"Damn! Those space bastards!"

Some high-level officials have already cursed, if there were no barriers to provide shelter, then they on the planet would become history.

"Establish contact with them and condemn them for indiscriminate strikes!" ordered the chief executive of the Xians.

On the other side, the leap-forward creatures that completed orbital bombing began to rob the planet.

There are still remaining Zergs lurking in the bottom of the planet, and the collectors know this, and their work of obtaining information on Shaking Stars is not in vain.

The reason why such violent and direct anti-matter bombing is used is that both the Xs and the Zerg can survive. The purpose of the bombing by the collectors is just as stated at the beginning, just to clean the surface. The abundance of Zerg organisms on the surface is a hindrance.

"Is this what annihilation bombing feels like? I kind of like the rough stuff."

A forager looked at the bombed surface below him, and felt a special sense of comfort.

Another family member reminded, "It's just a superfluous fighting method that the Serin people came up with after brainstorming. Usually, the ethnic groups don't use it. This time is special."

If it weren't for the protective shield left by the Hui civilization of the X people, if it weren't for the extremely tenacious vitality of the Zerg, if it was replaced by a civilization that other collectors have come into contact with, there would be no living people on the planet.

Also, annihilating bombing doesn't help gatherers speed up the extraction of resources from planets.

It is not very useful in war, and it is basically useless in industry. Therefore, in the eyes of the collectors, the tactic of annihilation and bombing is really superfluous.

"Stop talking, start planet landing, now this planet belongs to us, belongs to the ethnic group."

The leader of the swarm ordered in the radio channel that the leaping creatures continued to surround the rocking star, and at the same time threw pieces of meat. The main body of these pieces of meat was solid helium and liquid water. The proportion of flesh and blood was not much, probably only About one-tenth of the whole.

These chunks of meat wriggled in the air when they were a hundred meters above the ground, and changed their shape to become a fleshy parachute. The solid helium and liquid water became counterweights and hung under the fleshy parachute, floating to the ground.

Using solid helium to quickly cool down to obtain a place for development, the collectors who successfully landed began to build honeycombs and rhizomes.

The hive disassembles and processes molecular matter, and the rhizomes do the foraging and expanding.

In the current high-temperature environment, with the addition of a low-temperature substance such as solid helium, usable energy can be easily obtained, which provides great convenience for the breeding of organisms.

The appearance structure is similar to the Zerg nest, but it has different functions. The hive first started to integrate resources to produce liquid water, which is the basis for the development of gatherers.

After a large number of rhizomes obtain the water resources produced by the hive, they use these water resources for cooling, and then expand the mining of other compounds to feed back to the hive.

The two complement each other.

After a certain stage of development, the collectors on the ground gave birth to biological rockets, and countless rockets were launched into the sky and fell to establish new development bases in new places.

Rapid expansion!

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